>makes sense to plot either two groups of different colored lines (one
>line per subject) or ignore subject and make a profile plot as other
>software does. As far as I can tell, none of the permutations of the
>factors does this, and that is why I said anovaplot is for between
>subjects designs only, or as the help says with maybe one covariate.
>My query was as much to Diego, who seemed satisfied with his use of -
>anovaplot- in a repeated measures context. I was just curious what his
>final plot looked like and from what model.
Hi Dave, first of all I would like to thank NIck Cox for the great job on
anovaplot.ado program, I personally believe that adding a -nodata option will improve
the command even more, and would be really useful to customize the graph as one prefers.
Coming back to my design, I have 3 groups, and 3 measurements per group (actual they are NOT
time 0 time 1 and time 2 measures, but i turned out that the best way to model it was using repeated measures ANOVA).
I run an ANOVA model to study dfferences across the 3 measurements in the same group and to study
the interaction between the groups (a) and the "times" (b).
then I was interested in a way to plot the "repeated" measures per group with different colors in the same graph.
I was able to build 3 different graphs plotting the repeated measures for each group (so obtaining 1 graph per group) but
I wanted a way to plot the three lines together, with different colors, and anovaplot command let me do that in a snap : )
Hope I was able to make things clear, unfortunately I have a talk in 2 days on coagulopathies and have no time to
review ANOVA models as I should : (
but my practical approach could give you an insight on why anovaplot was so helpful to my purposes...
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