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[email protected] 

Luhang Wang

Thanks for all replies. Nick's solution works!
The circumstance is that my statistics are based on summaries of
different sub-samples and I store them in macros along the way. The
final product I want is a table showing all the statistics I
construct, thus I just want to convert the macros I've kept into
numeric variables.
I know -collapse- provides a way of going from observations to
statistics, but it doesn't seem to be more efficient, or at least
feels less intuitive to me, when I need to work across sub-samples.

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 7:35 AM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:

> Kieran McCaul pointed in the right direction.
> You could do this to get the macros into numeric variables:
> local x1 = 1
> local x2 = 2
> foreach v in x1 x2 {
>        gen `v' = ``v''
> }
> Notice that I cut a line.
> The loop would be different for string variables:
> foreach v in x1 x2{
>        gen `v' = "``v''"
> }
> The key point is that your macros are on two levels.
> The macro v contains in turn x1 and x2.
> The macros x1 and x2 contain 1 and 2 respectively.
> In fact in your example you could do it otherwise
> foreach v in 1 2 {
>        gen x`v' = `v'
> }
> But Martin Weiss's question still stands. Why do you want do this? It
> would be usually be inefficient as well as unnecessary.

Luhang Wang

> Does anyone know an easy way of converting macros into variables?
> I'm trying something like the following.
> local x1=1
> local x2=2
> local vl "x1 x2"
> foreach v of loc vl {
>        gen "`v'"=`"`v'"'
> }
> I end up with error message
> "x1 invalid name
> r(198);
> How to interprete this?
> I guess there is better method to achieve the goal. Any hint will be
> appreciated.

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