Hi listers,
Another (perhaps) simple question: is it possible to add different
frequency tables together to form a combined single table in Excel?
I have two group variables (say, var1: type of treatment; and var2: time
point of observation) and 5 use variables. So an observation would be for
treatment A at time point 1. I want to know the number of missing values
for each use variable for each treatment group and each time point. Also
for each use variable there are 'if' conditions, so I can't do the
frequency count in one go. Here is what I am doing using a user written
programme -mdesc- or -missing-:
by treatment timpoint: mdesc use1 if (condition1 condition2)
by treatment timpoint: mdesc use2 if (condition3 condition4)
and so on.
Now I want to combine all these counts for all timepoints and treatment
groups to get a single table that I can export to Excel. Is there any way I
could do that?
Thank you,
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