In -estout- you can use the -order()- option to enforce a specific
order of coefficients. With the newest -estout- version, it is also
possible to specify coefficients in -order()- that are not part of the
table in which case extra table rows are inserted. Example:
. drop _all
. set obs 100
. drawnorm y var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 var6
. eststo Model1: reg y var2 var3 var6
. eststo Model2: reg y var1 var3 var5 var6
. estout Model1 Model2, drop(_cons) ///
> order(var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 var6)
Model1 Model2
b b
var1 .1177138
var2 .0800025
var3 .0693237 .0537963
var5 -.0658128
var6 .007805 .0298289
To insert "Group1"-type rows you can also use -order()-, e.g.
. estout Model1 Model2, drop(_cons) ///
> order(Group1 var1 var2 var3 Group2 var4 var5 var6)
Model1 Model2
b b
var1 .1177138
var2 .0800025
var3 .0693237 .0537963
var5 -.0658128
var6 .007805 .0298289
. estout Model1 Model2, drop(_cons) ///
> order("Group 1" var1 var2 var3 "Group 2" var4 var5 var6)
Model1 Model2
b b
Group 1
var1 .1177138
var2 .0800025
var3 .0693237 .0537963
Group 2
var5 -.0658128
var6 .007805 .0298289
although a better approach, in my opinion, is to use the -refcat()-
option. Example:
. estout Model1 Model2, drop(_cons) ///
> order(var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 var6) ///
> refcat(var1 "Group 1" var4 "Group 2", nolabel)
Model1 Model2
b b
Group 1
var1 .1177138
var2 .0800025
var3 .0693237 .0537963
Group 2
var5 -.0658128
var6 .007805 .0298289
. forvalues i=1/6 {
2. label variable var`i' "- variable `i'"
3. }
. estout Model1 Model2, drop(_cons) label ///
> order(var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 var6) ///
> refcat(var1 "Group 1" var4 "Group 2", nolabel)
Model1 Model2
b b
Group 1
- variable 1 .1177138
- variable 2 .0800025
- variable 3 .0693237 .0537963
Group 2
- variable 4
- variable 5 -.0658128
- variable 6 .007805 .0298289
On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 3:32 AM, A G <> wrote:
> Colleagues,
> I am currently running several stepwise regressions with many explanatory variables.
> Stepwise drops different variables in each regression which causes for me a problem in presenting a neat table at the end with all the variables in the order that I want them. I would like to have all the variables in the table, in the order in which I have put them in the regression.
> The ideal table would look like this (hope the formating will work)
> Model1 Model2
> Group of variables 1
> Var1 x
> Var2 x
> Var3 x x
> Group2
> Var4
> Var5 x
> Var6 x
> For outreg2, used keep(var1 ...var6) to no avail (meaning only the variables that were estimated are included in the table).
> For estout, I get "coefficient var1 not found".
> I am currently tricking outreg2 into keeping all the variables by running a regression first in the order that I want, compiling all regressions and with the intention of deleting the first column at the end. No idea how to add "Group1"-type rows (addnote does not do that in outreg2).
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Apologies if this has been discussed. Searched group|order and outreg2|estout and was not able to find anything. Using stata 10.1 on windows xp platform.
> Thank you in advance.
> Sincerely,
> Anna
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