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Re: st: Problems posting to Statalist and "test' emails

From   Joseph McDonnell <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Problems posting to Statalist and "test' emails
Date   Thu, 9 Apr 2009 11:05:37 +0930

I can read it. Loud and clear.


On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 11:00 AM, Sandu Cojocaru <[email protected]> wrote:
> Well, my response to Kieran's message, confirming problems posting to
> statalist did not go through, and it was in rich formatting. This
> message is in plain text.
> cheers,
> sandu
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 9:10 PM, Joseph McDonnell <[email protected]> wrote:
>> I might be wrong on this but I get the impression that statalist only
>> accepts plain text. When I set up my Gmail account, it assumed the
>> default "rich formatting" mode and my posts didn't seem to get
>> through. I switched to plain text and everything seemed to go as
>> desired.
>> Cheers
>> Joseph
>> On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 9:02 AM, Kieran McCaul <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Neil commented on my previous "test" email, so I thought I should
>>> elaborate on this.
>>> Also I notice that from time to time, people sometimes forward a post
>>> from another user because that user is "having trouble posting to the
>>> list".  So perhaps the problem I have been having and how I have resolve
>>> it (I hope) may be of some use to others on the list.
>>> I've been on the Statalist for over ten years and posted to the list on
>>> a semi-regular basis.
>>> My last post before the test post was on or about March 15.  On the 27
>>> March I replied to another post, but my reply did not appear.  On 30
>>> March I sent a post to the list and, once again, it did not appear.
>>> Through all this I continued to receive Statalist posts.
>>> I tried contacting Marcello Pagano to see if he could offer any advice,
>>> but got no reply - he may be away.  Or my email may not have reached
>>> him.
>>> I next tried unsubscribing and then resubscribing to the list, but
>>> although I was emailing to [email protected], I received
>>> nothing back from the listserver. This is very strange.
>>> I then recalled that some upgrade to Outlook had installed itself
>>> earlier, but I couldn't remember exactly when.  So I tracked down this
>>> "upgrade" and uninstalled it, but I was still not able to post to the
>>> list.
>>> On Wednesday this week, I again tried unsubscribing to the list and this
>>> time it worked.  The message I received back was not exactly what I
>>> expected however:
>>> ---------
>>>>>>> unsubscribe statalist [email protected]
>>> Your request to [email protected]:
>>>        unsubscribe statalist [email protected]
>>> has been forwarded to the owner of the "statalist" list for approval.
>>> This could be for any of several reasons:
>>>    You might have asked to subscribe to a "closed" list, where all new
>>>        additions must be approved by the list owner.
>>>    You might have asked to subscribe or unsubscribe an address other
>>> than
>>>        the one that appears in the headers of your mail message.
>>> When the list owner approves your request, you will be notified.
>>> ---------
>>> So this was very strange: my email address on the list was not the same
>>> as the email address on the header.
>>> So now I tried to get a list of members of the Statalist:
>>> -----------
>>>>>>> who statalist
>>> **** List 'statalist' is a private list.
>>> **** Only members of the list can do a 'who'.
>>> **** You [ "Kieran McCaul" <[email protected]> ] aren't a member
>>> of list 'statalist'.
>>> -------------
>>> I have two email addresses at my university.  This is not new, I have
>>> always had these two addresses, but it now appears that on email headers
>>> [email protected] is now appearing whereas in the past
>>> [email protected] had been used.
>>> So I thought I had resolved the issue by changing the email under which
>>> I am subscribed and this seemed to be the case because my "test" email
>>> got through.  However I replied to Neil's post this morning (from home)
>>> and it didn't get through.
>>> What is also not unresolved is the non-response I got from the
>>> listserver when I originally tried to unsubscribe.  I suppose it's
>>> possible that the server may have been down at the time I sent my email
>>> to it.
>>> Anyway I am now sending this directly (also from home).  If it doesn't
>>> get through I still have a problem.  If it does get through, I can't
>>> explain why my reply to Neil didn't also get through.
>>> ______________________________________________
>>> Kieran McCaul MPH PhD
>>> WA Centre for Health & Ageing (M573)
>>> University of Western Australia
>>> Level 6, Ainslie House
>>> 48 Murray St
>>> Perth 6000
>>> Phone: (08) 9224-2140
>>> Fax: (08) 9224 8009
>>> email: [email protected]
>>> ______________________________________________
>>> Epidemiology is so beautiful and provides such an important perspective
>>> on human life and death,
>>> but an incredible amount of rubbish is published.  Richard Peto (2007)
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