Statalist archive (ordered by date)
(last updated Mon Aug 31 22:40:03 2009)
- st: correlated data
- Re: st: Can I read Stata binary files in cpp?
- RE: st: xtmixed with vce robust or cluster robust
- st: Interpretation of Variace Estimates (xtmixed)
- Re: st: Re: laptop specs
- Re: st: combining summary and correlation tables using estout
- st: RE: Time to Event/Survival Analysis Question
- st: Re: laptop specs
- Re: st: sts graph on a Mac
- Re: st: Can I read Stata binary files in cpp?
- Re: st: sts graph on a Mac
- Re: st: xtmixed with vce robust or cluster robust
- Re: st: xtmixed with vce robust or cluster robust
- Re: st: RE: Decrease range of y axis
- Re: st: Logit and the Clustered Bootstrap
- RE: st: xtmixed with vce robust or cluster robust
- Re: st: spatial analysis - DISTANCE
- RE: st: RE: Decrease range of y axis
- Re: st: RE: Decrease range of y axis
- Re: st: RE: Decrease range of y axis
- Re: st: Snow Leopard breaks Stata file util commands
- Re: st: Equivalent STATA cmmand for "ADD FILES" in SPSS
- Re: st: Snow Leopard breaks Stata file util commands
- Re: st: Logit and the Clustered Bootstrap
- Re: st: Translating R codes to stata
- Re: st: xtmixed with vce robust or cluster robust
- RE: st: Translating R codes to stata
- st: RE: Can I read Stata binary files in cpp?
- RE: st: spatial analysis - DISTANCE
- Re: st: How to choose consistent starting values
- Re: st: sts graph on a Mac
- st: RE: Marginal Effect Probit - percent points?
- st: Translating R codes to stata
- Re: st: Snow Leopard breaks Stata file util commands
- Re: st: Snow Leopard breaks Stata file util commands
- Re: st: Marginal Effect Probit - percent points?
- st: How to choose consistent starting values
- Re: st: Snow Leopard breaks Stata file util commands
- st: Marginal Effect Probit - percent points?
- st: sts graph on a Mac
- Re: st: spatial analysis - DISTANCE
- Re: st: DEA in Stata - where is the package?
- Re: st: Snow Leopard breaks Stata file util commands
- Re: st: Snow Leopard breaks Stata file util commands
- st: AW: Request for Help - Heckman Self Selection
- st: Request for Help - Heckman Self Selection
- Re: st: Raschtest
- st: DEA in Stata - where is the package?
- st: AW: Decrease range of y axis
- SV: st: Survey data
- st: RE: Decrease range of y axis
- st: Decrease range of y axis
- Re: st: Snow Leopard breaks Stata file util commands
- Re: st: Snow Leopard breaks Stata file util commands
- st: combining summary and correlation tables using estout
- st: Snow Leopard breaks Stata file util commands
- Re: st: Survival analysis
- Re: st: Survival analysis
- Re: st: Survival analysis
- Re: st: Survival analysis
- Re: st: Getting entity specific slopes in one command
- st: Getting entity specific slopes in one command
- Re: st: Survival analysis
- Re: st: Equivalent STATA cmmand for "ADD FILES" in SPSS
- st: Equivalent STATA cmmand for "ADD FILES" in SPSS
- Re: st: Survival analysis
- st: RE: Survival analysis
- st: re: Error with MIM installed command
- Re: st: counts with censorship
- RE: st: spatial analysis - DISTANCE
- RE: st: spatial analysis - DISTANCE
- RE: st: spatial analysis - DISTANCE
- st: Can I read Stata binary files in cpp?
- st: Survival analysis
- Re: st: spatial analysis - DISTANCE
- Re: st: spatial analysis - DISTANCE
- Re: st: extrapolation help
- Re: st: spatial analysis - DISTANCE
- Re: st: spatial analysis - DISTANCE
- st: How to read dummy coefficients in GARCH model
- Re: st: spatial analysis - DISTANCE
- Re: st: spatial analysis - DISTANCE
- Re: st: spatial analysis - DISTANCE
- Re: st: extrapolation help
- Re: st: Logit and the Clustered Bootstrap
- Re: st: spatial analysis - DISTANCE
- Re: st: Black and White Graphs
- RE: st: suppress some results in latex table using outreg2 after 3sls estimation
- st: Black and White Graphs
- RE: st: suppress some results in latex table using outreg2 after 3sls estimation
- st: spatial analysis - DISTANCE
- Re: st: Error with MIM installed command
- st: Error with MIM installed command
- st: R: extrapolation help
- Re: RE: st: Re: How to eliminate the double quotes surrounding letters?
- RE: st: Re: How to eliminate the double quotes surrounding letters?
- Re: st: RE: rowlast for string variables
- RE: st: RE: rowlast for string variables
- st: RE: Re: How to eliminate the double quotes surrounding letters?
- st: xtmixed with vce robust or cluster robust
- Re: st: Re: How to eliminate the double quotes surrounding letters?
- RE: st: RE: rowlast for string variables
- st: problem with ice in large sample
- st: two step heckman estimation
- st: extrapolation help
- Re: st: RE: rowlast for string variables
- RE: st: "Conformability Error" when running svy:tabulate using over() option
- RE: st: RE: Imbens Wooldridge lecture notes (link to lecture notes and slides and NBER mini courses)
- st: RE: rowlast for string variables
- st: Re: How to eliminate the double quotes surrounding letters?
- st: How to eliminate the double quotes surrounding letters?
- st: rowlast for string variables
- Re: st: RE: Imbens Wooldridge lecture notes (link to lecture notes and slides and NBER mini courses)
- Re: RE: st: Strange behavior or bug? - svy : total returns different
- st: Automate transfer of WinEdt do-files to server
- Re: st: Logit and the Clustered Bootstrap
- st: impose constraint with -oprobit- in STATA 11
- RE: st: Strange behavior or bug? - svy : total returns different results
- st: Upcoming NetCourses
- st: Most recent update to Stata 11
- Re: st: seeking answer to survey set question
- Re: st: "Conformability Error" when running svy:tabulate using over() option
- Re: st: "Conformability Error" when running svy:tabulate using over() option
- Re: st: Strange behavior or bug? - svy : total returns different results
- Re: st: Has anyone used STATA 11 on Windows 7 (32bit)?
- Re: st: "Conformability Error" when running svy:tabulate using over() option
- Re: st: "Conformability Error" when running svy:tabulate using over() option
- st: AW: "Conformability Error" when running svy:tabulate using over() option
- Re: st: Making a table for percentage changes in stata
- st: Nonlinear ordered probit interactions
- st: "Conformability Error" when running svy:tabulate using over() option
- Re: st: Making a table for percentage changes in stata
- Re: "Official", "documented", and so forth [was: RE: st: AW: listing variables with certain characteristics]
- st: Strange behavior or bug? - svy : total returns different results in Stata versons 9, 10 and 11
- Re: st: putting constraint on self-written program using ml d0
- Re: st: Has anyone used STATA 11 on Windows 7 (32bit)?
- AW: st: Has anyone used STATA 11 on Windows 7 (32bit)?
- Re: st: seeking answer to survey set question
- Re: st: xtivreg2 Random Effects and Durbin Wu Hausman
- Re: st: Has anyone used STATA 11 on Windows 7 (32bit)?
