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Re: st: Re: Monte Carlo Simulation for Heteroskedastic Tobit Model

From   Maarten buis <>
Subject   Re: st: Re: Monte Carlo Simulation for Heteroskedastic Tobit Model
Date   Fri, 17 Apr 2009 09:54:42 +0000 (GMT)

--- On Thu, 16/4/09, Sachin Chintawar wrote:
> 1. Since I had generated 'ytrunc' as a truncated normal 
> distribution, then to know the bias I cannot tell Stata
> to generate 'ytrunc' based on a equation such as
>          y = b1 + b2*x + u
>      where b1 and b2 are specified. But if I do this then y
> goes to having a normal distribution and not a truncated
> normal distribution.
> 2. Another problem is to develop a heteroskedastic error
> term. 

*------------------- begin example ----------------------
global numobs 500             // sample size N
global numsims "1000"         // number of simulations
set seed 678643594

capture program drop simtobit

program simtobit, rclass
	version 10.1
	drop _all
	set obs $numobs
	gen x = rnormal()
	gen z = rnormal()
	gen e = exp(1.5 + z)*rnormal()
	gen mu = 5 + x + z
	gen ystar = 5 + x +e 
	gen y = cond(ystar < 0, 0, ystar)

	tobit y x z, ll(0)
	return scalar b = _b[x]
	tempname z
	scalar `z' = abs((1-_b[x])/_se[x])
	return scalar p = 2*normal(-`z')

simulate b=r(b) p=r(p) , ///
    reps($numsims): simtobit

hist p, name(p) // should be uniform distribution
hist b, xline(1) name(b)
*------------------ end example ----------------------

Hope this helps,

Maarten L. Buis
Institut fuer Soziologie
Universitaet Tuebingen
Wilhelmstrasse 36
72074 Tuebingen


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