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Re: st: RE: Complex Medical Data

From   Eva Poen <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: Complex Medical Data
Date   Sun, 15 Feb 2009 10:32:15 +0000


-reshape- does work for you. You simply need to fiddle a bit with the
id variable.
See here:

egen namevisit = group(name visit)
bys name visit (drug) : gen drugID = _n

reshape wide drug, i(namevisit) j(drugID)
gen str drug = drug1 + " " + drug2 + " " + drug3 + " " + drug4
gen GMMT = 0

replace GMMT = 1 if strpos(drug,"A") > 0 & strpos(drug,"C") > 0
replace GMMT = 1 if strpos(drug,"A") > 0 & strpos(drug,"D") > 0
replace GMMT = 1 if strpos(drug,"B") > 0 & strpos(drug,"C") > 0
replace GMMT = 1 if strpos(drug,"A") > 0 & strpos(drug,"B") > 0 &
strpos(drug,"A4") == 0 & strpos(drug,"B3") == 0
replace GMMT = 1 if strpos(drug,"A") > 0 & strpos(drug,"B") > 0 &
strpos(drug,"C") > 0

And the result is

. list name visit drug GMMT

     | name   visit          drug   GMMT |
  1. |  Jen       1     B3 C3 D4       1 |
  2. |  Jen       2   A4 B3 C3 D4      1 |
  3. |  Jen       3       A4 B3        0 |
  4. |  Jen       4     A4 B3 C4       1 |
  5. | John       1     A1 B1 C1       1 |
  6. | John       2       A1 B1        1 |
  7. | John       3       C1 D1        0 |
  8. | John       4     B2 C2 D1       1 |


2009/2/15 TA Stat <[email protected]>:
> If reshape wide is used, that means "visit" is ignored.  However, but
> both visit and drug are important in this case.  Look at each clinic
> visit of John, he received GMMT at visit 1, visit 2 and visit 3, but
> not visit 4.  GMMT can't be determined by one drug, but it is a
> combination of some drugs.  In other words, I want to conclude that at
> each visit, each patient received GMMT or not.
> I can do Table 2 to Table 3, but not Table 1 to Table 2.
> TA
> On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 4:01 AM, Tom Trikalinos <[email protected]> wrote:
>> TA, see
>> help reshape wide
>> in reshaping, j will be your drug
>> hth,
>> TAT
>> On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 12:22 AM, TA Stat <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> For example, from table 1 to table 2, create a variable name "GMMT"
>>> with the conditions explain earlier.  John received GMMT for visit 1,
>>> visit 2, visit 4, but not visit 3.  Jen received GMMT at visit 1,
>>> visit 2, visit 4, but not visit 3.
>>> Although at visit 4 for Jen, a combination of A4 and B3 is not GMMT,
>>> but she also received C4. So she received GMMT.  At visit 3 for John,
>>> he received C1 and D1 (any combination of drug from Class C and Class
>>> D), so he received GMMT.
>>> I want to know how to get Table 2 from Table 1.
>>> ***************************************************************************************
>>> Table 1
>>> Name       Visit      Drug
>>> John           1           A1
>>> John           1           B1
>>> John           1           C1
>>> John           2           A1
>>> John           2           B1
>>> John           3           C1
>>> John           3           D1
>>> John           4           B2
>>> John           4           C2
>>> John           4           D1
>>> Jen             1           B3
>>> Jen             1           C3
>>> Jen             1           D4
>>> Jen             2           A4
>>> Jen             2           B3
>>> Jen             2           C3
>>> Jen             2           D4
>>> Jen             3           A4
>>> Jen             3           B3
>>> Jen             4           A4
>>> Jen             4           B3
>>> Jen             4           C4
>>> ***************************************************************************************
>>> Table 2
>>> Name       Visit      Drug        GMMT (Y=Yes, N=No)
>>> John           1           A1            Y
>>> John           1           B1            Y
>>> John           1           C1            Y
>>> John           2           A1            Y
>>> John           2           B1            Y
>>> John           3           C1            N
>>> John           3           D1            N
>>> John           4           B2            Y
>>> John           4           C2            Y
>>> John           4           D1            Y
>>> Jen             1           B3            Y
>>> Jen             1           C3            Y
>>> Jen             1           D4            Y
>>> Jen             2           A4            Y
>>> Jen             2           B3            Y
>>> Jen             2           C3            Y
>>> Jen             2           D4            Y
>>> Jen             3           A4            N
>>> Jen             3           B3            N
>>> Jen             4           A4            Y
>>> Jen             4           B3            Y
>>> Jen             4           C4            Y
>>> ***************************************************************************************
>>> Table 3
>>> Name       Visit      Drug        GMMT (Y=Yes, N=No)
>>> John           1           A1            Y
>>> John           2           A1            Y
>>> John           3           C1            N
>>> John           4           B2            Y
>>> Jen             1           B3            Y
>>> Jen             2           A4            Y
>>> Jen             3           A4            N
>>> Jen             4           A4            Y
>>> On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 2:29 AM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> <>
>>>> An example of data would help make this clearer.
>>>> Nick
>>>> [email protected]
>>>> TA Stat
>>>> I have data arranged in the format that each row represents one drug
>>>> for clinic visit. So, one patient may have more than one drug (row)
>>>> for each visit. Each patient also have several clinic visits.
>>>> There are 4 classes of drugs, called Class A, Class B, Class C and
>>>> Class D. Class A has four drugs, called A1, A2, A3 and A4. Class B has
>>>> 3 drugs, called B1, B2, B3. so as Class C and Class D (as presented
>>>> below). Some combination of drugs is called GMMT, other is not. I
>>>> would like to find if each patient has received GMMT at each clinic
>>>> visit or not. Basically, I want to identify whether patient receive
>>>> GMMT for each visit or not.
>>>> Class A: A1, A2, A3, A4
>>>> Class B: B1, B2, B3
>>>> Class C: C1, C2, C3
>>>> Class D: D1, D2, D3, D4
>>>> a combination of drug is called GMMT if
>>>> Class A and Class B
>>>> Class A and Class C
>>>> Class A and Class D
>>>> Class B and Class C
>>>> Class A and Class B and Class C
>>>> (However, there are some exception)
>>>> but not for Class C and Class D
>>>> but not for A4 and B3
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