A -log-ged call to
webuse stage5a, clear
svyset su1 [pweight=pw], strata(strata) vce(linearized)
set tr on
svy:prop ymlo
set tr off
to replicate Keith`s problem produces 359 pages of pdf output, which only
contains "gweight" once, as an argument to -_parse expand-... So I would
agree that support is the next stop for Keith...
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von Steven Samuels
Gesendet: Dienstag, 17. Februar 2009 14:40
An: [email protected]
Betreff: Re: st: svy: proportion [version 9]
Keith, this is probably one for support. "gweight" is an option in
the ado file which handles prefix commands like "svy:".
A few things for your colleague to do:
1. Update Stata 9 to the latest version.
2. Run -svydes- and check that the data look right
3. Run some other -svy- commands. -svy: mean- should give the same
result as -svy: prop-.
On Feb 17, 2009, at 5:30 AM, Keith Dear (home) wrote:
> I'm posting this question from a colleague, because I don't know
> the answer.
> --------------
> The gastro survey done in 2002 had weights attached and I used STATA 8
> 'svy' commands to do procedures which worked fine. However, the change
> in version has meant there is a new syntax for invoking the svy
> procedures and I can't get it to work. Would you be able to help with
> this please?
> I have run the svyset command which seems to go OK
> svyset [pweight=newwt], strata(statenum) vce(linearized)
> pweight: newwt
> VCE: linearized
> Strata 1: statenum
> SU 1: <observations>
> FPC 1: <zero>
> Then I try a procedure like 'proportions' and get the following error
> message about 'option gweight not allowed'
> svy: proportion respdefn
> option gweight not allowed
> r(198);
> Are you able to shed any light on this please? (also I am not sure
> what
> gweight is compared to the pweight in the svyset command.)
> --
> Dr Keith Dear
> Senior Fellow
> National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health
> ANU College of Medicine, Biology and Environment
> Building 62, cnr Mills and Eggleston Roads
> Australian National University
> Canberra ACT 0200 Australia
> T: 02 6125 4865
> F: 02 6125 0740
> M: 0424 450 396
> W: nceph.anu.edu.au/Staff_Students/staff_pages/dear.php
> CRICOS provider #00120C
> http://canberragliding.org/
> *
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