- st: seeking answer to survey set question
- "Official", "documented", and so forth [was: RE: st: AW: listing variables with certain characteristics]
- Re: st: string variable
- Re: st: string variable
- RE: st: string variable
- Re: st: Has anyone used STATA 11 on Windows 7 (32bit)?
- st: RE: Imbens Wooldridge lecture notes (link to lecture notes and slides)
- st: RE: RE: AW: How can I merge two records within the same dataset?
- st: RE: AW: How can I merge two records within the same dataset?
- st: AW: How can I merge two records within the same dataset?
- st: AW: Conditional moments test after tobit
- st: AW: xtivreg2 Random Effects and Durbin Wu Hausman
- st: Conditional moments test after tobit
- st: xtivreg2 Random Effects and Durbin Wu Hausman
- Re: st: Has anyone used STATA 11 on Windows 7 (32bit)?
- st: How can I merge two records within the same dataset?
- Re: st: Has anyone used STATA 11 on Windows 7 (32bit)?
- Re: st: putting constraint on self-written program using ml d0
- st: Imbens Wooldridge lecture notes on new developments in econometrics available
- st: AW: string variable
- st: RE: string variable
- Re: st: Appropriate lags for Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
- RE: st: suppress some results in latex table using outreg2 after 3sls estimation
- RE: st: string variable
- Re: st: RE: string variable
- st: RE: string variable
- st: string variable
- st: RE: extracting month and year from a date variable
- Re: st: Making a table for percentage changes in stata
- st: suppress some results in latex table using outreg2 after 3sls estimation
- Re: st: Making a table for percentage changes in stata
- Re: st: Logit and the Clustered Bootstrap
- st: Making a table for percentage changes in stata
- Re: st: putting constraint on self-written program using ml d0
- st: Vincenty question
- Re: st: Logit and the Clustered Bootstrap
- st: RE: Heterogeneity and trend in proportions (Chi-square)
- st: Logit and the Clustered Bootstrap
- Re: st: references that may support using xtreg with multiple imputation
- st: RE: references that may support using xtreg with multiple imputation
- Re: st: RE: latex table with estimation results reported in rows and coefficient estimates listed in columns
- Re: st: references that may support using xtreg with multiple imputation
- Re: st: Appropriate lags for Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
- Re: st: references that may support using xtreg with multiple imputation
- RE: st: xtivreg2 Random Effects and Durbin Wu Hausman
- Re: st: RE: latex table with estimation results reported in rows and coefficient estimates listed in columns
- Re: st: AW: listing variables with certain characteristics
- Re: st: AW: listing variables with certain characteristics
- Re: st: xtivreg2 Random Effects and Durbin Wu Hausman
- st: AW: listing variables with certain characteristics
- st: listing variables with certain characteristics
- RE: st: Appropriate lags for Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
- st: Using gllamm for bivariate meta-regression with known within-study covariance(correlation) and variance matrix
- Re: st: references that may support using xtreg with multiple imputation
- Re: st: references that may support using xtreg with multiple imputation
- st: Heterogeneity and trend in proportions (Chi-square)
- Re: st: Survey data
- st: references that may support using xtreg with multiple imputation
- AW: st: Appropriate lags for Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
- Re: st: Stata and R
- Re: st: Appropriate lags for Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
- Re: st: robust standard errors, sureg, & suest
- Re: st: robust standard errors, sureg, & suest
- st: RE: AW: RE: AW: nummode option giving error message. why?
- st: Time to Event/Survival Analysis Question
- Re: st: Appropriate lags for Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
- Re: st: xtivreg2 Random Effects and Durbin Wu Hausman
- st: Survey data
- RE: st: Appropriate lags for Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
- st: AW: RE: AW: nummode option giving error message. why?
- st: RE: AW: nummode option giving error message. why?
- Re: st: RE: latex table with estimation results reported in rows and coefficient estimates listed in columns
- RE: st: robust standard errors, sureg, & suest
- st: RE: RE: xi help
- st: RE: xi help
- Re: st: robust standard errors, sureg, & suest
- Re: st: xtivreg2 Random Effects and Durbin Wu Hausman
- Re: st: AW: how to get slopes by clusters in a linear regression
- Re: st: Missing values
- st: robust standard errors, sureg, & suest
- st: Missing values
- Re: st: Appropriate lags for Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
- RE: st: Appropriate lags for Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
- st: tobit model
- Re: st: Appropriate lags for Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
- st: Appropriate lags for Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
- st: xi help
- st: AW: xi help
- st: xi help
- Re: st: AW: xi help
- RE: st: xtivreg2 Random Effects and Durbin Wu Hausman
- RE: st: xtivreg2 Random Effects and Durbin Wu Hausman
- RE: st: xtivreg2 Random Effects and Durbin Wu Hausman
- AW: st: xtivreg2 Random Effects and Durbin Wu Hausman
- RE: st: xtivreg2 Random Effects and Durbin Wu Hausman
- Re: st: Stata and R
- st: AW: extracting month and year from a date variable
- R: st: modify dstdize to save no of events in the return list
- Re: st: RE: latex table with estimation results reported in rows and coefficient estimates listed in columns
- Re: st: Stata and R
- st: RE: extracting month and year from a date variable
- Re: st: extracting month and year from a date variable
- st: RE: extracting month and year from a date variable
- st: extracting month and year from a date variable
- Re: st: latex table with estimation results reported in rows and coefficient estimates listed in columns
- Re: st: RE: latex table with estimation results reported in rows and coefficient estimates listed in columns
- Re: st: latex table with estimation results reported in rows and coefficient estimates listed in columns
- Re: st: RE: latex table with estimation results reported in rows and coefficient estimates listed in columns
- Re: st: AW: how to get slopes by clusters in a linear regression
- Re: st: haplologit-genetic association
- st: RE: Help needed for Poisson regression
- st: AW: xi help
- RE: st: RE: [XTIVREG2] Cause of Errors? IV or Cluster {Update doesn't help me}
- st: RE: modify dstdize to save no of events in the return list
- Re: st: xi help
- st: xi help
- RE: st: xtivreg2 Random Effects and Durbin Wu Hausman
- RE: st: putting constraint on self-written program using ml d0
- Re: st: xtivreg2 Random Effects and Durbin Wu Hausman
- st: AW: nummode option giving error message. why?
- Re: st: RE: [XTIVREG2] Cause of Errors? IV or Cluster {Update doesn't help me}
- st: nummode option giving error message. why?
