Statalist archive (ordered by date)
(last updated Sat Feb 28 18:50:03 2009)
- Re: st: Increasing variance of dependent variable, logit, inter-rater agreement
- st: How to graph point estimate with twoway confidence intervals
- st: An Introduction to Stata Programming
- st: AW: AW: Columns of binary variable
- st: AW: Columns of binary variable
- st: Columns of binary variable
- Re: st: Columns of binary variable
- st: New Stata commands
- AW: st: AW: LSDV vs. FE
- AW: st: AW: LSDV vs. FE
- RE: st: Re: xtmelogit post-estimation
- st: Re: replace if and too many literals error
- Re: st: AW: LSDV vs. FE
- st: re: simultaneous equations
- Re: st: Increasing variance of dependent variable, logit, inter-rater agreement
- st: replace if and too many literals error
- st: Upcoming NetCourses
- st: Will Stata MP be faster than Stata SE in a cluster of Playstations 3?
- Re: st: Using -sampsi- for clustered observations
- st: Using -sampsi- for clustered observations
- AW: st: AW: RE: Problem looping over spells for an individual
- AW: st: AW: xtdpd syntax v. xtabond2 syntax
- st: AW: LSDV vs. FE
- Re: st: Increasing variance of dependent variable, logit, inter-rater agreement
- Re: st: Panel Data-FIXED, RANDOM EFFECTS and Hausman Test
- Re: st: AW: xtdpd syntax v. xtabond2 syntax
- st: LSDV vs. FE
- Re: st: AW: RE: Problem looping over spells for an individual
- st: probit & endogeneity
- Re: st: RE: RE: re: simultaneous equations
- st: re: simultaneous equations
- st: RE: RE: re: simultaneous equations
- st: re: simultaneous equations
- st: RE: re: simultaneous equations
- Re: st: Panel Data-FIXED, RANDOM EFFECTS and Hausman Test
- Re: st: Panel Data-FIXED, RANDOM EFFECTS and Hausman Test
- Re: st: AW: xtdpd syntax v. xtabond2 syntax
- [no subject]
- st: re: simultaneous equations
- st: AW: 'cnreg' command to fit Censored-normal regression model
- st: AW: xtdpd syntax v. xtabond2 syntax
- Re: st: RE: 'cnreg' command to fit Censored-normal regression model
- st: Increasing variance of dependent variable, logit, inter-rater agreement
- [no subject]
- st: RE: 'cnreg' command to fit Censored-normal regression model
- st: xtdpd syntax v. xtabond2 syntax
- st: 'cnreg' command to fit Censored-normal regression model
- RE: st: predicted proportions greater than 1 using -adjust- after GLM family(binomial) link (logit)
- Re: st: Re: controlling output in the results window
- RE: st: Panel Data-FIXED, RANDOM EFFECTS and Hausman Test
- Re: AW: st: random draw of single variable, not whole data
- Re: st: random draw of single variable, not whole data
- Re: st: Panel Data-FIXED, RANDOM EFFECTS and Hausman Test
- Re: st: Panel Data-FIXED, RANDOM EFFECTS and Hausman Test
- st: SSC Archive
- Re: st: random draw of single variable, not whole data
- AW: st: random draw of single variable, not whole data
- Re: st: random draw of single variable, not whole data
- Re: st: 64-bit Stata for Mac now available
- AW: AW: st: random draw of single variable, not whole data
- Re: AW: st: random draw of single variable, not whole data
- Re: st: random draw of single variable, not whole data
- Re: st: random draw of single variable, not whole data
- Re: st: random draw of single variable, not whole data
- Re: st: random draw of single variable, not whole data
- AW: st: random draw of single variable, not whole data
- Re: st: random draw of single variable, not whole data
- st: Panel Data-FIXED, RANDOM EFFECTS and Hausman Test
- AW: st: random draw of single variable, not whole data
- Re: st: random draw of single variable, not whole data
- Re: st: random draw of single variable, not whole data
- Re: st: random draw of single variable, not whole data
- Re: st: 64-bit Stata for Mac now available
- st: AW: random draw of single variable, not whole data
- Re: st: 64-bit Stata for Mac now available
- st: random draw of single variable, not whole data
- st: AW: swboot.ado question
- Re: st: passing variables names to sub-programs
- st: passing variables names to sub-programs
- Re: st: 64-bit Stata for Mac now available
- Re: st: Seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) test joint significance with clustered standard errors
- Re: st: Multivariate Multiple Logistic Regression
- st: swboot.ado question
- Re: st: 64-bit Stata for Mac now available
- st: Multivariate Multiple Logistic Regression
- st: RE: AW: RE: Fwd: question about listtex
- st: xtlogit for repeated binary outcome?
- Re: st: Seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) test joint significance with clustered standard errors
- Re: st: Re: xtmelogit post-estimation
- Re: st: "flat region resulting in a missing likelihood" (error message)
- RE: st: AW: RE: Problem looping over spells for an individual
- st: AW: RE: Fwd: question about listtex
- st: RE: Fwd: question about listtex
- st: AW: Fwd: question about listtex
- Fwd: st: Fwd: question about listtex
- st: Fwd: question about listtex
- Re: st: 64-bit Stata for Mac now available
- Re: st: 64-bit Stata for Mac now available
- Re: st: 64-bit Stata for Mac now available
- Re: st: 64-bit Stata for Mac now available
- st: 64-bit Stata for Mac now available
- st: Seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) test joint significance with clustered standard errors
- st: ZINb with endogenous regressors
- Re: st: AW: RE: Problem looping over spells for an individual
- Re: st: "flat region resulting in a missing likelihood" (error message)
- Re: st: AW: double hurdle model with Tobit second stage estimation
- Re: st: AW: double hurdle model with Tobit second stage estimation
- Re: st: AW: double hurdle model with Tobit second stage estimation
- Re: st: AW: simple "graph twoway, b()" question
- Re: st: Axes for graphs
- st: Re: RE: AW: Axes for graphs
- Re: st: Axes for graphs
- st: RE: AW: Axes for graphs
- RE: st: AW: double hurdle model with Tobit second stage estimation
- st: AW: Axes for graphs
- Re: st: AW: double hurdle model with Tobit second stage estimation
- st: Axes for graphs
- Re: st: AW: double hurdle model with Tobit second stage estimation
- RE: st: AW: simple "graph twoway, b()" question
- Re: AW: st: AW: Problem looping over spells for an individual
- st: AW: RE: Problem looping over spells for an individual
- AW: st: AW: simple "graph twoway, b()" question
- st: RE: Problem looping over spells for an individual
- RE: AW: st: AW: Problem looping over spells for an individual
- st: AW: double hurdle model with Tobit second stage estimation
- st: AW: RE: AW: "starlevels" option for regression table output
- st: RE: AW: "starlevels" option for regression table output
- Re: st: AW: simple "graph twoway, b()" question
- Re: st: Problem looping over spells for an individual
- AW: st: AW: Problem looping over spells for an individual
- Re: st: AW: Problem looping over spells for an individual
- st: AW: simple "graph twoway, b()" question
- st: AW: Problem looping over spells for an individual
- st: AW: simple "graph twoway, b()" question
- st: double hurdle model with Tobit second stage estimation
- st: AW: "starlevels" option for regression table output
- Re: st: Phillips-Perron unit root test
- st: simple "graph twoway, b()" question
- Re: Ang. st: AW: var-covar matrix from logistic regression
- AW: Ang. st: AW: var-covar matrix from logistic regression
- st: "starlevels" option for regression table output
- st: Problem looping over spells for an individual
- Ang. st: AW: var-covar matrix from logistic regression
- st: AW: var-covar matrix from logistic regression
