input start_year end_year
1980 1983
1981 1984
1980 1983
su start_year, mean
loc min=r(min)
su end_year, mean
loc minend=r(min)
forv i=`min'/`minend'{
di in red `i'
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rike" <[email protected]>
To: "statalist" <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:06 PM
Subject: st: forval question again
Dear all,
this is a follow up question on the one right below.
I have tried
forval x = start_year[1]/end_year[1] {
but it gives me the invalid syntax error.
As for using r(min) and r(max) as per Martin's suggestion, I don't
think it will work because start_year and end_year are two different
variables. Any other ideas? Here is my question again:
I want forval to loop over the (min) value of two variables. More
specifically, there is a variable called start_year and another called
end_year and what I want is something like this:
forval x = start_year / end_year {
The variables have all the same value but i want to repeat the same
codes across different samples that have varying starting and ending
years. This is why I don't want to put the years in numbers as this
would create a lot more work.
Is there a way to do this?
Thanks in advance.
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