- Re: st: RE: latex table with estimation results reported in rows and coefficient estimates listed in columns
- st: putting constraint on self-written program using ml d0
- RE: st: xtivreg2 Random Effects and Durbin Wu Hausman
- Re: st: xtivreg2 Random Effects and Durbin Wu Hausman
- Re: st: latex table with estimation results reported in rows and coefficient estimates listed in columns
- Re: st: latex table with estimation results reported in rows and coefficient estimates listed in columns
- Re: st: RE: latex table with estimation results reported in rows and coefficient estimates listed in columns
- RE: st: RE: latex table with estimation results reported in rows and coefficient estimates listed in columns
- RE: st: latex table with estimation results reported in rows and coefficient estimates listed in columns
- RE: st: RE: [XTIVREG2] Cause of Errors? IV or Cluster {Update doesn't help me}
- Re: st: set memory question
- Re: st: RE: latex table with estimation results reported in rows and coefficient estimates listed in columns
- Re: st: interpreting xtmixed results
- Re: st: AW: latex table with estimation results reported in rows and coefficient estimates listed in columns
- RE: st: RE: [XTIVREG2] Cause of Errors? IV or Cluster {Update doesn't help me}
- Re: st: RE: [XTIVREG2] Cause of Errors? IV or Cluster {Update doesn't help me}
- st: RE: latex table with estimation results reported in rows and coefficient estimates listed in columns
- st: Causality Panel Data
- RE: st: RE: Graphical questions(box, histogram, pnorm)
- AW: st: RE: Graphical questions(box, histogram, pnorm)
- Re: st: RE: Graphical questions(box, histogram, pnorm)
- st: RE: RE: Can someone provide information on making my ado files publicly available through stata or ssc
- st: AW: latex table with estimation results reported in rows and coefficient estimates listed in columns
- st: RE: Can someone provide information on making my ado files publicly available through stata or ssc
- st: latex table with estimation results reported in rows and coefficient estimates listed in columns
- st: Can someone provide information on making my ado files publicly available through stata or ssc
- st: Re: xtmixed SAS to Stata
- st: RE: Graphical questions(box, histogram, pnorm)
- Re: st: How to transpose columns into rows?
- RE: st: How to transpose columns into rows?
- Re: st: xtivreg2 Random Effects and Durbin Wu Hausman
- st: Graphical questions(box, histogram, pnorm)
- Re: RE: st: Stata and R
- RE: st: AW: egen cut(runiform()) inconsistent across versions 10 and 11?
- Re: st: Stata and R
- RE: st: Stata and R
- RE: st: How to transpose columns into rows?
- st: RE: [XTIVREG2] Cause of Errors? IV or Cluster
- Re: st: How to transpose columns into rows?
- st: Restricted Cubic Spline with Mkspline - test significance of slope
- st: modify dstdize to save no of events in the return list
- st: xtmixed SAS to Stata
- st: [XTIVREG2] Cause of Errors? IV or Cluster
- RE: st: xtivreg2 Random Effects and Durbin Wu Hausman
- st: AW: Help needed for Poisson regresion
- st: Help needed for Poisson regresion
- st: AW: Predict out of sample confidence intervals for time series after using regression command
- Re: st: haplologit-genetic association
- st: haplologit-genetic association
- Re: st: set memory question
- Re: st: Stata and R
- st: set memory question
- Re: st: set memory question
- RE: st: AW: egen cut(runiform()) inconsistent across versions 10 and 11?
- Re: st: SE and CI in STATA 11
- st: SE and CI in STATA 11
- Re: st: RE: Stata and R
- st: xtivreg2 Random Effects and Durbin Wu Hausman
- st: set memory question
- Re: st: no Stata 11 icons in XP
- st: Predict out of sample confidence intervals for time series after using regression command
- AW: st: AW: AW: Automating intervals creation
- Re: st: ttest for data where observations have standard errors?
- Re: st: AW: AW: Automating intervals creation
- st: AW: AW: Automating intervals creation
- Re: st: AW: egen cut(runiform()) inconsistent across versions 10 and 11?
- st: ttest for data where observations have standard errors?
- Re: st: RE: survival analysis
- RE: st: Comparing 2 models with -test- command under SVY
- st: AW: Automating intervals creation
- [no subject]
- Re: st: no Stata 11 icons in XP
- st: Automating intervals creation
- st: AW: reading dates stored as string variable in .csv file
- st: RE: reading dates stored as string variable in .csv file
- st: reading dates stored as string variable in .csv file
- st: Akaike information criterion
- RE: AW: st: AW: egen cut(runiform()) inconsistent across versions 10 and 11?
- Re: AW: st: AW: egen cut(runiform()) inconsistent across versions 10 and 11?
- Re: st: svyset for a multistage sampling design
- AW: st: AW: how to get slopes by clusters in a linear regression
- Re: st: AW: how to get slopes by clusters in a linear regression
- RE: st: Plain text [was: ... -egen, cut() ...]
- Re: st: Plain text [was: ... -egen, cut() ...]
- Re: st: AW: how to get slopes by clusters in a linear regression
- AW: st: AW: egen cut(runiform()) inconsistent across versions 10 and 11?
- RE: st: Plain text [was: ... -egen, cut() ...]
- st: RE: AW: Plain text [was: ... -egen, cut() ...]
- Re: st: AW: how to get slopes by clusters in a linear regression
- RE: st: AW: egen cut(runiform()) inconsistent across versions 10 and 11?
- Re: st: Plain text [was: ... -egen, cut() ...]
- st: AW: Plain text [was: ... -egen, cut() ...]
- AW: st: AW: egen cut(runiform()) inconsistent across versions 10 and 11?
- st: RE: AW: AW: egen cut(runiform()) inconsistent across versions 10 and 11?
- st: Plain text [was: ... -egen, cut() ...]
- Re: st: AW: egen cut(runiform()) inconsistent across versions 10 and 11?
- st: AW: AW: egen cut(runiform()) inconsistent across versions 10 and 11?
- st: AW: egen cut(runiform()) inconsistent across versions 10 and 11?
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- st: AW: egen cut(runiform()) inconsistent across versions 10 and 11?
- Re: st: Stata and R
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- st: RE: RE: Stata and R
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- st: RE: Stata and R
- st: AW: Stata and R
- Re: st: AW: how to get slopes by clusters in a linear regression
- st: egen cut(runiform()) inconsistent across versions 10 and 11?
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- st: Stata and R
- RE: st: AW: how to get slopes by clusters in a linear regression
- Re: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- Re: RE: st: RE: VAR or VEC model
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- st: Hausman test probability is 1 after xtreg
- RE: st: Query on how to re-link variables to their original name tag after mkmat and svmat manipulations
- Re: st: AW: how to get slopes by clusters in a linear regression
- Re: st: AW: Finding median with SVY command
- Re: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- st: AW: how to get slopes by clusters in a linear regression
- st: how to get slopes by clusters in a linear regression
- Re: st: AW: going from a 2x2 table to a listing with results from many of them
- st: AW: going from a 2x2 table to a listing with results from many of them
- Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: st: How to make certain variable names and related coefficients red in the word in the -estout-?
- st: going from a 2x2 table to a listing with results from many of them
- Re: st: AW: Finding median with SVY command
- RE: st: RE: VAR or VEC model
- Re: st: AW: Heckman Selection Rule
- st: RE: AW: Finding median with SVY command
- Re: st: Finding median with SVY command
- RE: st: RE: survival data analysis- recode survival time variable
- Re: st: RE: survival data analysis- recode survival time variable
- st: AW: Finding median with SVY command
- RE: st: RE: survival data analysis- recode survival time variable
- Re: RE: st: RE: VAR or VEC model
- st: Finding median with SVY command
- RE: st: RE: dot graph
- Re: st: RE: dot graph
- st: No attachments please
- FW: st: RE: survival data analysis- recode survival time variable
- st: RE: dot graph
- st: Cointegration with many independent variables
- st: RE: RE: survival data analysis- recode survival time variable
- RE: st: "sort" over different variables - thanks Nick and Martin
- st: RE: identifying (not counting) observations repeated across observations
- st: dot graph
- Re: st: "sort" over different variables - thanks Nick and Martin
- st: RE: survival analysis
- Re: st: no Stata 11 icons in XP
- st: "sort" over different variables - thanks Nick and Martin
- RE: st: no Stata 11 icons in XP
- st: AW: Heckman Selection Rule
- st: identifying (not counting) observations repeated across observations
- Re: st: GPUs and statistical computing
- st: UKSUG-2009 (London, 10-11 Sept 2009) Register now!
