On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 7:42 PM, David Airey <[email protected]> wrote:
> .
> This doesn't seem to work when combined with -aspect(1)- option.
> -Dave
drop _all
set obs 10
gen x = _n
twoway line x x, graphregion(margin(zero )) xlabel(1(1)10) ylabel(1(1)10) ///
aspect(1) name(apsect1,replace)
True. So to get square graph with a square plot region you could
specify the -xsize()- and -ysize()- :
twoway line x x, graphregion(margin(zero )) xlabel(1(1)10)
ylabel(1(1)10, angle(h)) ///
aspect(1) xsize(5) ysize(5) name(apsect2,replace)
If you have legend, then room needs to be made for that in the -ysize()- :
twoway line x x x, graphregion(margin(zero )) xlabel(1(1)10)
ylabel(1(1)10, angle(h)) ///
aspect(1) xsize(5) ysize(5.25) name(apsect3,replace) legend(bmargin(zero))
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