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st: graph hbox with ylabel(angle())

From   tess stafford <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: graph hbox with ylabel(angle())
Date   Mon, 16 Feb 2009 16:10:44 -0500

With regards to the "graph hbox" command, I cannot get the suboption "angle()" to work with "ylabel".  A simplified version of my code is:

graph hbox var1, over(var2) medtype(cline) medline(lcolor(none)) /*
    */ ylabel(2001.649 "Fa2001" 2002.422 "Sp2002" 2002.649 "Fa2002" 2003.422 "Sp2003",labsize(small) angle(45) grid)

The "labsize()" suboption seems to work fine, but the "angle()" suboption does nothing.  When I change the code to "graph box" instead, "angle()" works fine.  Similarly, "angle()" works fine for the other axis as in "over(var2,label(angle(45))).  I don't understand why it won't work for the ylabel.

Does anyone see anything wrong with my code?  If not, is this a glitch in the language?  Can we trick it into working?  I know I can manually go in and alter the angle of the labels once Stata has generated the graph, but I will likely be making many of
these graphs over different groups in the data and potentially tweaking different aspects of them so it would be very time consuming to have to continually manually alter them.

I'm using Stata 10/MP, by the way.

Thanks for your help!
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