- Re: st: no Stata 11 icons in XP
- RE: st: RE: VAR or VEC model
- RE: st: RE: VAR or VEC model
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- st: identifying (not counting) observations repeated across observations
- st: RE: Re: survival analysis
- st: Re: survival analysis
- st: How to transpose columns into rows?
- Re: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- Re: st: GPUs and statistical computing
- Re: st: Recode non-integers to positive integers
- Re: st: RE: VAR or VEC model
- st: RE: survival analysis
- Re: st: RE: VAR or VEC model
- st: survival analysis
- st: RE: RE: survival data analysis- recode survival time variable
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- st: RE: survival data analysis- recode survival time variable
- st: Heckman Selection Rule
- RE: st: RE: VAR or VEC model
- st: RE: survival data analysis- recode survival time variable
- st: survival data analysis- recode survival time variable
- st: RE: How to transpose column into row?
- st: RE: VAR or VEC model
- Re: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: st: How to make certain variable names and related coefficients red in the word in the -estout-?
- st: Fw: Standardizing values
- st: How to transpose column into row?
- st: VAR or VEC model
- st: Cointegration test in Stata for miltiple variables
- st: AW: RE: "sort" over different variables
- st: RE: AW: RE: "sort" over different variables
- st: RE: RE: "sort" over different variables
- st: RE: "sort" over different variables
- st: RE: "sort" over different variables
- RE: st: Standardizing values
- st: "sort" over different variables
- st: Standardizing values
- st: RE: RE: Re: RE: Stata11 cannot estimate xthtaylor with bootstrap SE
- st: RE: Re: RE: Stata11 cannot estimate xthtaylor with bootstrap SE
- Re: st: Stata11 cannot estimate xthtaylor with bootstrap SE
- st: Re: RE: Stata11 cannot estimate xthtaylor with bootstrap SE
- st: RE: Stata11 cannot estimate xthtaylor with bootstrap SE
- Re: st: Stata11 cannot estimate xthtaylor with bootstrap SE
- st: SUR
- Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: st: How to make certain variable names and related coefficients red in the word in the -estout-?
- RE: st: Recode non-integers to positive integers
- Re: st: variance decomposition- between and within
- Re: st: variance decomposition- between and within
- Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: st: How to make certain variable names and related coefficients red in the word in the -estout-?
- st: Stata11 cannot estimate xthtaylor with bootstrap SE
- st: variance decomposition- between and within
- Re: AW: st: ssc install usespss
- st: Direct and indirect effects
- st: Re: GPUs and statistical computing
- RE: st: AW: double-click on dta file does not work
- Re: st: AW: double-click on dta file does not work
- st: AW: Test parameters across equations after ivreg2
- st: Test parameters across equations after ivreg2
- st: Stata User Meeting
- Re: Re: Re: Re: st: How to make certain variable names and related coefficients red in the word in the -estout-?
- RE: st: Query on how to re-link variables to their original name tag after mkmat and svmat manipulations
- Re: st: Recode non-integers to positive integers
- Re: st: Recode non-integers to positive integers
- Re: st: Recode non-integers to positive integers
- Re: st: AW: double-click on dta file does not work
- Re: st: RE: to intersect an catplot in single graphs
- st: Query on how to re-link variables to their original name tag after mkmat and svmat manipulations
- st: RE: RE: Condition in a nested loop
- Re: st: GPUs and statistical computing
- Re: AW: st: ssc install usespss
- Re: st: AW: double-click on dta file does not work
- st: GPUs and statistical computing
- RE: st: Requesting for help
- st: Re: statalist-digest V4 #3525
- st: AW: STATA code for panel VAR
- Re: st: STATA code for panel VAR
- st: Requesting for help
- st: STATA code for panel VAR
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- Re: st: AW: double-click on dta file does not work
- AW: st: AW: double-click on dta file does not work
- st: RE: to intersect an catplot in single graphs
- Re: st: AW: double-click on dta file does not work
- RE: st: Recode non-integers to positive integers
- st: Yahoo! - Message d'absence
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- AW: st: ssc install usespss
- Re: st: ssc install usespss
- Re: st: ssc install usespss
- Re: st: Direct and indirect effects for logit models
- st: AW: double-click on dta file does not work
- st: double-click on dta file does not work
- st: Direct and indirect effects for logit models
- Re: st: Reshape, Duplicate Observations
- Re: st: AW: How to list variables with certain characters in the variable names?
- st: AW: How to list variables with certain characters in the variable names?
- AW: st: RE: How to store the covariance values for further manupulations
- Re: Re: st: How to list variables with certain characters in the variable names?
- Re: st: Recode non-integers to positive integers
- st: Direct and indirect effects for logit models
- Re: st: How to list variables with certain characters in the variable names?
- st: How to list variables with certain characters in the variable names?
- Re: st: re matrix substitution
- Re: st: Recode non-integers to positive integers
- Re: st: re matrix substitution
- Re: st: re matrix substitution
- st: stcurve and competing hazards model
- Re: st: ssc install usespss
- Re: st: ssc install usespss
- Re: st: Recode non-integers to positive integers
- Re: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- st: re matrix substitution
- Re: st: Reshape, Duplicate Observations
- Re: st: ssc install usespss
- Re: st: ssc install usespss
- Re: st: RE: How to store the covariance values for further manupulations
- Re: st: RE: How to store the covariance values for further manupulations
- Re: st: Recode non-integers to positive integers
- Re: st: ssc install usespss
- Re: st: Reshape, Duplicate Observations
- Re: st: Recode non-integers to positive integers
- Re: st: Recode non-integers to positive integers
- st: Recode non-integers to positive integers
- Re: st: Reshape, Duplicate Observations
- Re: st: ssc install usespss
- st: Reshape, Duplicate Observations
- st: ssc install usespss
- st: RE: RE: bootstrap sampling and foreach
- Re: st: matsize 5000 is too small for a matrix [231722,18]
- Re: st: matsize 5000 is too small for a matrix [231722,18]
- Re: st: Comparing 2 models with -test- command under SVY
- Re: st: Debugging tool
- st: RE: How to store the covariance values for further manupulations
- RE: st: matsize 5000 is too small for a matrix [231722,18]
- [no subject]
- st: Comparing 2 models with -test- command under SVY
- RE: st: Standard deviation of a moving window
- st: matsize 5000 is too small for a matrix [231722,18]
- Re: st: svyset for survey with oversampling
- st: Forecasting values are the same using ARMA (only its MA component)
- st: How to store the covariance values for further manupulations
- RE: st: svyset for survey with oversampling
- RE: st: svyset for survey with oversampling
- Re: st: svyset for survey with oversampling
- RE: st: svyset for survey with oversampling
- Re: st: svyset for a multistage sampling design
- st: svyset for survey with oversampling
- Re: st: degenerate normal (mild annoyance)
- st: Usage of dprobit - std errors of marginal effects and use in low success samples
- st: xtreg A B C , fe robust where R overall sq = 0
- st: AW: Randomized Quantile Residuals
- st: AW: degenerate normal (mild annoyance)
- Re: st: RE: destring numeric and non-numeric data
- Re: st: destring numeric and non-numeric data
- st: RE: destring numeric and non-numeric data
- Re: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- st: destring numeric and non-numeric data
- st: Standard deviation of a moving window
- st: degenerate normal (mild annoyance)
- Re: st: svyset for a multistage sampling design
- st: Randomized Quantile Residuals
- st: to intersect an catplot in single graphs
- Re: Re: Re: Re: st: How to make certain variable names and related coefficients red in the word in the -estout-?
