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st: outreg2, tab option? + logout (re multi-way contingency tables in Stata)

From   Pamela Oliver <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: outreg2, tab option? + logout (re multi-way contingency tables in Stata)
Date   Wed, 22 Apr 2009 10:03:48 -0500

This is a reply to Roy Wada's reply yesterday (sorry, I get digest version, cannot reply directly to a single message): 1) "You can use the -tab- open of -outreg2- to produce a table of 1-way, 2-way, 3-way, or n-way tabulation. . . . .
* example of 4-way tabulation:

sysuse auto, clear
egen mileage=cut(mpg), group(10)
egen paid=cut(price), group(3)
outreg2 mileage paid foreign rep using myfile, see replace tab stats(coef)
outreg2 mileage paid foreign rep using myfile, see replace tab

" [end quoted text]

I experimented with this syntax and got the error message: "option tab not allowed." When I run a regular outreg2 (i.e. after a regression), it works fine. I'm running Stata 10 and update query says everything is up to date. You say the tab option is not currently documented; it is also not currently implemented, or is there some way to locate it?

2) The logout syntax you pointed to in your next post "logout from ssc", on the other hand, DID work. I was able to locate it through findit and tested it a bit. It isn't perfect, but I can see it saving me a LOT of work in some of the things I do. So thank you.

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