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Re: st: RE: combining frequency tables

From   Shehzad Ali <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: combining frequency tables
Date   24 Feb 2009 19:43:18 +0000

Thanks, Nick. For some reason, I am having no joy using the -mat- option. This may be because I am using -by- option with -mmdes- and -mat- is not willing to accept (at least in my case) multiple rows that represented different -by- categories. I am still getting a single row matrix even for the first step before I join two matrices.

I think I will do this in Excel.


On Feb 23 2009, Nick Cox wrote:

As I've said before, there's no virtue in simple questions. We want
_interesting_ questions!
This seems to be a question about Excel to the extent that it raises
another question: Can't you do that in Excel if that's a tool of choice?
(No idea from me.)
But there are also many Stata answers. -findit mdesc- reveals that it is
a program by Rose Anne Medeiros, who once wrote a program called -njc-,
for which I am not responsible. Here is a matrix version of her program,
for which she is not responsible. *! mmdesc 1.0 NJC 23 February 2009 * mdesc 1.0 RAM 18 JULY 2008
* Returns a table with number missing, total, and missing/total
program mmdesc, rclass byable(recall)
version 8 syntax [varlist] [if] [in]
tempvar touse
mark `touse' `if' `in'
local nvars : word count `varlist' tempname matrix matrix `matrix' = J(`nvars', 3, .) local i = 1 quietly foreach var of local varlist { count if missing(`var') & `touse' matrix `matrix'[`i', 1] = r(N) count if `touse' matrix `matrix'[`i', 2] = r(N) matrix `matrix'[`i', 3] = `matrix'[`i',1] / `matrix'[`i',2] local ++i } matrix rownames `matrix' = `varlist' matrix colnames `matrix' = Missing Total Missing/Total matrix list `matrix', noheader return matrix table = `matrix' end

Once you run this, you can save its results by e.g. mat A = r(table) ... mat B = r(table)

mat C = A + B

Nick [email protected]
Shehzad Ali

Another (perhaps) simple question: is it possible to add different frequency tables together to form a combined single table in Excel?

I have two group variables (say, var1: type of treatment; and var2: time

point of observation) and 5 use variables. So an observation would be
for treatment A at time point 1. I want to know the number of missing values

for each use variable for each treatment group and each time point. Also

for each use variable there are 'if' conditions, so I can't do the frequency count in one go. Here is what I am doing using a user written programme -mdesc- or -missing-:

by treatment timpoint: mdesc use1 if (condition1 condition2)

by treatment timpoint: mdesc use2 if (condition3 condition4)

and so on.

Now I want to combine all these counts for all timepoints and treatment groups to get a single table that I can export to Excel. Is there any way I could do that?

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