- st: RE: Condition in a nested loop
- st: Condition in a nested loop
- RE: st: AW: Debugging tool
- RE: st: Debugging tool
- RE: st: log binomial regression - categorical independent variables
- Re: st: Printing help viewer or log files on a single 8.5 x 11 page
- Re: st: svyset for a multistage sampling design
- st: RE: Printing help viewer or log files on a single 8.5 x 11 page
- Re: st: RE: "fcast graph" does not recognize an already variable in the data set after commands: "var" and " fcast compute"
- st: Printing help viewer or log files on a single 8.5 x 11 page
- AW: st: RE: ordered probit panel data model with fixed effects
- RE: st: RE: ordered probit panel data model with fixed effects
- Re: st: RE: ordered probit panel data model with fixed effects
- st: RE: "fcast graph" does not recognize an already variable in the data set after commands: "var" and " fcast compute"
- st: RE: RE: "fcast graph" does not recognize an already variable in the data set after commands: "var" and " fcast compute"
- st: RE: "fcast graph" does not recognize an already variable in the data set after commands: "var" and " fcast compute"
- st: svyset for a multistage sampling design
- Re: st: Has anyone used STATA 11 on Windows 7 (32bit)?
- Re: st: Use of Stata on netbooks
- st: RE: "fcast graph" does not recognize an already variable in the data set after commands: "var" and " fcast compute"
- st: "fcast graph" does not recognize an already variable in the data set after commands: "var" and " fcast compute"
- st: RE: outfiling a dictionary
- RE: st: Debugging tool
- AW: st: Debugging tool
- RE: st: Debugging tool
- Re: st: Debugging tool
- st: outfiling a dictionary
- st: AW: Debugging tool
- st: Debugging tool
- Re: st: RE: how to check that demographic values within the same zipcode are identical?
- RE: st: log binomial regression - categorical independent variables
- Re: st: log binomial regression - categorical independent variables
- st: Clustered robust standard errors in simultaneous equations system
- st: log binomial regression - categorical independent variables
- st: Cross-over designs text with STATA examples
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- RE: st: Resetting the local in a nested loop
- st: Use of Stata on netbooks
- st: Stata 11 Multiple Imputation and Anova
- st: RE: bootstrap sampling and foreach
- st: bootstrap sampling and foreach
- Re: st: comparing the means of two variables(not groups) for survey data
- Re: st: comparing the means of two variables(not groups) for survey data
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- RE: st: RE: Aren't distinct factors from factor analysis or PCA orthogonal to each other?
- st: sporadic errors
- Re: st: question about ICE in STATA 9
- RE: st: RE: Aren't distinct factors from factor analysis or PCA orthogonal to each other?
- RE: st: Resetting the local in a nested loop
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- Re: st: Has anyone used STATA 11 on Windows 7 (32bit)?
- Re: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- Re: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- RE: st: RE: Aren't distinct factors from factor analysis or PCA orthogonal to each other?
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- st: AW: Has anyone used STATA 11 on Windows 7 (32bit)?
- st: use stoverid to check fixed or random effects
- st: Has anyone used STATA 11 on Windows 7 (32bit)?
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- st: question about ICE in STATA 9
- st: about variable conditional substitution
- st: [Fwd: help for bootstrapped pseudo-sample]
- Re: st: RE: MLOGIT versus a set of LOGIT models [re-posting]
- st: lrtest and coefficent estimates
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- Re: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- st: AW: question about MI impute in STATA 11 vs ICE in STATA 9
- st: question about MI impute in STATA 11 vs ICE in STATA 9
- Re: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- Re: st: comparing the means of two variables(not groups) for suvey data
- Re: st: comparing the means of two variables(not groups) for suvey data
- st: How to estimat the parameters of a Tobit model with friction using stata
- Re: st: Resetting the local in a nested loop
- Re: st: RE: Sargen-Hansen and instruments--RE vs. FE--Robust
- st: Resetting the local in a nested loop
- RE: AW: st: local containing (all) variables' names in a dataset
- RE: AW: st: AW: Flexible end of numlist
- Re: st: RE: MLOGIT versus a set of LOGIT models [re-posting]
- st: selection models for panel data; critical values for GED
- Re: st: AW: Poisson and negative binomial regression
- st: comparing the means of two variables(not groups) for survey data
- st: How to estimate Non Linear Trend of a variable
- st: comparing the means of two variables(not groups) for suvey data
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- Re: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- RE: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- Re: st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- Re: Re: Re: st: How to make certain variable names and related coefficients red in the word in the -estout-?
- st: Re: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- Re: st: AW: how to display value label
- st: Stata 11 Random Effects--Std. Errors
- Re: st:how to match created matrix to the original data set
- Re: st: Plotting 3way interactions
- Re: st:how to match created matrix to the original data set
- Re: st: AW: how to display value label
- Re: st:how to match created matrix to the original data set
- st: how can I compute a risk difference with a confidence interval from a logistic model with a categorical*continous interaction?l
- st: AW: how to display value label
- st: AW: how to display value label
- st: how to display value label
- Re: st: "sounds like" function in Stata
- Re: st: "sounds like" function in Stata
- Re: st: AW: rationalizing multiple ids for the same name
- AW: st: AW: rationalizing multiple ids for the same name
- [no subject]
- st: RE: MLOGIT versus a set of LOGIT models [re-posting]
- st: "sounds like" function in Stata
- Re: st:how to match created matrix to the original data set
- st:how to match created matrix to the original data set
- st: AW: RE: AW: MLOGIT versus a set of LOGIT models
- st: MLOGIT versus a set of LOGIT models [re-posting]
- RE: st: RE: Aren't distinct factors from factor analysis or PCA orthogonal to each other?
- Re: st: matching created matrix and the original data set
- st: RE: AW: MLOGIT versus a set of LOGIT models
- RE: AW: st: local containing (all) variables' names in a dataset
- RE: AW: st: local containing (all) variables' names in a dataset
- Re: st: AW: MLOGIT versus a set of LOGIT models
- Re: AW: st: local containing (all) variables' names in a dataset
- st: AW: MLOGIT versus a set of LOGIT models
- Re: RE: st: AW: how to make the labels in the localname to be independent of each other?
- Re: Re: Re: st: How to make certain variable names and related coefficients red in the word in the -estout-?
