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st: DC conf 30-31 July: call for presentations

From   Austin Nichols <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: DC conf 30-31 July: call for presentations
Date   Mon, 6 Apr 2009 12:03:42 -0400

[Apologies if this shows up more than once, but I sent it a few hours
ago, and I don't yet see it at so it may
be lost in the ether... ]

Dear Statalisters--

I am pleased to invite you all to the 2009 Stata Conference in DC at
the end of July, and I would also like to invite you to submit
abstracts for presentations.  Note that the 2009 Stata Conference is
just before the JSM ( and in
the same neighborhood.  The conference hotel may seem a bit steep to
those not used to DC prices, but it is worth it, and it is in a very
good location for seeing the sights while you are in town (strangely, downplays the
Smithsonian museums four blocks south of the hotel on the National
Mall, all of which are free and really superb; see e.g.

See also:
and the submission link:

More details:
Announcement and call for presentations

The 2009 Stata Conference will be held July 30--31, 2009, at the Hotel
Monaco in Washington, DC. The Stata Conference is the successor to the
North American Users Group meetings. It will retain the core of those
meetings---presentations by users on a wide range of subjects---while
adding overviews and tutorials presented by StataCorp developers.

A full announcement of the meeting, including confirmed speakers can be
found here:

Why you should attend

Like past Stata Users Group meetings, the Stata Conference
will be enjoyable and rewarding for Stata users
at all levels and from all disciplines. Users have the chance to see how
others apply Stata in a variety of settings as well as to see how
Stata's developers think. Of course, the "Wishes and grumbles" session
gives users the opportunity to share their comments and suggestions
directly with developers from StataCorp. Everyone has the chance to
interact during breaks, lunches, and at the optional family-style

Call for presentations

All users are encouraged to submit abstracts for possible
presentations. Presentations on any Stata-related topic will be
considered, including (but not limited to) the following topics:

--new user-written commands, including commands for modeling and
estimation, graphical analysis, data management, or reporting
--use or evaluation of existing Stata commands
--methods for using Stata or for teaching statistics with Stata
--case studies of Stata use in novel areas or applications
--surveys or critiques of Stata facilities in specific fields
--comparisons of Stata to other software or use of Stata together with
other software

Submission guidelines

Please submit an abstract of no more than 200 words (ASCII text, no
math symbols) using the web submission form at All abstracts must be received by May
31, 2009. Please include a short, informative title and indicate
length of presentation. If your presentation has multiple authors,
please identify one author as the primary author. The conference
registration fee will be waived for the primary author of accepted

If you would like to discuss an idea for a presentation or have
questions about the program format, please contact a member of the
organizing committee. This year's technical committee is Austin
Nichols (Urban Institute), Frauke Kreuter (University of Maryland),
Michael Lokshin (World Bank), and Mei-Ling Ting Lee (University of

There have been 10 North American meetings in the last 9 years. You
can see the programs and proceedings of those meetings at


Registration deadline is July 23, 2009. You can register here:


A block of rooms has been reserved for the conference at the Hotel
Monaco for July 29--August 1, 2009. The discounted group rate is $209
per night; tax is an additional 14.5%.

To receive the discounted rate, you must call the Hotel Monaco at
877-202-5411 by June 29, 2009, and mention that you are with the Stata

Hotel details
 Hotel Monaco, Washington, DC
 700 F Street NW
 Washington, DC  20004
 Reservations 877-202-5411
 Hotel 202-628-7177
 Fax 202-628-7277

Special needs
If you have any special needs (vegetarian, handicapped, etc.), please
contact Chris Farrar, [email protected], or Gretchen Farrar,
[email protected].


Please feel free to contact the organizers with any questions.

Scientific organizers
Austin Nichols (chair), Urban Institute
 ([email protected])
Frauke Kreuter, University of Maryland
 ([email protected])
Michael Lokshin, World Bank
 ([email protected])
Mei-Ling Ting Lee, University of Maryland
 ([email protected])

Logistics organizers
Chris Farrar, StataCorp LP
 [email protected]
Gretchen Farrar, StataCorp LP
 [email protected]


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