Just for the sake of preserving threads:
set obs 10
g x=rnormal()
g y = x[ceil(_N*uniform())]
On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 2:31 PM, Antoine Terracol
<[email protected]> wrote:
> You're correct.
> building on Jeph's solution:
> clear
> set obs 10
> g x=rnormal()
> g y=x[int(_N*uniform())+1]
> li
> Antoine
> Austin Nichols wrote:
>> Antoine Terracol <[email protected]>:
>> Except the poster wanted resampling with replacement, so you need to
>> generate a random obs to draw from (for each obs) from the integers 1
>> to N (not simply randomize the order of obs). Look in bsample.ado for
>> a "fast method for resample of size _N"
>> On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 2:12 PM, Antoine Terracol
>> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> In addition to -bsample- and -merge-, another solution is:
>>> clear
>>> set obs 10
>>> g x=rnormal()
>>> g rnd=uniform()
>>> egen rank=rank(rnd)
>>> g y=x[rank]
>>> li
>>> drop rank
>>> Antoine
>>> Florian Wakolbinger wrote:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> is it possible to randomly draw numbers out of a variable x and write it
>>>> into another variable y
>>>> i.e. if
>>>> x
>>>> 1
>>>> 2
>>>> 3
>>>> 4
>>>> 5
>>>> then y could be, for instance
>>>> y
>>>> 3
>>>> 5
>>>> 3
>>>> 2
>>>> 4
>>>> all numbers in y are randomly drawn from x. how is it possible to
>>>> construct such a variable y in stata?
>>>> thanks, and kind regards
>>>> florian
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