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Re: st: re: a graph named "new"

From   Eva Poen <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: re: a graph named "new"
Date   Thu, 12 Feb 2009 21:27:59 +0000


thanks for the info. I am not familiar with classes, so I didn't know
about reserved words in the class system. The only thing that comes to
my mind when someone mentions "reserved words" and "class" is that
"drawing room" is an upper class word in Britain while "settee" isn't
(apparently). However, being a relatively new resident to this
country, I might have gotten that one wrong, too.

I find the error message cryptic, though. "invalid member variable
identifier" is not very helpful if you don't know about classes. And
maybe even then.


2009/2/12 Christopher Baum <[email protected]>:
> <>
> Is this like "a boy named "Sue"?
> Eva said
> This is a very minor issue, but anyway: How come I cannot name a graph
> "new"? In Stata 9.2, or an up-to-date Stata 10.1, the following produces an
> error: sysuse auto scatter price mpg, name(new) The error message is "new
> invalid member variable identifier" r(198). This does not depend on the data
> in memory, or the graph command used. Note that "ne", "neww", "New" and
> other variations work just fine. I can create variables, programs, and
> locals with the name "new", just not graphs. I couldn't find anything in the
> archives, or the manuals, but maybe I overread something.
> I imagine that -help class- will convince you that new is a reserved word in
> the class system (even if it is not explicitly declared as such). You can't
> define a class named 'new' either. Perhaps just localize the object to
> 'neu'? The class system sprech kein Deutsch.
> Kit Baum, Boston College Economics and DIW Berlin
> An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:
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