- st: AW: "flat region resulting in a missing likelihood" (error message)
- st: RE: RE: var-covar matrix from logistic regression
- st: AW: var-covar matrix from logistic regression
- st: "flat region resulting in a missing likelihood" (error message)
- st: RE: var-covar matrix from logistic regression
- st: var-covar matrix from logistic regression
- st: RE: Identifying coherent periods of events with irregular reoccurrence from a time sequence
- st: -egen- and mata (follow up)
- st: RE: Identifying coherent periods of events with irregular reoccurrence from a time sequence
- Re: st: Identifying coherent periods of events with irregular reoccurrence from a time sequence
- st: Identifying coherent periods of events with irregular reoccurrence from a time sequence
- st: Phillips-Perron unit root test
- st: New -tr- package on SSC: prefix command to trace program execution
- Re: st: Sample Size Calcs, Multiple testing and CI's
- RE: st: Accessing and changing -graph- options in a program
- RE: st: RE: combining frequency tables
- st: Sample Size Calcs, Multiple testing and CI's
- st: R: Proportional hazards assumption in Cox model
- st: Proportional hazards assumption in Cox model
- RE: st: Random Effects Model in Cross-sectional Setting
- st: Random Effects Model in Cross-sectional Setting
- RE: st: predicted proportions greater than 1 using -adjust- after GLM family(binomial) link (logit)
- Re: st: predicted proportions greater than 1 using -adjust- after GLM family(binomial) link (logit)
- Re: st: predicted proportions greater than 1 using -adjust- after GLM family(binomial) link (logit)
- st: predicted proportions greater than 1 using -adjust- after GLM family(binomial) link (logit)
- st: Re: RE: How to solve a problem with globals
- st: RE: How to solve a problem with globals
- Re: st: Re: How to solve a problem with globals
- st: Re: Re: RE: AW: matvlc option not allowed after -anova-
- st: Re: How to solve a problem with globals
- RE: st: matvlc option not allowed after -anova-
- st: Re: How to solve a problem with globals
- st: How to solve a problem with globals
- st: ado file
- Re: st: matvlc option not allowed after -anova-
- st: RE: RE: Re: RE: AW: matvlc option not allowed after -anova-
- st: RE: Re: RE: AW: matvlc option not allowed after -anova-
- st: Re: RE: AW: matvlc option not allowed after -anova-
- st: RE: xtmelogit post-estimation
- Re: st: RE: combining frequency tables
- Re: st: question about histograms
- st: RE: AW: matvlc option not allowed after -anova-
- Re: st: Accessing and changing -graph- options in a program
- st: AW: matvlc option not allowed after -anova-
- st: matvlc option not allowed after -anova-
- RE: st: Custom error messages
- st: multiple imutation using ICE
- Re: st: question about histograms
- Re: st: clustered SE for reg3
- Re: st: Custom error messages
- st: AW: Re: basic ado question
- st: Update to -estout- available from SSC
- RE: st: Accessing and changing -graph- options in a program
- st: RE: Extracting Time from Excel Sheet
- st: RE: RE: question about histograms
- st: RE: question about histograms
- RE: st: Custom error messages
- st: predictnl - calculate mfx / s.e. - oprobit with interaction
- st: Re: controlling output in the results window
- st: Re: basic ado question
- Re: st: Custom error messages
- Re: st: Re: Basic ado question
- Re: st: Re: controlling output in the results window
- Re: st: mata problem "too many string literals"
- st: Custom error messages
- Re: st: Accessing and changing -graph- options in a program
- Re: st: Accessing and changing -graph- options in a program
- Re: st: Symbols on graph and legend
- st: predictnl - calculate mfx and s.e. - oprobit with interaction
- Re: st: Accessing and changing -graph- options in a program
- st: question about histograms
- st: Accessing and changing -graph- options in a program
- st: Re: Re: Extracting Time from Excel Sheet
- st: Re: Extracting Time from Excel Sheet
- Re: st: Extracting Time from Excel Sheet
- RE: st: heteroskedastic multivariate normal regression with ml, convergence problem
- st: Extracting Time from Excel Sheet
- Re: st: Re: St: stataweave
- RE: st: AW: combining frequency tables
- Re: st: Get rid of thin gray lines in graphs
- RE: st: RE: combining frequency tables
- Re: st: Re: St: stataweave
- RE: st: Get rid of thin gray lines in graphs
- Re: st: Get rid of thin gray lines in graphs
- RE: st: Get rid of thin gray lines in graphs
- RE: st: heteroskedastic multivariate normal regression with ml, convergence problem
- st: Re: St: stataweave
- Re: st: Symbols on graph and legend
- RE: st: heteroskedastic multivariate normal regression with ml, convergence problem
- Re: st: Get rid of thin gray lines in graphs
- st: xtmelogit post-estimation
- Re: st: statweave
- st: Get rid of thin gray lines in graphs
- st: Symbols on graph and legend
- Re: st: RE: combining frequency tables
- st: RE: combining frequency tables
- Re: st: AW: combining frequency tables
- st: AW: combining frequency tables
- Re: st: statweave
- st: combining frequency tables
- st: heteroskedastic multivariate normal regression with ml, convergence problem
- Re: st: statweave
- Re: st: statweave
- st: mata problem "too many string literals"
- Re: st: statweave
- Re: st: defining current working directory permanently
- st: gevfit update
- st: RE: RE: Plotting the MEAN on a box plot
- st: RE: Plotting the MEAN on a box plot
- Re: st: Plotting the MEAN on a box plot
- st: stset time in months
- st: RE: dropping digits from variables in Stata 10
- st: AW: dropping digits from variables in Stata 10
- st: RE: dropping digits from variables in Stata 10
- st: Plotting the MEAN on a box plot
- st: AW: dropping digits from variables in Stata 10
- st: RE: AW: dropping digits from variables in Stata 10
- st: dropping digits from variables in Stata 10
- Re: st: statweave
- st: statweave
- st: mata problem "too many string literals"
- Re: st: AW: xml_tab
- Re: st: clustered SE for reg3
- Re: st: clustered SE for reg3
- st: AW: Re: question about STATA
- st: Re: question about STATA
- st: RE: RE: Computing local variance
- Re: st: defining current working directory permanently
- RE: st: Re: Basic ado question
- st: RE: Computing local variance
- st: RE: dummy table
- st: RE: RE: replace loop over var w/ if
- Re: st: defining current working directory permanently
- RE: st: chi-square test against a know distribution
- Re: st: Correcting for SEs in complex survey design
- st: AW: defining current working directory permanently
- st: defining current working directory permanently
- st: -variance- option for xtlogit?
- Re: st: RE: Reading and Merging Multiple DBF files
- RE: st: Combining analytical and numerical derivatives in mata -optmize()-
- Re: st: RE: Reading and Merging Multiple DBF files
- st: RE: Reading and Merging Multiple DBF files
- st: re: problems with Windows Vista
- Re: st: RE: replace loop over var w/ if
- st: Reading and Merging Multiple DBF files
- RE: st: RE: Estimation of differences of logistic regression models in three groups
- Re: st: pgmhaz/hshaz output, why does it look like this?
- Re: st: problems with Windows Vista
- Re: st: chi-square test against a know distribution
- st: RE: replace loop over var w/ if
- st: replace loop over var w/ if
- Re: st: chi-square test against a know distribution
- st: chi-square test against a know distribution
- Re: st: how to drop repeated observations?
- st: AW: how to drop repeated observations?
- st: how to drop repeated observations?
