It seems that you are not tied to anything much beyond the idea of seeing a graphical summary of Y w.r.t. X.
If that's so, any number of wired-in commands can get you there in one, e.g. -twoway mband-, -lowess-, -lpoly-, etc.
But they are not always sensitive to binary variables, if that's what you have, so that in some cases the summary can be reported as outside [0,1]. If you have a continuous proportion, the same proviso applies, but less so.
[email protected]
Galina Hayes
Thanks Howie, definitely helpful.
"Howard Lempel" <[email protected]>
One way to do this would start by using -xtile- to create a variable with the decile of X for each observation.
Then -collapse- X and Y by your decile variable to get the mean of Y and median of X for each of the ten categories.
You can then plot meanY against medianX.
See -help xtile- and -help collapse-.
Galina Hayes
I am sure there is a very simple solution to this but it has me foxed. I have two variables, Y coded as (0,1) and X which is continous. I want to break x down into 10 equal size categories (by range or percentiles, doesn't matter) and generate the mean of Y for each of the 10 categories (call it meanY) and then plot meanY against the centre value of each X category. Does this make sense? Seems like it should be easy,
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