- RE: st: RE: Aren't distinct factors from factor analysis or PCA orthogonal to each other?
- st: weighted estimates for a multiply imputed variable?
- st: MLOGIT versus a set of LOGIT models
- st: RE: AW: rationalizing multiple ids for the same name
- RE: st: Plotting 3way interactions
- Re: st: RE: Sargen-Hansen and instruments--RE vs. FE--Robust
- [no subject]
- st: matching created matrix and the original data set
- st: RE: AW: year is not regularly spaced
- Re: AW: st: local containing (all) variables' names in a dataset
- st: RE: AW: year is not regularly spaced
- st: Graph - alignment of titles
- st: AW: year is not regularly spaced
- st: year is not regularly spaced
- st: IV in reg3
- RE: st: RE: Aren't distinct factors from factor analysis or PCA orthogonal to each other?
- AW: AW: st: local containing (all) variables' names in a dataset
- Re: st: Characteristics of median observation
- st: AW: Poisson and negative binomial regression
- st: AW: AW: Locals inside of a forvalue loop
- st: AW: Locals inside of a forvalue loop
- st: Poisson and negative binomial regression
- st: AW: rationalizing multiple ids for the same name
- Re: st: Characteristics of median observation
- st: Locals inside of a forvalue loop
- st: rationalizing multiple ids for the same name
- Re: st: mi in Stata 11
- Re: st: mi in Stata 11
- Re: st: Plotting 3way interactions
- st: Characteristics of median observation
- st: AW: Plotting 3way interactions
- RE: st: RE: Aren't distinct factors from factor analysis or PCA orthogonal to each other?
- Re: st: AW: Box-Cox double hurdle
- st: Plotting 3way interactions
- st: Box-Cox double hurdle
- st: AW: Box-Cox double hurdle
- RE: AW: st: local containing (all) variables' names in a dataset
- Re: AW: st: local containing (all) variables' names in a dataset
- st: AW: Re: egen(more) panel data MA by group/year
- Re: st: RE: limiting rows in tabulate
- st: Re: egen(more) panel data MA by group/year
- Re: st: egen(more) panel data MA by group/year
- Re: zero inflated beta [was: st: Information request]
- st: AW: egen(more) panel data MA by group/year
- RE: st: coefficients lost when mata code placed in eclass program
- st: egen(more) panel data MA by group/year
- Re: zero inflated beta [was: st: Information request]
- st: coefficients lost when mata code placed in eclass program
- Re: Re: st: How to make certain variable names and related coefficients red in the word in the -estout-?
- Re: st: coefficients lost when mata code placed in eclass program
- st: RE: re : Permbands : question about bord effects
- Re: st: Stata 11: problem highlighting command lines in do-file editor and running command
- st: coefficients lost when mata code placed in eclass program
- RE: st: AW: how to make the labels in the localname to be independent of each other?
- Re: st: Aren't distinct factors from factor analysis or PCA orthogonal to each other?
- Re: AW: st: local containing (all) variables' names in a dataset
- RE: st: Aren't distinct factors from factor analysis or PCA orthogonal to each other?
- Re: st: Paste Clipboard Data and long variable names
- Re: st: RE: limiting rows in tabulate
- st: RE: Aren't distinct factors from factor analysis or PCA orthogonal to each other?
- Re: st: Aren't distinct factors from factor analysis or PCA orthogonal to each other?
- Re: st: AW: how to make the labels in the localname to be independent of each other?
- RE: st: Aren't distinct factors from factor analysis or PCA orthogonal to each other?
- st: RE: limiting rows in tabulate
- st: limiting rows in tabulate
- RE: zero inflated beta [was: st: Information request]
- AW: st: local containing (all) variables' names in a dataset
- Re: st: Aren't distinct factors from factor analysis or PCA orthogonal to each other?
- st: AW: FW: Stata 11: problem highlighting command lines in do-file editor and running command
- st: AW: how to make the labels in the localname to be independent of each other?
- st: FW: Stata 11: problem highlighting command lines in do-file editor and running command
- Re: st: local containing (all) variables' names in a dataset
- st: how to make the labels in the localname to be independent of each other?
- Re: st: After usingVAR and FCAST COMPUTE I get an error message - Asymptotic Standard Error
- Re: Re: st: How to make certain variable names and related coefficients red in the word in the -estout-?
- AW: st: local containing (all) variables' names in a dataset
- RE: st: local containing (all) variables' names in a dataset
- Re: st: local containing (all) variables' names in a dataset
- Re: st: local containing (all) variables' names in a dataset
- st: local containing (all) variables' names in a dataset
- st: RE: how to check that demographic values within the same zipcode are identical?
- RE: st: Thinking through best way to do a longitudinal analysis
- RE: st: Aren't distinct factors from factor analysis or PCA orthogonal to each other?
- RE: st: Thinking through best way to do a longitudinal analysis
- AW: st: Problem with outreg2 after negative binomial regression
- RE: statalist-digest V4 #3517 (Re: st: how to have legend as labels on graph)
- Re: st: Problem with outreg2 after negative binomial regression
- st: RE: statalist-digest V4 #3517 (was Re: Flexible end of numlist)
- Re: st: How to make certain variable names and related coefficients red in the word in the -estout-?
- st: AW: ivoprobit (ordered probit model with continuous endogenous regressors)
- st: re : Permbands : question about bord effects
- st: ivoprobit (ordered probit model with continuous endogenous regressors)
- st: AW: Stata 11: rank-ordered logit and multiple imputation
- st: Stata 11: rank-ordered logit and multiple imputation
- st: AW: RE: AW: Paste Clipboard Data and long variable names
- st: RE: AW: Paste Clipboard Data and long variable names
- Re: st: AW: AW: How to make certain variable names and related coefficients red in the word in the -estout-?
- st: AW: Paste Clipboard Data and long variable names
- Re: st: generating confidence intervals from weighted (survey) data
- Re: st: Aren't distinct factors from factor analysis or PCA orthogonal to each other?
- st: Aren't distinct factors from factor analysis or PCA orthogonal to each other?
- st: generating confidence intervals from weighted (survey) data
- st: Paste Clipboard Data and long variable names
- RE: st: Thinking through best way to do a longitudinal analysis
- Re: st: Thinking through best way to do a longitudinal analysis
- RE: st: Thinking through best way to do a longitudinal analysis
- RE: st: Thinking through best way to do a longitudinal analysis
- AW: st: Thinking through best way to do a longitudinal analysis
- RE: st: Thinking through best way to do a longitudinal analysis
- Re: st: AW: How to make certain variable names and related coefficients red in the word in the -estout-?
- st: AW: AW: How to make certain variable names and related coefficients red in the word in the -estout-?
- st: AW: how to check that demographic values within the same zipcode are identical?
- AW: st: RE: RE: Sum product of each element with each other element except itself?
- st: AW: How to make certain variable names and related coefficients red in the word in the -estout-?
- RE: st: RE: RE: Sum product of each element with each other element except itself?
- Re: st: RE: RE: Sum product of each element with each other element except itself?
- RE: st: equivalence limit-thanks
- st: How to make certain variable names and related coefficients red in the word in the -estout-?
- st: How to make certain variable names and related coefficients red in the word in the -esttab-?