- st: suest and micombine
- st: re: generating graph
- st: generating graph
- st: problems with Windows Vista
- st: AW: re: basic monte carlo simulation
- st: RE: Help building an ado file from a do file
- st: re: basic monte carlo simulation
- st: Combining analytical and numerical derivatives in mata -optmize()-
- Re: st: re: Anderson-Rubin test in ivreg2
- st: Re: Newey-West robust errors
- st: re: Anderson-Rubin test in ivreg2
- Re: st: Re: basic monte carlo simulation
- st: Help building an ado file from a do file
- st: hetero-robust SEs for fixed-effects neg. binomial
- st: Re: controlling output in the results window
- Re: st: Re: dummy table - follow up
- st: Re: dummy table - follow up
- Re: st: RE: Estimation of differences of logistic regression models in three groups
- [no subject]
- Re: st: RE: Estimation of differences of logistic regression models in three groups
- st: From: "Grant Peter Kabango" <[email protected]>
- st: logistic and tobit regression with two-way fixed effects
- st: RE: Estimation of differences of logistic regression models in three groups
- Re: st: re: controlling output in the results window
- Re: st: RE: ivreg2/xtivreg2, clustering, and the covariance matrix of moment conditions
- st: passing information to ml lf evaluators
- Re: st: Re: Basic ado question
- st: dummy table - follow up
- Re: st: dummy table
- Re: st: dummy table
- Re: st: dummy table
- Re: st: dummy table
- Re: st: dummy table
- RE: st: Computing local variance
- st: dummy table
- RE: st: Re: Basic ado question
- Re: st: Re: Basic ado question
- RE: st: Jackknifing on Stata
- Re: st: Re: Basic ado question
- Re: st: Re: basic monte carlo simulation
- Re: st: Re: basic monte carlo simulation
- st: Are XTFEVD Estimates and WITHIN Followed by BETWEEN Estimates the Same?
- RE: st: getting the constant in outreg2
- Re: st: Meaning of ! following * at the top of an ado file
- st: Re: Basic ado question
- st: Basic ado question
- st: Re: basic monte carlo simulation
- Re: st: Meaning of ! following * at the top of an ado file
- st: basic monte carlo simulation
- RE:RE: st: Computing local variance
- RE: st: Computing local variance
- Re: st: re: controlling output in the results window
- Re: st: Estimation of differences of logistic regression models in three groups
- st: Meaning of ! following * at the top of an ado file
- st: Computing local variance
- st: hetero-robust SEs for fixed-effects neg. binomial
- Re: st: Correcting for SEs in complex survey design
- Re: st: Re: Fwd: AW: Really basic question
- Re: st: AW: Weighted Least Squares - wls0
- st: Re: getting the constant in outreg2
- st: getting the constant in outreg2
- Re: st: Fwd: AW: Really basic question
- st: Re: Fwd: AW: Really basic question
- Re: st: Fwd: AW: Really basic question
- st: Correcting for SEs in complex survey design
- st: Fwd: AW: Really basic question
- Re: st: AW: Really basic question
- st: AW: Really basic question
- RE: st: RE: Quantile regression with stata
- st: model build methodology
- st: RE: Statalist
- Re: st: RE: Quantile regression with stata
- Re: st: Statalist
- st: AW: Statalist
- st: Statalist
- RE: st: AW: compare files, vars only
- AW: st: AW: compare files, vars only
- st: -csipolate- available on SSC for cubic spline interpolation
- RE: st: AW: compare files, vars only
- Re: st: Jackknifing on Stata
- st: Nested logit with three levels, some degenerate branches
- Re: st: Jackknifing on Stata
- AW: st: AW: compare files, vars only
- Re: st: AW: Weighted Least Squares - wls0
- Re: st: Jackknifing on Stata
- AW: st: AW: Weighted Least Squares - wls0
- RE: st: Jackknifing on Stata
- Re: st: Jackknifing on Stata
- Re: st: AW: Weighted Least Squares - wls0
- Re: st: AW: Weighted Least Squares - wls0
- Re: st: AW: compare files, vars only
- st: -cfvars- available on SSC for comparing variable lists in two datasets
- The blues, missing or otherwise [was: RE: AW: st: AW: compare files, vars only]
- Re: st: AW: Weighted Least Squares - wls0
- RE: st: RE: Weighted Least Squares - wls0
- Re: st: AW: Weighted Least Squares - wls0
- st: RE: Quantile regression with stata
- RE: st: RE: Weighted Least Squares - wls0
- RE: st: Looping with label define
- st: Estimation of differences of logistic regression models in three groups
- AW: st: RE: Weighted Least Squares - wls0
- st: AW: Weighted Least Squares - wls0
- RE: st: RE: Weighted Least Squares - wls0
- Re: st: RE: Weighted Least Squares - wls0
- st: RE: Weighted Least Squares - wls0
- RE: st: Jackknifing on Stata
- RE: st: Jackknifing on Stata
- st: Weighted Least Squares - wls0
- Re: st: sargan test and hansen j statistic- xtabond2
- st: pgmhaz/hshaz output, why does it look like this?
- st: R: Quantile regression with stata
- st: Intra-household correlation
- AW: st: AW: multiple graphs options
- Re: st: AW: multiple graphs options
- Re: st: AW: multiple graphs options
- st: AW: multiple graphs options
- st: multiple graphs options
- st: AW: Quantile regression with stata
- st: Quantile regression with stata
- Re: st: Question about svyset command
- st: sargan test and hansen j statistic- xtabond2
- Re: st: estout a matrix
- st: How can I aggregate 2 income distributions?
- Re: st: Question about svyset command
- Re: st: AW: compare files, vars only
- Re: st: Question about svyset command
- st: merge in mata
- Re: st: Looping with label define
- st: help with xtdpd
- st: Re: Looping with label define
- st: Re: Looping with label define
- st: Looping with label define
- RE: st: Jackknifing on Stata
- Re: st: AW: compare files, vars only
- Re: st: AW: compare files, vars only
- Re: st: AW: compare files, vars only
- st: Any way to obtain just gradient/scores from mata -optimize()- (without calculating hessian)?
- Re: st: AW: compare files, vars only
- Re: st: Question about svyset command
- st: Jackknifing on Stata
- Re: st: AW: compare files, vars only
- Re: st: Question about svyset command
- Re: st: DiD with panel data
- Re: st: AW: compare files, vars only
- Re: st: AW: compare files, vars only
- AW: AW: st: AW: compare files, vars only
- st: RE: Re: determining differences between intercepts after regression
- Re: st: AW: compare files, vars only
- AW: st: AW: compare files, vars only
- WG: Subject: AW: st: Fwd: Interpreting dummy coded interactions with 3 levels
- Re: AW: st: AW: compare files, vars only
- AW: AW: st: AW: compare files, vars only
- Re: AW: st: AW: compare files, vars only
- st: RE: ivreg2/xtivreg2, clustering, and the covariance matrix of moment conditions
- st: Problem accessing -ssc new- resolved
- Re: st: compare files, vars only
- Re: st: AW: compare files, vars only
- Re: st: AW: compare files, vars only
- AW: st: AW: compare files, vars only
- Re: st: compare files, vars only
- Re: st: AW: compare files, vars only
- Re: st: compare files, vars only
- st: AW: compare files, vars only
- st: compare files, vars only
- st: Update to -moremata- available from SSC
- Re: st: help with pctile
- st: RE: help with pctile
- st: xtdpd, heterogeneous coefficients, time-variant heterogeneity
- st: AW: help with pctile
- Re: st: Re: determining differences between intercepts after regression
- st: help with pctile
- Re: st: Re: determining differences between intercepts after regression
- Re: st: Question about svyset command
- AW: AW: st: Re: determining differences between intercepts after regression
- Re: AW: st: Re: determining differences between intercepts after regression
- AW: st: Re: determining differences between intercepts after regression
- st: Prediction after censored regression in -gllamm-
- Re: st: Re: determining differences between intercepts after regression
- Re: st: suest and micombine
- Re: st: Covariance matrix when explanatory variables are estimated quantities
- st: pgmhaz/hshaz output, why does it look like this?
