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Re: st: question about histograms

From   Richard Williams <>
To   "" <>, "" <>
Subject   Re: st: question about histograms
Date   Tue, 24 Feb 2009 10:55:07 -0500

At 04:51 PM 2/23/2009, Katie Vigilante wrote:
my students are using stata 10.0; we are launching stata through the
university server. unfortunately, many of the students are having
trouble using the histogram command through the graphics pull down
menu; it works fine on my desktop with a hard version of stata

They continue to get an awkward result....the instruction I founf for
this sort of issue were "update swap" but when I have them try this,
the result is that the program fails to engage because it is being
used by another user. I shut down the system and started over to no

it's very frustrating to me and the students and i really wish I could
help them. any suggestions?
Like Nick says, you are probably at the mercy of some IT person to 
get Stata updated.  They may not even know that Stata has an update 
feature, and if not you'll have to educate them (I did).  And, even 
if they do know, they may only want to update their images once a 
semester.  But go ahead and plead, yell and shout, and you might get somewhere.
For other related sorts of problems, such as letting people install 
and use programs from SSC, you might be able to adapt the following 

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
OFFICE: (574)631-6668, (574)631-6463
HOME:   (574)289-5227
EMAIL:  Richard.A.Williams.5@ND.Edu

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