Tara Iyer replied to Kyle K Hood:
1. Why would one subtract the coefficient from the regression constant in
analyzing the effect of expenditure in State 1 ie. 97.34217
Because, if you look carefully, the coefficient on -perstudent- is
negative. Kyle showed this to you without stating it in his reply.
2. The thing is, I am estimating a different set of dummies with xi (I had
create the variable state with State 1 = 1 and so on), and _Istate_2 and
_Istate_3. Given this, would one still subtract the coefficient on
from the constant fro State 1? Similarly for State 2?
Remember that the constant term, or intercept, shows the 'baseline'
value of the dependent variable when all independent variables are set
to 0. -state1- is dropped from your battery of state dummies because
having all of them in would fully determine the model. Since -state1-
= 0, it is thus subsumed into the intercept. However, if you wish to
keep them all, take a look at Ben Jann's user-written -devcon-
command, available from SSC:
findit devcon
or look here:
To gain a deeper understanding of how to interpret parameter estimates
in interactive regression models, you are strongly urged to read the
excellent articles by Bedeian and Mossholder (1994), Braumoller (2004)
and Brambor, Clark and Golder (2006).
Clive Nicholas
[Please DO NOT mail me personally here, but at
<[email protected]>. Please respond to contributions I make in
a list thread here. Thanks!]
Bedeian A and Mossholder KW (1994) "Simple Question, Not So Simple
Answer: Interpreting Interaction Terms in Moderated Multiple
Regression", Journal of Management 20(1): 159-65.
Braumoeller BF (2004) "Hypothesis Testing and Multiplicative
Interaction Terms",
International Organization 58(4): 807-20.
Brambor T, Clark WR and Golder M (2006) "Understanding Interaction
Models: Improving Empirical Analyses", Political Analysis 14(1):
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