- RE: st: multivariate normal regression with ml, linear form
- st: suest and micombine
- st: Question about svyset command
- st: Covariance matrix when explanatory variables are estimated quantities
- st: Covariance matrix when explanatory variables are estimated quantities
- st: RE: As long promised...
- Re: st: Re: determining differences between intercepts after regression
- Re: st: data type question
- Re: st: Re: determining differences between intercepts after regression
- st: As long promised...
- Re: st: data type question
- st: ivreg2/xtivreg2, clustering, and the covariance matrix of moment conditions
- st: data type question
- st: re: determining differences between intercepts after regression
- Re: st: Re: determining differences between intercepts after regression
- Re: st: Re: determining differences between intercepts after regression
- RE: st: multivariate normal regression with ml, linear form
- Re: st: determining differences between intercepts after regression
- Re: st: Re: determining differences between intercepts after regression
- Re: st: multivariate normal regression with ml, linear form
- Re: st: Re: determining differences between intercepts after regression
- Re: st: Re: determining differences between intercepts after regression
- RE: st: multivariate normal regression with ml, linear form
- st: Re: determining differences between intercepts after regression
- st: determining differences between intercepts after regression
- st: RE: RE: Should be simple yet ... how to write a function?
- Re: st: RE: Should be simple yet ... how to write a function?
- st: RE: Should be simple yet ... how to write a function?
- RE: st: multivariate normal regression with ml, linear form
- Re: st: Spatial estimation techniques on panel data - spatreg possible?
- Re: st: Spatial estimation techniques on panel data - spatreg possible?
- Re: st: Spatial estimation techniques on panel data - spatreg possible?
- Re: st: Left-justify labels => Thanks
- Re: st: How to write a fast code to obtain a specific calculation
- AW: st: Fwd: Interpreting dummy coded interactions with 3 levels
- Re: st: Fwd: Interpreting dummy coded interactions with 3 levels
- st: Spatial estimation techniques on panel data - spatreg possible?
- st: Fwd: Interpreting dummy coded interactions with 3 levels
- Re: st: AW: simple question on two-way table
- st: RE: Should be simple yet ... how to write a function?
- Re: st: How to write a fast code to obtain a specific calculation
- RE: st: multivariate normal regression with ml, linear form
- st: DiD with panel data
- st: RE: How to write a fast code to obtain a specific calculation
- st: multivariate normal regression with ml, linear form
- st: AW: How to write a fast code to obtain a specific calculation
- st: How to write a fast code to obtain a specific calculation
- RE: st: Should be simple yet ... how to write a function?
- st: RE: Problem accessing SSC new
- RE: st: RE: categorising continuous variable and generating mean outcome
- RE: st: RE: A problem with temporary file
- RE: st: AW: simple question on two-way table
- AW: st: Should be simple yet ... how to write a function?
- Re: st: AW: simple question on two-way table
- Re: st: Should be simple yet ... how to write a function?
- Re: st: Should be simple yet ... how to write a function?
- st: AW: Should be simple yet ... how to write a function?
- st: Should be simple yet ... how to write a function?
- Re: st: Fwd: Adding rows in the middle of dataset
- st: Fwd: Adding rows in the middle of dataset
- Re: st: RE: A problem with temporary file
- Re: st: RE: categorising continuous variable and generating mean outcome
- st: RE: categorising continuous variable and generating mean outcome
- st: categorising continuous variable and generating mean outcome
- st: Problem accessing SSC new-addendum
- st: Problem accessing SSC new
- Re: st: foreach question
- Re: st: foreach question
- Re: st: foreach question
- st: Re: foreach question
- st: foreach question
- Re: st: -syntax- options names
- Re: st: -syntax- options names
- Re: st: RE: graph hbox with ylabel(angle())
- st: -syntax- options names
- RE: st: RE: graph hbox with ylabel(angle())
- st: RE: Generate Random Variable Given Percentile Values
- st: re: controlling output in the results window
- Re: st: RE: How can estimate dicount rate for each household in the panel data
- Re: st: estout a matrix
- Re: st: Generate Random Variable Given Percentile Values
- Re: st: RE: graph hbox with ylabel(angle())
- st: RE: How can estimate dicount rate for each household in the panel data
- Re: st: RE: graph hbox with ylabel(angle())
- st: How can estimate dicount rate for each household in the panel data
- st: RE: Generate Random Variable Given Percentile Values
- st: Generate Random Variable Given Percentile Values
- RE: st: re: Controlling Output in the Results Window
- Re: st: re: Controlling Output in the Results Window
- st: re: Controlling Output in the Results Window
- st: Controlling Output in the Results Window
- Re: st: Local Linear Regression with Covariates - for use with RD design
- Re: st: AW: simple question on two-way table
- st: confused with nlogit
- st: Local Linear Regression with Covariates - for use with RD design
- AW: st: Re: Quadratic regression
- RE: st: Re: Quadratic regression
- Re: st: RE: graph hbox with ylabel(angle())
- Re: st: Re: Quadratic regression
- RE: st: RE: graph hbox with ylabel(angle())
- Re: st: AW: simple question on two-way table
- AW: st: svy: proportion [version 9]
- Re: st: svy: proportion [version 9]
- AW: st: AW: simple question on two-way table
- Re: st: AW: simple question on two-way table
- AW: st: AW: simple question on two-way table
- Re: st: RE: A problem with temporary file
- Re: st: AW: simple question on two-way table
- Re: st: RE: graph hbox with ylabel(angle())
- Re: st: Update to -estout- available from SSC
- st: two-way table
- st: AW: simple question on two-way table
- st: simple question on two-way table
- RE: st: RE: graph hbox with ylabel(angle())
- RE: st: Using for within Mata optimize to loop over observations
- st: RE: A problem with temporary file
- RE: st: Retaining factors of a principal axis analysis using eigenvalues
- st: svy: proportion [version 9]
- st: Update to -estout- available from SSC
- st: Re: Quadratic regression
- Re: st: Quadratic regression
- Re: st: Quadratic regression
- st: RE: Quadratic regression
- Re: st: Quadratic regression
- st: Quadratic regression
- Re: st: Using for within Mata optimize to loop over observations
- st: A problem with temporary file
- Re: st: AW: marginal effects and standard errors in count regressions
- Re: st: eqivalent to stkerhaz for discrete time survival analysis?
- st: Using for within Mata optimize to loop over observations
- Re: st: AW: Tiao-Goldberger test
- Re: st: AW: Tiao-Goldberger test
- Re: st: Retaining factors of a principal axis analysis using eigenvalues
- RE: st: RE: graph hbox with ylabel(angle())
- st: RE: graph hbox with ylabel(angle())
- st: graph hbox with ylabel(angle())
- Re: st: Mata version control
- st: Using for within Mata optimize to loop over observations
- Re: st: Left-justify labels for categories, using -graph hbar- ?
- Re: st: AW: double hurlde models?
- Re: st: AW: double hurlde models?
- Re: st: Left-justify labels for categories, using -graph hbar- ?
- st: Retaining factors of a principal axis analysis using eigenvalues
- Re: st: Left-justify labels for categories, using -graph hbar- ?
- st: -xtgee- results interpretation
- Re: st: Tiao-Goldberger test
- Re: st: Tiao-Goldberger test
- st: AW: double hurlde models?
- AW: st: Mata version control
- Re: st: Mata version control
- st: AW: double hurlde models?
- st: AW: marginal effects and standard errors in count regressions
- st: double hurlde models?
