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st: AW: use of histogram option

From   "Martin Weiss" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: AW: use of histogram option
Date   Thu, 30 Apr 2009 00:02:58 +0200


So here is my best guess what Linn wants, implemented with -graph bar-. The
-asis- option seemed better to me than to have the -graph- command calculate
my statistics...


//construct the data

//1000 districts
set obs 1000
gen district=_n
//just an educated guess :-)
gen population=rnormal(200000,30000)

//40 % religious districts (your dummy)
gen byte religious=runiform()>0.6

//wealth inside the districts (skewed) (your continuous var)
gen wealth=rchi2(5)

//data construction done

//upstream work

//get quartiles beforehand
xtile quartile=population, nq(4)

//get first graph

//preserve for second run (i.e. wealth)

//get data first run
qui table quartile, contents(mean religious ) row replace
//overall comes back missing so change it
replace quartile=5 if quartile==.

// get label
la def quart 1 "First Quartile" 2 "Second Quartile" /// 
3 "Third Quartile" 4 "Fourth Quartile" 5 "Overall"
la val quartile quart

//get separation
gen byte new=quartile!=5

//get graph
//no draw here, -graph combine- later
graph bar (asis) table1, over(quartile) over(new, axis(off)) ///
nofill name(first, replace) nodraw title("Proportion of Religious People")
note("According to Population Quartiles")

//restore from first run

//get second graph

//second run
//no preserve as we are done afterwards :-)
table religious quartile, contents(mean wealth) row col replace

//overall comes back missing so change it
replace quartile=5 if quartile==.

// get label
la def quart 1 "First Quartile" 2 "Second Quartile" /// 
3 "Third Quartile" 4 "Fourth Quartile" 5 "Overall"
la val quartile quart
la def relig 0 "not religious" 1 "religious"
la val religious relig

//get separation
gen byte new=quartile!=5

graph bar (asis) table1, over(quartile) over(religious,
label(angle(forty_five))) ///
over(new, label(nolabel)) nofill name(second, replace) nodraw legend(off)
title("Mean Wealth") note("According to Religious Believes and Population
//combine 'em
graph combine first second, cols(1)



-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von Linn Renée
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 29. April 2009 21:13
An: [email protected]
Betreff: st: use of histogram option

I want to use Stata to make some nice histogram showing some distributional
features of my data, but unfortunately I have some problems in finding out
how to do it.  I've been able to do the following in Excel earlier, but I
like the look of the Stata graphics much more, so I hope someone can give me
a clue:

Well, I want to use three variable making the histograms. 
The first is an indicator of size for my observations (population size in
districts), and the two other variable are a dummy variable and a continuous
variable describing the districst.

First; I'd like to make a histogram with five boxes. The first box should
simply give me the mean of the dummy variable for all district, whereas the
four next should give the mean of the dummy variable within each population
quartile of the sample. 
Second I'd like to add another histogram under the first one where I in the
same way show the mean of the continuous variable, only here I'd like to
categorize the boxes both by population size and the value of the dummy.
Thus, the first two boxes should give the mean value of the continuous
variable for all districts with dummy value 0 and value 1. The next two
should give the same figures for the districts only in the first population
quartile, then the second quartile  and so on. I would also be nice if I
could add some extra space between the boxes for the total sample, and for
the four different quartiles respectively.

Thanks to anyone who can help me !


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