Dear all,
After screening the statalist and some graphical advice literature in the last days I still haven't got the clue:
I need to draw a bar graph for two time series with different scales (e.g. one in millions, the other in billions) over years.
Graph bar delivers the desired over-all look as, f.i., in
-graph bar var1 var2, over(year)-.
But I would like to have two different scales (left and right).
-graph bar- does not offer such an option with the -over-option - logically.
In -twoway bar-, which has the option for a second vertical axis as in
-graph twoway (bar var1 year, yscale(1)) (bar var2 year, yscale(2))-,
I have not managed to override the default result that the bars are drawn one behind the other - I rather want them one beside the other (and grouped over years).
Any idea?
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