- st: marginal effects and standard errors in count regressions
- Re: st: Tiao-Goldberger test
- st: AW: Tiao-Goldberger test
- st: Tiao-Goldberger test
- Re: st: Re: reg3
- st: AW: AW: regress analysis
- st: AW: regress analysis
- st: RE: regress analysis
- RE: st: stata question?
- RE: st: stata question?
- st: regress analysis
- st: Re: reg3
- st: eqivalent to stkerhaz for discrete time survival analysis?
- RE: st: stata question?
- Re: st: stata question?
- Re: st: WinEdt+Stata+unix
- Re: st: mvencode numlist
- st: reg3
- Re: st: RE: Complex Medical Data
- st: Left-justify labels for categories, using -graph hbar- ?
- Re: st: event history analysis with years clustered in individuals
- Re: st: Re: ice command question about interactions
- Re: AW: st: AW: stack question?
- AW: st: AW: stack question?
- Re: st: AW: stack question?
- st: AW: stack question?
- st: stack question?
- st: stata question?
- Re: st: event history analysis with years clustered in individuals
- Re: st: event history analysis with years clustered in individuals
- Re: st: combine two graphs of kernel local polynomial
- st: Re: ice command question about interactions
- Re: st: Mata version control
- Re: st: event history analysis with years clustered in individuals
- Re: st: event history analysis with years clustered in individuals
- Re: st: Fixed effects with a 'future-lagged' variable
- Re: st: RE: Complex Medical Data
- Re: st: event history analysis with years clustered in individuals
- Re: st: RE: Complex Medical Data
- Re: st: Overfitting?
- Re: st: RE: Complex Medical Data
- Re: st: Fixed effects with a 'future-lagged' variable
- st: ice command question about interactions
- Re: st: Mata version control
- st: Re: out of sample prediction
- st: out of sample prediction
- RE: st: Overfitting?
- Re: st: Mata version control
- Re: st: RE: Complex Medical Data
- st: AW: change directory using locals
- st: AW: change directory using locals
- st: change directory using locals
- Re: st: convert adjacency to edgelist
- Re: st: Mata version control
- st: Re: Premier league analysis
- st: Premier league analysis
- st: re: Tiao-Goldberger test
- Re: st: how to remove axis margin from plot
- Re: st: WinEdt+Stata+unix
- st: WinEdt+Stata+unix
- Re: st: Re: Overfitting?
- Re: st: Overfitting?
- Re: st: Re: Overfitting?
- Re: st: Overfitting?
- Re: st: covariance
- Re: st: Overfitting?
- st: Re: Overfitting?
- Re: st: Mata version control
- st: Overfitting?
- st: Data Management for Long Format of Complex Medical Data
- Re: st: RE: Complex Medical Data
- st: Mata version control
- RE: st: RE: Stata equivalent of SAS "Proc Traj"?
- st: convert adjacency to edgelist
- st: covariance
- Re: st: clustered SE for reg3
- Re: st: RE: Stata equivalent of SAS "Proc Traj"?
- Re: st: RE: converting macros into variables
- RE: st: RE: Stata equivalent of SAS "Proc Traj"?
- st: RE: Complex Medical Data
- RE: st: RE: converting macros into variables
- Re: st: RE: Stata equivalent of SAS "Proc Traj"?
- st: RE: -Makematrix- and -signrank-
- st: RE: RE: mvencode numlist
- Re: st: RE: RE: time trend in a panel with very SHORT time dimension
- st: RE: Order Bar Graph Bars by the Over Variable
- st: RE: mvencode numlist
- st: Simultaneous equations in panel data
- RE: st: RE: RE: time trend in a panel with very SHORT time dimension
- Re: st: Order Bar Graph Bars by the Over Variable
- [no subject]
- RE: st: RE: converting macros into variables
- st: mvencode numlist
- st: re: converting macros into variables
- Re: st: RE: converting macros into variables
- st: -Makematrix- and -signrank-
- Re: st: RE: RE: time trend in a panel with very SHORT time dimension
- Re: st: Fixed effects with a 'future-lagged' variable
- Re: st: how to remove axis margin from plot
- st: clustered SE for reg3
- st: Order Bar Graph Bars by the Over Variable
- Re: st: event history analysis with years clustered in individuals
- Re: st: RE: RE: time trend in a panel with very SHORT time dimension
- st: RE: RE: RE: time trend in a panel with very SHORT time dimension
- st: RE: Stata equivalent of SAS "Proc Traj"?
- st: Complex Medical Data
- Re: st: event history analysis with years clustered in individuals
- st: RE: RE: time trend in a panel with very SHORT time dimension
- Re: st: decimal separator - english Stata 10 IC on german Ubuntu
- Re: st: how to remove axis margin from plot
- st: RE: AW: RE: encode question
- st: event history analysis with years clustered in individuals
- st: RE: time trend in a panel with very SHORT time dimension
- st: AW: RE: encode question
- Re: st: how to remove axis margin from plot
- st: Tiao-Goldberger test
- st: RE: Tiao-Goldberger test
- Re: st: Averaging coefficients across datasets
- st: Re: Simultaneous equations in panel data
- st: RE: encode question
- st: Tiao-Goldberger test
- st: RE: converting macros into variables
- st: Re: question about cluster() option in regression
- RE: st: RE: Re: Data Envelopment Analysis in STATA
- Re: st: Averaging coefficients across datasets
- st: decimal seperator - english Stata 10 IC on german Ubuntu
- st: RE: RE: RE: ROC curves for ordinal outcomes
- Re: st: panel-level heteroskedasticity
- st: AW: converting macros into variables
- st: RE: converting macros into variables
- st: Stata equivalent of SAS "Proc Traj"?
- st: Fixed effects with a 'future-lagged' variable
- st: time trend in a panel with very SHORT time dimension
- st: converting macros into variables
- st: time trend in a panel data with very SHORT time dimension?
- Re: st: panel-level heteroskedasticity
- Re: st: how to remove axis margin from plot
- Re: st: a graph named "new"
- [no subject]
- st: RE: RE: ROC curves for ordinal outcomes
- RE: st: re: a graph named "new" now concerning room nomenclature
- Re: st: re: a graph named "new"
- st: RE: ROC curves for ordinal outcomes
- st: ROC curves for ordinal outcomes
- Re: st: re: a graph named "new"
- st: re: a graph named "new"
- Re: st: Stanard Error for Difference in Difference cross-tabulation
- st: a graph named "new"
- Re: st: Re: encode question
- st: Re: encode question
- Re: st: encode question
- Re: st: encode question
- Re: st: encode question
- st: Re: encode question
- Re: st: how to remove axis margin from plot
- st: encode question
- st: Re: Averaging coefficients across datasets
- st: Re: Averaging coefficients across datasets
- st: Averaging coefficients across datasets
- st: how to remove axis margin from plot
- Re: st: Average age at first occurrence analysis
- st: panel-level heteroskedasticity
- Re: st: RE: Bar chart to display results from crosstabs
- Re: st: RE: Bar chart to display results from crosstabs
- Re: st: RE: Re: two steps of writing commands
- st: RE: Bar chart to display results from crosstabs
- st: Bar chart to display results from crosstabs
- st: AW: RE: RE: The Conway-Maxwell Poisson Regression
- st: RE: RE: The Conway-Maxwell Poisson Regression
- st: RE: RE: RE: The Conway-Maxwell Poisson Regression
- st: AW: RE: Re: How does -kwallis2- compute adjusted p-values for significance?
- st: RE: Re: How does -kwallis2- compute adjusted p-values for significance?
- Re: st: question about cluster() option in regression
- st: AW: question about cluster() option in regression
- st: question about cluster() option in regression
- st: Re: How does -kwallis2- compute adjusted p-values for significance?
