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st: event history analysis with years clustered in individuals

From   Hilde Karlsen <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: event history analysis with years clustered in individuals
Date   Fri, 13 Feb 2009 15:19:52 +0100

Dear statalisters,

This is probably a stupid question, but I've been searching around the nets and in books and articles, and I've still not grasped the concept: When I'm performing a multilevel analysis of attrition from nursing using xtmelogit, and time (year) is the level 1 variable and individuals (id) is the level 2 variable (i.e. years are clustered within individuals; I have a person-year file), how do I formulate the expectation related to this model? Why is it important to separate between these two levels?

I find it more intuitive to grasp the fact that individuals are clustered within schools, and that variables on the school level - as well as variables on the individual level - may influence e.g. which grades a student gets.

I understand (at least I hope I understand) the point that when the same individuals are followed over a period of time, the individual's responses are probably highly correlated, and that this implies a violation to the assumption about the heteroskedastic error-terms. As I see it, I could have used the cluster() - command (cluster(id))to 'avoid' this violation; however, I have to write an essay using multilevel analysis, so this is not an option.

I don't know if I'm being clear enough about what my problem is, but any information regarding this topic (how to grasp the concept of years clustered in individuals) will be greatly appreciated. I'm really sorry for having to ask you such an infantile question.. My colleagues and friends are not familiar with multilevel analyses, so I don't know who to turn to.

Best regards,
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