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st: Seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) test joint significance with clustered standard errors

From   Eric Lewis <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) test joint significance with clustered standard errors
Date   Wed, 25 Feb 2009 18:28:47 -0500


I was working on some analysis of an experiment where I am checking to
make sure that treatment status is not correlated to baseline
characteristics conditional on an exogenous category ("level") where
standard errors are clustered.  To get one single statistic, I was
combining variables using a SUR model.  I kept getting a rejection of
null hypothesis, and wondered if the test program is not written
correctly.  So I wrote a monte carlo simulation to check the quality
of the "test" command and it looks like indeed the "test" command is
mis-programmed.  The simulation code is posted below, and you can
check out the high fraction of p values that reject.  Simulations
without the cluster command seem to give a much more reasonable
distribution of p values.

Does anyone know of some alternative way of testing joint significance
in SUR with clustered standard errors?
(Or perhaps there's a bug in my simulation code . . .)



#delimit ;
cap program drop jointtest ;
program define jointtest, rclass ;
	#delimit ;
	est clear ;
	drop _all ;
	set obs 6000 ;
	gen clusterid = ceil(_n*280/_N) ;
	forvalues i = 1(1)19 { ;
		gen var`i' = invnormal(uniform()) ;
	} ;
	egen level = fill(1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4) ;
	gen uniform = uniform() ;
	gen treat = (uniform > .5);
	gen treat2 = (uniform >= .25 & uniform < .5) ;
	gen treat3 = (uniform >= .50 & uniform < .75) ;
	gen treat4 = (uniform >= .75) ;

	foreach level in 1 2 3 4 { ;
		foreach var of varlist var* { ;
			regress `var' treat if level == `level' ;
			* regress `var' treat2 treat3 treat4 if level == `level' ;
			est store e_`var'_`level' ;
		} ;
	} ;

	suest e_*_* , vce(cluster clusterid);
	testparm treat;
	* testparm treat2 treat3 treat4;
		return scalar chi = r(chi2);
		return scalar df = r(df);
		return scalar p = r(p);

simulate chitest = r(chi) dftest = r(df) ptest = r(p), reps(100): jointtest;
tab ptest;
gen frac05 = (ptest < .05);
tab frac05;
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