- Re: st: Stanard Error for Difference in Difference cross-tabulation
- st: AW: RE: two steps of writting commands
- st: RE: two steps of writting commands
- st: RE: re: breaks in linear plots
- st: Update to -oaxaca- available from SSC
- st: RE: The Conway-Maxwell Poisson Regression
- st: RE: Re: two steps of writing commands
- st: competing risk models combined with multiple failure model
- st: Re: two steps of writing commands
- st: Re: How does -kwallis2- compute adjusted p-values for significance?
- st: Re: percent of time a
- Re: st: Stanard Error for Difference in Difference cross-tabulation
- st: R: Average age at first occurrence analysis
- Re: st: Fixing the value in egen command
- st: two steps of writting commands
- st: RE: Average age at first occurrence analysis
- Re: st: A useful boxplot
- st: A useful boxplot
- st: re: breaks in linear plots
- st: Average age at first occurrence analysis
- Re: st: SV: Latent variable DVs in gllamm
- Re: st: SV: Latent variable DVs in gllamm
- st: The Conway-Maxwell Poisson Regression
- Re: st: SV: Latent variable DVs in gllamm
- st: RE: breaks in linear plots
- st: breaks in linear plots
- st: RE: How does -kwallis2- compute adjusted p-values for significance?
- RE: st: Fixing the value in egen command
- st: RE: RE: Re: percent of time a
- Re: st: Mata st_store problem with selectvar (using mm_root)
- Re: st: RE: forval question again
- Re: st: SV: Latent variable DVs in gllamm
- Re: st: RE: forval question again
- st: Re: forval question again
- Re: st: RE: Non-parametric tests for survey data? (e.g., Kruskal-Wallace)
- st: RE: forval question again
- st: RE: forval question again
- st: forval question again
- [no subject]
- Re: st: SV: Latent variable DVs in gllamm
- Re: st: forval with value of variable
- st: AW: forval with value of variable
- st: forval with value of variable
- st: Mata st_store problem with selectvar (using mm_root)
- st: Re: Simultaneous equations in panel data
- Re: st: How does -kwallis2- compute adjusted p-values for significance?
- st: RE: Re: percent of time a
- st: AW: How does -kwallis2- compute adjusted p-values for significance?
- AW: st: Fixing the value in egen command
- Re: st: Fixing the value in egen command
- st: How does -kwallis2- compute adjusted p-values for significance?
- AW: AW: st: Re: estout and xtlogit
- Re: AW: st: Re: estout and xtlogit
- st: SV: AW: Common legend with -graph combine-
- st: AW: Common legend with -graph combine-
- st: Common legend with -graph combine-
- st: Re: percent of time a
- Re: st: Estimating rare event logistic model (Relogit) with instrumental variable
- st: RE: Non-parametric tests for survey data? (e.g., Kruskal-Wallace)
- AW: st: Re: estout and xtlogit
- Re: st: Re: estout and xtlogit
- AW: st: Re: estout and xtlogit
- st: SV: Latent variable DVs in gllamm
- Re: st: Re: estout and xtlogit
- st: Latent variable DVs in gllamm
- Re: st: Non-parametric tests for survey data? (e.g., Kruskal-Wallace)
- Re: st: RE: Questions about -triplot-
- Re: st: Problem with -metareg-
- Re: st: Detecting collinearity during regression analysis
- st: RE: Non-parametric tests for survey data? (e.g., Kruskal-Wallace)
- st: RE: Bivaraite versus univariate definition
- st: Non-parametric tests for survey data? (e.g., Kruskal-Wallace)
- Re: st: Detecting collinearity during regression analysis
- st: RE: Re: RE: Creating a variable (cumulative revenue by title)
- st: Re: RE: Creating a variable (cumulative revenue by title)
- st: RE: Creating a variable (cumulative revenue by title)
- st: RE: RE: Percent of time a
- st: Re: Re: How does -kwallis2- compute adjusted p-values for significance?
- st: RE: Percent of time a
- st: RE: Questions about -triplot-
- st: Re: How does -kwallis2- compute adjusted p-values for significance?
- st: Percent of time a
- st: Re: Detecting collinearity during regression analysis
- RE: st: STATA Spatial autocorrelation LM tests
- Re: st: STATA Spatial autocorrelation LM tests
- st: Detecting collinearity during regression analysis
- st: Problem with -metareg-
- st: estout and xtlogit
- st: Bivaraite versus univariate definition
- st: How does -kwallis2- compute adjusted p-values for significance?
- Re: st: Strange -joinby- behaviour...
- st: Re: Bivariate versus univariate definition
- st: Re: estout and xtlogit
- Re: st: STATA Spatial autocorrelation LM tests
- st: Bivariate versus univariate definition
- st: Creating a variable (cumulative revenue by title)
- Re: st: xtmixed: cov structure for within REs
- st: estout and xtlogit
- st: re: Linear regression using Mata optimize
- Re: st: xtmixed: cov structure for within REs
- Re: st: Stanard Error for Difference in Difference cross-tabulation
- Re: st: Re: Fischer's exact when the expected counts are known
- Re: st: Stanard Error for Difference in Difference cross-tabulation
- Re: st: Linear regression using Mata optimize
- RE: st: Integral graphs
- st: Stanard Error for Difference in Difference cross-tabulation
- st: STATA Spatial autocorrelation LM tests
- Re: st: Linear regression using Mata optimize
- Re: st: Adding variables not in the coefficients for outreg2 or estout
- st: re: Linear regression using Mata optimize
- st: Update to -estout- available from SSC
- Re: st: Re: Fischer's exact when the expected counts are known
- Re: st: Strange -joinby- behaviour...
- st: Update to -moremata- available from SSC
- AW: st: tobit and xi (xi3): standard errors
- Re: st: tobit and xi (xi3): standard errors
- Re: st: Strange -joinby- behaviour...
- st: AW: tobit and xi (xi3): standard errors
- st: tobit and xi (xi3): standard errors
- st: use of arrows instead of legend
- st: AW: use of arrows instead of legend
- Re: st: estout a matrix
- AW: st: estout a matrix
- Re: st: Integral graphs
- AW: st: estout a matrix
- Re: st: estout a matrix
- st: AW: estout a matrix
- Re: st: Re: Linear regression using Mata optimize
- RE: st: RE: FWD: poisson regression on aggrgregated data
- st: Integral graphs
- RE: st: RE: FWD: poisson regression on aggrgregated data
- RE: st: RE: FWD: poisson regression on aggrgregated data
- Re: st: Interaction terms in fixed effects analysis
- RE: st: RE: FWD: poisson regression on aggrgregated data
- st: estout a matrix
- st: Update to -fre- available from SSC
- st: Questions about -triplot-
- RE: st: Re: How to detect the change of i over t?
- RE: st: RE: FWD: poisson regression on aggrgregated data
- st: psmatch2 caliper match weights
- Re: st: Re: Fischer's exact when the expected counts are known
- Re: st: Re: Fischer's exact when the expected counts are known
- st: xtmixed: cov structure for within REs
- st: Re: Linear regression using Mata optimize
- st: Re: Fischer's exact when the expected counts are known
- st: Fischer's exact when the expected counts are known
- Re: st: -triplot- revised on SSC
- st: Linear regression using Mata optimize
- st: RE: RE: interpretting log transformed co-efficients
- Re: st: estimating multiple, correlated dep vars from the same model
- st: estimating multiple, correlated dep vars from the same model
- st: -triplot- revised on SSC
- RE: st: RE: Re: How to detect the change of i over t?
- Re: st: Estimating rare event logistic model (Relogit) with instrumental variable
- Re: st: Strange -joinby- behaviour...
- Re: st: RE: Re: How to detect the change of i over t?
