Thanks to Kit Baum, a new package -csipolate- is now available on SSC.
-ssc- to install. Stata 9 is (definitely) required.
Stata has long had cubic spline interpolation just below the surface in
various ways, e.g. within its graphics and within its numerical calculus
commands, and since Stata 9 within Mata, but unless I am missing
something there has not hitherto been a command similar in spirit to
-ipolate- for linear interpolation.
I've been vaguely hoping that someone else would write this first, but
as many Statalist readers know such hopes are often in vain.
That's what -csipolate- offers. It's a wrapper for the Mata functions.
It may save someone working out how to interface those Mata functions
with Stata and how to add appropriate traps and safeguards for
pathologies that may occur.
Support in neighbouring territory for interpolation is here and there in
bits and pieces. For example, an all-Stata command -cipolate- for cubic
interpolation has been available on SSC for some while, while Ben Jann's
-moremata- on SSC independently offers a more general polynomial
interpolation function in Mata. If I've missed anything, so sing out.
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