My wording is preserved here, so I will underline that "looks like a
glitch" is as much as I said. I prefer not to claim bugs unless I can
see the incorrect code (especially if it's mine).
David Airey
So that is 2 bugs in graph hbox. One I noted in the other thread on -
graph hbox- where the justification option in the -graph editor- draws
the y axis away from the plot proper, and this bug you describe.
On Feb 17, 2009, at 5:50 AM, Nick Cox wrote:
> My experiments match yours. It looks like a glitch in the -graph-
> code.
> You can do this something similar -- but not identical -- with
> -stripplot- from SSC.
> There's also scope for hybridising box plots and strip plots to get
> over
> some of the limitations of box plots.
> For example,
> sysuse auto
> egen loq = pctile(mpg), by(foreign) p(25)
> egen upq = pctile(mpg), by(foreign) p(75)
> stripplot mpg, ms(none) over(foreign) box(barw(0.2)) addplot(scatter
> foreign mpg if !inrange(mpg, loq, upq))
> Although it's not in the code above,
> xla(, ang(45) labsize(small))
> works with -stripplot- too.
tess stafford
> As far as I understand, ylabel for "graph hbox" refers to the x-axis,
> which is the axis that I am trying to modify. The angle suboption
> does
> seem to work in over(var2,label(angle(45))), but this modifies the
> y-axis labels and I am trying to modify the x-axis labels.
>> The ylabel command for hbar is just label() and is a suboption inside
> of the over() option:
>> over(xxx, label(angle(forty_five)))
> tess stafford
>> With regards to the "graph hbox" command, I cannot get the suboption
> "angle()" to work with "ylabel". A simplified version of my code is:
>> graph hbox var1, over(var2) medtype(cline) medline(lcolor(none)) /*
>> */ ylabel(2001.649 "Fa2001" 2002.422 "Sp2002" 2002.649 "Fa2002"
> 2003.422 "Sp2003",labsize(small) angle(45) grid)
>> The "labsize()" suboption seems to work fine, but the "angle()"
> suboption does nothing. When I change the code to "graph box" instead,
> "angle()" works fine. Similarly, "angle()" works fine for the other
> axis
> as in "over(var2,label(angle(45))). I don't understand why it won't
> work
> for the ylabel.
>> Does anyone see anything wrong with my code? If not, is this a glitch
> in the language? Can we trick it into working? I know I can manually
> go
> in and alter the angle of the labels once Stata has generated the
> graph,
> but I will likely be making many of
>> these graphs over different groups in the data and potentially
> tweaking different aspects of them so it would be very time
> consuming to
> have to continually manually alter them.
>> I'm using Stata 10/MP, by the way.
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