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st: table & chi-square from multiply imputed survey data (-ice-, -mim-)

From   "Michael I. Lichter" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: table & chi-square from multiply imputed survey data (-ice-, -mim-)
Date   Wed, 04 Feb 2009 13:58:09 -0500

Suppose I have two variables, A & B, each with five categories, each measured in survey from a complex design, each with about 10% missing data. I want to see a 5x5 table with a chi-square statistic allowing an inference about the independence (or not) of A & B. I can impute A & B (and some other variables at the same time) using -ice-, but then what do I do?

As far as I can tell, -mim- doesn't support -tab- or -svy: tab-, and -svy: tab- itself doesn't support prefix commands. I can try predicting A from B using -mlogit-, but that seems silly. I can manually do a tabulation for each imputation and, I guess, average the chi-square statistics, and, I dunno, subtract one degree of freedom, perhaps? I don't see anything relevant in the list logs. Suggestions or pointers to relevant lit?


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