- st: RE: how to check that demographic values within the same zipcode are identical?
- st: RE: RE: Sum product of each element with each other element except itself?
- st: how to check that demographic values within the same zipcode are identical?
- RE: st: equivalence limit
- st: Why did not the infile with dictionary work?
- Re: st: equivalence limit
- st: RE: Sum product of each element with each other element except itself?
- Re: st: RE: Differential effect; regression coefficients
- st: Sum product of each element with each other element except itself?
- Re: st: AW: glm, results table in one line?
- st: AW: Problem with outreg2 after negative binomial regression
- Re: st: Problem with outreg2 after negative binomial regression
- st: Problem with outreg2 after negative binomial regression
- Re: st: RE: Differential effect; regression coefficients
- Re: st: paired t-test on matched sample after propensity score matching
- Re: st: RE: Differential effect; regression coefficients
- st: equivalence limit for an inferiority test
- st: AW: glm, results table in one line?
- st: glm, results table in one line?
- st: RE: Differential effect; regression coefficients
- Re: st: Differential effect; regression coefficients
- st: Differential effect; regression coefficients
- [Fwd: Re: st: constraints on 2SLS parameters]
- Re: st: Generating simulated data with binary variables
- RE: st: Thinking through best way to do a longitudinal analysis
- st: SSC updates
- st: ivreg2 with weights
- Re: st: After usingVAR and FCAST COMPUTE I get an error message - Asymptotic Standard Error
- st: After usingVAR and FCAST COMPUTE I get an error message - Asymptotic Standard Error
- Re: st: Generating simulated data with binary variables
- Re: st: Thinking through best way to do a longitudinal analysis
- st: Stata 11: problem highlighting command lines in do-file editor and running command
- RE: st: AW: numeric format
- Re: st: AW: numeric format
- st: RE: ordered probit panel data model with fixed effects
- st: ordered probit panel data model with fixed effects
- st: Generating simulated data with binary variables
- st: Thinking through best way to do a longitudinal analysis
- Re: st: AW: numeric format
- RE: st: AW: numeric format
- Re: st: VIFs under SVY command and -collin- command
- RE: st: AW: numeric format
- st: RE: RE: RE: AW: how to have legend as labels on graph
- st: RE: RE: AW: how to have legend as labels on graph
- st: RE: RE: AW: how to have legend as labels on graph
- Re: st: AW: numeric format
- RE: st: AW: numeric format
- Re: st: _robust and weights [WAS: ivreg2 results do not replicate from stata 9 to stata 11]
- RE: st: Help with glm command results display
- st: RE: AW: how to have legend as labels on graph
- RE: st: AW: numeric format
- st: RE: Unable to create lag variables in a panel dataset
- RE: st: Help with glm command results display
- RE: st: AW: numeric format
- Re: st: AW: numeric format
- st: Help with glm command results display
- st: RE: Mahalanobis Distance and Clustering
- Re: st: Unable to create lag variables in a panel dataset
- Re: st: Unable to create lag variables in a panel dataset
- st: AW: numeric format
- Re: st: Re: equivalence test
- st: Re: xtmepoisson
- Re: st: paired t-test on matched sample after propensity score matching
- st: numeric format
- Re: st: hausman test
- st: Unable to create lag variables in a panel dataset
- RE: Re: st: Principal Components Analysis with count data
- RE: Re: st: Principal Components Analysis with count data
- Re: st: merging datasets and getting different N in resulting dataset if I run several times
- Re: st: paired t-test on matched sample after propensity score matching
- st: paired t-test on matched sample after propensity score matching
- RE: st: merging datasets and getting different N in resulting dataset if I run several times
- Re: st: merging datasets and getting different N in resulting dataset if I run several times
- Re: st: merging datasets and getting different N in resulting dataset if I run several times
- st: RE: AW: xtmepoisson
- AW: st: re: merging datasets and getting different N in resulting dataset if I
- st: AW: how to have legend as labels on graph
- Re: st: re: merging datasets and getting different N in resulting dataset if I
- st: how to have legend as labels on graph
- Re: st: merging datasets and getting different N in resulting dataset if I run several times
- st: AW: xtmepoisson
- st: re: merging datasets and getting different N in resulting dataset if I
- st: xtmepoisson
- st: Effects coding and nested logit in Stata
- st: merging datasets and getting different N in resulting dataset if I run several times
- RE: st: RE: Principal Components Analysis with count data
- AW: st: DC09 Stata Conference
- Re: st: DC09 Stata Conference
- Re: st: using vector notation to simplify coding
- st: RE: Principal Components Analysis with count data
- st: RE: Forecast values and get their interval extrapolation forecasts
- Re: st: using vector notation to simplify coding
- Re: st: hausman test
- AW: st: hausman test
- st: re: _robust and weights [WAS: ivreg2 results do not replicate from stata 9 to stata 11]
- st: svy in fairlie or nldecompose
- st: AW: _robust and weights [WAS: ivreg2 results do not replicate from stata 9 to stata 11]
- st: _robust and weights [WAS: ivreg2 results do not replicate from stata 9 to stata 11]
- st: AW: Forecast values and get their interval extrapolation forecasts
- st: Forecast values and get their interval extrapolation forecasts
- st: Different Sargan test results in xtabond Stata9 and xtabond Stata10
- AW: st: hausman test
- Re: st: hausman test
- Re: st: using vector notation to simplify coding
- st: Can Stata read .xml generated by Acrobate Desinger 7
- AW: st: hausman test
- st: DC09 Stata Conference
- Re: st: hausman test
- AW: zero inflated beta [was: st: Information request]
- AW: AW: st: AW: Flexible end of numlist
- RE: st: estat summarize after nlsur in Stata 11
- RE: AW: st: AW: Flexible end of numlist
- Re: st: Computing medcouple
- Re: zero inflated beta [was: st: Information request]
- Re: st: RE: Sargen-Hansen and instruments--RE vs. FE--Robust
- RE: st: RE: Sargen-Hansen and instruments--RE vs. FE--Robust
- Re: st: RE: Sargen-Hansen and instruments--RE vs. FE--Robust
- st: Principal Components Analysis with count data
- RE: st: RE: Sargen-Hansen and instruments--RE vs. FE--Robust
- Re: st: RE: Sargen-Hansen and instruments--RE vs. FE--Robust
- st: Margeff with oprobit
- RE: st: Combining propensity score matching with difference in differences
- Re: st: Combining propensity score matching with difference in differences
- Re: st: Combining propensity score matching with difference in differences
- Re: zero inflated beta [was: st: Information request]
- st: Combining propensity score matching with difference in differences
- RE: zero inflated beta [was: st: Information request]
- Re: zero inflated beta [was: st: Information request]
- Re: st: how to reset row / column equations from a matrix
- Re: st: graph export .wmf in Stata 11
- st: graph export .wmf in Stata 11
- Re: st: estat summarize after nlsur in Stata 11
- Re: st: New Stata 11 version of -parmest- on SSC
- st: instrumental variable in Cox and Heckman model
- RE: st: VIFs under SVY command and -collin- command
- RE: st: VIFs under SVY command and -collin- command
- RE: st: Principal Components Analysis with count data
- Re: st: RE: reg ..., noc if... ?