- st: -clogithet- updated on SSC
- RE: st: RE: FWD: poisson regression on aggrgregated data
- st: RE: Re: How to detect the change of i over t?
- st: RE: Filling in gaps in time variable
- st: RE: interpretting log transformed co-efficients
- Re: st: esttab models in rows tex output
- Re: st: esttab-combining crude and adjusted results in two columns
- Re: st: reading data with missing obs
- Re: st: interpretting log transformed co-efficients
- st: RE: FWD: poisson regression on aggrgregated data
- st: R: interpretting log transformed co-efficients
- st: re: interpretting log transformed co-efficients
- st: AW: Filling in gaps in time variable
- st: Filling in gaps in time variable
- Re: st: Estimating rare event logistic model (Relogit) with instrumental variable
- Re: st: Interaction terms in fixed effects analysis
- Re: st: interpretting log transformed co-efficients
- Re: st: Interaction term in OLS regression
- Re: st: RE: re:linear regression with robust variance estimation
- st: interpretting log transformed co-efficients
- st: AW: Re: Estimating rare event logistic model (Relogit) with instrumental variable
- Re: st: Strange -joinby- behaviour...
- st: Re: Estimating rare event logistic model (Relogit) with instrumental variable
- Re: st: oprobit marginal effects with interactions
- Re: st: oprobit marginal effects with interactions
- Re: st: oprobit marginal effects with interactions
- Re: st: oprobit marginal effects with interactions
- st: Re: oprobit marginal effects with interactions
- Re: st: oprobit marginal effects with interactions
- Re: st: oprobit marginal effects with interactions
- st: cumulative moving sum when there are repeated date values
- st: oprobit marginal effects with interactions
- st: Estimating rare event logistic model (Relogit) with instrumental variable
- Re: st: Interaction terms in fixed effects analysis
- st: Interaction term in OLS regression
- st: FWD: poisson regression on aggrgregated data
- st: Re: How to detect the change of i over t?
- st: reading data with missing obs
- Re: st: Interaction terms in fixed effects analysis
- st: Interaction terms in fixed effects analysis
- st: How to detect the change of i over t?
- Re: st: RE: data reorganization
- st: RE: data reorganization
- st: data reorganization
- Re: AW: AW: st: round () if
- st: re: prediction in loglinear regression model
- st: update sheafcoef
- st: prediction in loglinear regression model
- st: Re:
- st: Re:
- st: RE:
- Re: st: Marginal effect after -clogit- and -xtlogit-
- [no subject]
- st: AUTO: Jaai Parasnis is out of the office.
- Re: st: Fw: gllamm for simultaneous equation model with panel data
- Re: st: Interpretation of log transformed variables in logistic regression?
- st: Stirling's approximation
- Re: st: Fw: Multiple mediation
- Re: st: Fw: Multiple mediation
- st: Bradley Fedy is out of the office.
- Re: st: Marginal effect after -clogit- and -xtlogit-
- Re: st: Marginal effect after -clogit- and -xtlogit-
- Re: st: Fw: Multiple mediation
- Re: st: Marginal effect after -clogit- and -xtlogit-
- st: Marginal effect after -clogit- and -xtlogit-
- Re: st: Fw: Multiple mediation
- st: Stcurve output formula
- Re: st: Re: xtivreg2 Error message "error: no regressors specified" r(102)
- Re: st: combine two graphs of kernel local polynomial
- Re: st: Fw: Multiple mediation
- st: Re: xtivreg2 Error message "error: no regressors specified" r(102)
- Re: st: Fw: Multiple mediation
- Re: st: combine two graphs of kernel local polynomial
- st: xtivreg2 Error message "error: no regressors specified" r(102)
- Re: AW: st: round () if
- st: RE: combine two graphs of kernel local polynomial
- st: Fw: Multiple mediation
- st: combine two graphs of kernel local polynomial
- RE: st: RE: Hatched bars, again
- AW: AW: st: round () if
- Re: st: Interpretation of log transformed variables in logistic regression?
- Re: AW: st: round () if
- AW: st: round () if
- Re: st: round () if
- st: Strange -joinby- behaviour...
- st: R: linear regression with robust variance estimation
- st: round () if
- st: AW: Interpretation of log transformed variables in logistic regression?
- Re: st: Re: Bug in -use- or -if- ?
- st: Scatter plot with marker labels: unexpected result
- st: Interpretation of log transformed variables in logistic regression?
- Re: st: Problems with -triplot-
- Re: st: Fitting the integral of an unknown function
- Re: st: RE: Hatched bars, again
- RE: st: Problems with -triplot-
- st: RE: Hatched bars, again
- st: RE: re:linear regression with robust variance estimation
- st: RE: RE: Fitting the integral of a unknown function
- st: AW: linear regression with robust variance estimation
- st: re:linear regression with robust variance estimation
- st: linear regression with robust variance estimation
- RE: st: Problems with -triplot-
- RE: st: RE: which variables are in the model?
- Re: st: RE: which variables are in the model?
- Re: st: Fitting the integral of a unknown function
- AW: st: suest after probit or oprobit?
- st: AUTO: Jaai Parasnis is out of the office.
- Re: st: RE: which variables are in the model?
- Re: st: RE: which variables are in the model?
- Re: st: suest after probit or oprobit?
- Re: st: Fitting the integral of a unknown function
- Re: st: Problems with -triplot-
- st: RE: Fitting the integral of a unknown function
- st: Problems with -triplot-
- Re: st: Hatched bars, again
- Re: st: Fitting the integral of a unknown function
- RE: st: which variables are in the model?
- Re: st: which variables are in the model?
- Re: st: Fitting the integral of a unknown function
- st: Fitting the integral of a unknown function
- RE: st: which variables are in the model?
- Re: st: table & chi-square from multiply imputed survey data (-ice-, -mim-) [repost]
- Re: st: table & chi-square from multiply imputed survey data (-ice-, -mim-) [repost]
- st: MVTOBIT, how to specify initial values for the correlation matrix
- Re: st: table & chi-square from multiply imputed survey data (-ice-, -mim-) [repost]
- Re: st: which variables are in the model?
- RE: st: which variables are in the model?
- Re: st: which variables are in the model?
- st: Hatched bars, again
- st: RE: which variables are in the model?
- Re: st: which variables are in the model?
- st: which variables are in the model?
- st: New packages for spatial data analysis
- st: RE: Dataset reorganization
- Re: st: large numbers in comb(n,k) function: no success
- Re: st: large numbers in comb(n,k) function: no success
- Re: st: large numbers in comb(n,k) function: no success
- st: Dataset reorganization
- Re: st: large numbers in comb(n,k) function: no success
- Re: st: Re: Bug in -use- or -if- ?
- Re: st: chi2 test for trend with survey data
- Re: st: RE: large numbers in comb(n,k) function: no success
- Re: st: Problems in generetaing a variable
- Re: st: RE: large numbers in comb(n,k) function: no success
- Re: st: RE: large numbers in comb(n,k) function: no success
- Re: st: RE: large numbers in comb(n,k) function: no success
- R: st: R: Kaplan meier graphs
- Re: st: R: Kaplan meier graphs
- Re: st: RE: large numbers in comb(n,k) function: no success
- Re: st: R: Kaplan meier graphs
- Re: st: R: Kaplan meier graphs
- Re: st: simultaneous equations in panel data
- Re: st: RE: large numbers in comb(n,k) function: no success
- Re: st: RE: large numbers in comb(n,k) function: no success
- Re: st: RE: large numbers in comb(n,k) function: no success
- st: RE: cumulative moving sum when there are repeated date values
- st: Fw: gllamm for simultaneous equation model with panel data
- st: RE: Problems in generetaing a variable
- st: RE: RE: Code to generate a difficult variable
- st: RE: large numbers in comb(n,k) function: no success
- RE: st: FAQ visible on user-written ados and Stata version
- st: cumulative moving sum when there are repeated date values
- st: R: Kaplan meier graphs
- Re: st: large numbers in comb(n,k) function: no success
- st: Kaplan meier graphs
- st: AW: Problems in generetaing a variable
- st: Problems in generetaing a variable
- st: large numbers in comb(n,k) function: no success
- st: chi2 test for trend with survey data
- RE: st: time efficient way to choose variables
- st: RE: Code to generate a difficult variable
- st: Code to generate a difficult variable
- Re: st: SAS proc autoreg and Stata arima
- st: Re: Bug in -use- or -if- ?
