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st: FWD: poisson regression on aggrgregated data

From   "Martin Weiss" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: FWD: poisson regression on aggrgregated data
Date   Sun, 8 Feb 2009 11:54:52 +0100


Dear [Redacted],

short answer: I do not know! BTW, it is not clear to me why you want to tap only my wisdom when you can have the entire list. So I am forwarding this topic to the list for you...


Dear Martin

I would like to ask the following question.

I have used poisson regression on aggrgregated data with 2 covariates (in a cohort of HIV positive pationts)

1.year of starting 3+ antiretroviral treatment (1997, 1998+)
2.time since starting 3+antiretrovirals (0-1, 1-2, 2+)

and I have predicted incident rates in this aggregated data using predict option after the poisson model.

Now my question is if I want to have predicted incident rates for patints starting 3+ arvs at 2000 and time since starting 3+ arvs , 3_4 years is it correct to use the same predicted incident rate obtained for aggregated data and in this example use predicted incident rate for 1998+ and 2+?

It would be graitly apreciated if you could answer my question, Please let me know if you would like me to provid more details.

Thank you very much in advance,

Kind regards,

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