- Re: st: time efficient way to choose variables
- st: Bug in -use- or -if- ?
- Re: st: RE: Smoothing/Spline and momentum
- Re: st: table & chi-square from multiply imputed survey data (-ice-, -mim-) [repost]
- Re: st: FAQ visible on user-written ados and Stata version
- Re: st: table & chi-square from multiply imputed survey data (-ice-, -mim-) [repost]
- st: table & chi-square from multiply imputed survey data (-ice-, -mim-) [repost]
- RE: st: -triplot- updated on SSC
- RE: st: time efficient way to choose variables
- RE: st: time efficient way to choose variables
- Re: st: -triplot- updated on SSC
- st: semi/non-parametric estimation - 'sneop' applicable to panel data?
- st: -triplot- updated on SSC
- st: table & chi-square from multiply imputed survey data (-ice-, -mim-)
- st: FAQ visible on user-written ados and Stata version
- RE: st: time efficient way to choose variables
- st: RE: RE: 'sneop' applicable to panel data?
- st: RE: What's the added value of having -in- subset the data before -if- does?
- st: RE: 'sneop' applicable to panel data?
- st: RE: Smoothing/Spline and momentum
- st: SAS proc autoreg and Stata arima
- st: AW: What's the added value of having -in- subset the data before -if- does?
- Re: AW: st: PC vs AppleMac commands
- st: RE: Re: Data management, years of schooling
- Re: st:compare distribution of a variable across groups
- Re: st: Stationary panel model with variable coefficients
- st: Stationary panel model with variable coefficients
- Re: AW: st: PC vs AppleMac commands
- st: AW: What's the added value of having -in- subset the data before -if- does?
- Re: st: Possible bug with Mata binomialp and variable argument
- st: What's the added value of having -in- subset the data before -if- does?
- Re: st: RE: Using Value Labels to Label Variables
- RE: st: time efficient way to choose variables
- st: RE: Inserting a number into existing study ids
- Re: st: Inserting a number into existing study ids
- st: AW: Inserting a number into existing study ids
- Re: AW: st: PC vs AppleMac commands
- st: Inserting a number into existing study ids
- st: New version of -xgroup- on SSC
- st: 'sneop' applicable to panel data?
- st: Simultaneous equations in panel data
- AW: st: PC vs AppleMac commands
- Re: st: PC vs AppleMac commands
- Re: st: Data management, years of schooling
- st: Stationary panel model with variable coefficients
- Re: st: PC vs AppleMac commands
- Re: st: time efficient way to choose variables
- Re: st: time efficient way to choose variables
- Re: st: Data management, years of schooling
- st: PC vs AppleMac commands
- st: Re: Data management, years of schooling
- st: time efficient way to choose variables
- st: Data management, years of schooling
- st: Smoothing/Spline and momentum
- RE: st: Adding variables not in the coefficients for outreg2 or estout
- Re: st: eliminate blank marginal space with - graph, aspectratio(1) -
- st: Possible bug with Mata binomialp and variable argument
- Re: st: count regression with product & power terms
- RE: st: Individual IDs with non-numeric characters
- Re: st:compare distribution of a variable across groups
- st: RE: Individual IDs with non-numeric characters
- st: RE: Using Value Labels to Label Variables
- st: New package -diptest- available from SSC for assessing modality
- st: Using Value Labels to Label Variables
- RE: st: AW: Area under a percentile point
- RE: st: AW: Area under a percentile point
- Re: st: eliminate blank marginal space with - graph, aspectratio(1) -
- st: count regression with product & power terms
- st: panel CLAD and CLAD predictions
- st: Stationary panel model with variable coefficients
- st: multiple equations for hazard estimation
- RE: st: AW: Area under a percentile point
- RE: st: Area under a percentile point
- Re: st: AW: Area under a percentile point
- st: suest after probit or oprobit?
- st: esttab models in rows tex output
- Re: st: AW: Area under a percentile point
- AW: st: AW: Area under a percentile point
- Re: st: AW: Area under a percentile point
- Re: st: AW: Area under a percentile point
- st: AW: AW: Area under a percentile point
- st: AW: Area under a percentile point
- st: Area under a percentile point
- RE: st: Adding variables not in the coefficients for outreg2 or estout
- st: Adding variables not in the coefficients for outreg2 or estout
- Re: st: stdes, SD for time at risk?
- RE: st: Individual IDs with non-numeric characters
- Re: st: stdes, SD for time at risk?
- RE: st: Individual IDs with non-numeric characters
- st: RE: Individual IDs with non-numeric characters
- Re: st: Individual IDs with non-numeric characters
- Re: st: stdes, SD for time at risk?
- st: Individual IDs with non-numeric characters
- Re: st:compare distribution of a variable across groups
- RE: -varabbrev- setting [was: st: re: question about "testparm"]
- Re: st: eliminate blank marginal space with - graph, aspectratio(1) -
- st:compare distribution of a variable across groups
- Re: st: eliminate blank marginal space with - graph, aspectratio(1) -
- st: Re: text in twoway hist, by()
- Re: st: eliminate blank marginal space with - graph, aspectratio(1) -
- st: text in twoway hist, by()
- st: eliminate blank marginal space with - graph, aspectratio(1) -
- st: RE: ML for a simple estimation
- st: ML for a simple estimation
- st: Overriding endogenous variables in a VAR model
- RE: st: I want to obtain Tables with all categories of every variables
- st: stdes, SD for time at risk?
- RE: st:easy way to deal with "paired" variables?
- RE: -varabbrev- setting [was: st: re: question about "testparm"]
- Re: st: I want to obtain Tables with all categories of every variables
- Re: st: return - help- using stata
- st: AW: return - help- using stata
- st: return - help- using stata
- Re: st: Re: Cox regression
- st: problems with xtserial 'no observations'
- RE: st: estout matrix - super column names
- RE: st: Simultaneous Equations
- st: re: simultaneous equations
- Re: st: Re:generating a chi2 distribution in version 9
- Re: st: Re:generating a chi2 distribution in version 9
- Re: st: Re:generating a chi2 distribution in version 9
- st: Re:generating a chi2 distribution in version 9
- st: Simultaneous Equations
- re: -varabbrev- setting [was: st: re: question about "testparm"]
- Re: -varabbrev- setting [was: st: re: question about "testparm"]
- re: -varabbrev- setting [was: st: re: question about "testparm"]
- Re: AW: -varabbrev- setting [was: st: re: question about "testparm"]
- AW: -varabbrev- setting [was: st: re: question about "testparm"]
- Re: -varabbrev- setting [was: st: re: question about "testparm"]
- st: esttab-combining crude and adjusted results in two columns
- st: re: question about "testparm"
- Re: st: Re: Cox regression
- Re: st: AW: Question about "testparm"
- Re: st: AW: Question about "testparm"
- st: Re: Cox regression
- Re: st:easy way to deal with "paired" variables?
- st: SSC Archive activity, Jan 2009
- Re: st:easy way to deal with "paired" variables?
- st:easy way to deal with "paired" variables?
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