- st: RE: reg ..., noc if... ?
- st: reg ..., noc if... ?
- st: VIFs under SVY command and -collin- command
- RE: st: AW: AW: Problematic twoway lineplot with -by-
- RE: st: Principal Components Analysis with count data
- RE: st: AW: AW: Problematic twoway lineplot with -by-
- RE: st: Computing medcouple
- Re: st: Re: equivalence test
- RE: Re: st: Principal Components Analysis with count data
- Re: AW: st: AW: AW: Plotting 3 way continuous interactions in regression
- RE: st: hausman test
- AW: st: AW: AW: Plotting 3 way continuous interactions in regression
- RE: st: Principal Components Analysis with count data
- st: Calinski & Duda stop rule values
- RE: zero inflated beta [was: st: Information request]
- Re: st: AW: AW: Plotting 3 way continuous interactions in regression
- RE: Re: st: Principal Components Analysis with count data
- Re: st: hausman test
- Re: AW: st: AW: Flexible end of numlist
- RE: st: Computing medcouple
- AW: st: AW: Flexible end of numlist
- Re: st: AW: Flexible end of numlist
- st: hausman test
- Re: st: AW: AW: Problematic twoway lineplot with -by-
- Re: st: RE: Obtain the list of variables used in an if condition
- st: Re: equivalence test
- st: AW: AW: Problematic twoway lineplot with -by-
- st: AW: Problematic twoway lineplot with -by-
- Re: st: -meta- command: how do I change the background color
- st: Problematic twoway lineplot with -by-
- Re: Re: Re: RE: st: Can I apply -treatreg- if the endogenous variable iscontinuous?
- Re: st: constraints on 2SLS parameters
- st: AW: AW: Plotting 3 way continuous interactions in regression
- st: AW: Plotting 3 way continuous interactions in regression
- Re: st: sampsi and power
- RE: st: Principal Components Analysis with count data
- st: constraints on 2SLS parameters
- Re: AW: st: AW: AW: Something wrong with the -count- option in the -egen-?
- st: Plotting 3 way continuous interactions in regression
- AW: st: AW: AW: Something wrong with the -count- option in the -egen-?
- Re: st: AW: AW: Something wrong with the -count- option in the -egen-?
- st: AW: AW: Something wrong with the -count- option in the -egen-?
- st: AW: Something wrong with the -count- option in the -egen-?
- st: -meta- command: how do I change the background color
- zero inflated beta [was: st: Information request]
- st: Something wrong with the -count- option in the -egen-?
- AW: AW: RE: st: how to change specific string variable into date variable?
- Re: AW: RE: st: how to change specific string variable into date variable?
- AW: RE: st: how to change specific string variable into date variable?
- Re: RE: st: how to change specific string variable into date variable?
- Re: st: how to change specific string variable into date variable?
- Re: Re: st: how to change specific string variable into date variable?
- Re: st: no Stata 11 icons in XP
- st: AW: Flexible end of numlist
- Re: st: -mi- & Factor Variables
- Re: st: Re: ST: No Stata icons in Stata 11
- st: Re: ST: No Stata icons in Stata 11
- st: Flexible end of numlist
- Re: st: Passing a local variable into a subsequent do-file
- st: Passing a local variable into a subsequent do-file
- st: Re: equivalence test
- Re: st: Stata crashes after dropping filter variable while editor is open
- st: RE: "too many elements in numlist": -egen anycount(), values(numlist)-
- RE: st: AW: AW: Problems with outreg2 after xtlogit
- RE: st: how to change specific string variable into date variable?
- RE: st: how to change specific string variable into date variable?
- Re: st: local macro dereferencing
- Re: Re: st: Principal Components Analysis with count data
- Re: st: RE: Obtain the list of variables used in an if condition
- st: RE: Stata crashes after dropping filter variable while editor is open
- st: RE: "too many elements in numlist": -egen anycount(), values(numlist)-
- st: Stata crashes after dropping filter variable while editor is open
- Re: st: using vector notation to simplify coding
- Re: st: how to change specific string variable into date variable?
- Re: st: RE: "too many elements in numlist": -egen anycount(), values(numlist)-
- Re: Re st: Chernozhukov and Hong (2002)
- st: RE: Obtain the list of variables used in an if condition
- Re: Re: st: Log transformation and related issues
- st: re: ivreg2 results do not replicate from stata 9 to stata 11
- st: Obtain the list of variables used in an if condition
- st: RE: "too many elements in numlist": -egen anycount(), values(numlist)-
- RE: st: Factor variables and mim
- st: "too many elements in numlist": -egen anycount(), values(numlist)-
- RE: st: AW: AW: Problems with outreg2 after xtlogit
- Re: st: Computing medcouple
- Re: st: ivreg2 results do not replicate from stata 9 to stata 11
- RE: st: Problems with outreg2 after xtlogit
- Re: Re: RE: st: Can I apply -treatreg- if the endogenous variable iscontinuous?
- RE: st: AW: multiple colors in twoway plots
- st: RE: Information request
- Re: st: AW: multiple colors in twoway plots
- st: Information request
- Re: st: -mi- & Factor Variables
- Re: Re: RE: st: Can I apply -treatreg- if the endogenous variable iscontinuous?
- st: AW: multiple colors in twoway plots
- Re: st: RE: Sargen-Hansen and instruments--RE vs. FE
- Re: st: Precision for locals?
- st: multiple colors in twoway plots
- Re: Re st: Chernozhukov and Hong (2002)
- Re: RE: st: Can I apply -treatreg- if the endogenous variable iscontinuous?
- Re: st: Precision for locals?
- Re: st: using vector notation to simplify coding
- re: st: using vector notation to simplify coding
- Re: st: using vector notation to simplify coding
- st: Computing medcouple
- st: AW: AW: Problems with outreg2 after xtlogit
- Re: st: using vector notation to simplify coding
- st: AW: Problems with outreg2 after xtlogit
- st: Problems with outreg2 after xtlogit
- st: ivreg2 results do not replicate from stata 9 to stata 11
- Re: st: Re: using vector notation to simplify coding
- st: Re: using vector notation to simplify coding
- st: RE: Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 09:02:06 -0400 (and matrix labels)
- st: how to reset row / column equations from a matrix
- st: Forecast Using MovingAverages
- st: New version of -factext- on SSC
- st: Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 09:02:06 -0400
- st: RE: Sargen-Hansen and instruments--RE vs. FE
- AW: RE: st: Can I apply -treatreg- if the endogenous variable iscontinuous?
- Re: RE: st: Can I apply -treatreg- if the endogenous variable iscontinuous?
- Re: st: RE: how to change specific string variable into date variable?
- st: Re: Precision for locals?
- st: More condition / repeating key / undocumented feature?
- Re: st: Precision for locals?
- st: -meta- command: how do I change the background color of the forest plot from black to white?
- Re: st: Log transformation and related issues
- Re: st: weighted paired t-tests
- st: Precision for locals?
- RE: st: xtreg and constant drop
- st: estat summarize after nlsur in Stata 11
- st: xtreg and constant drop
- st: Switch off labels in -table-, how?
- st: Log transformation and related issues
- AW: st: New Stata 11 version of -parmest- on SSC
- RE: st: New Stata 11 version of -parmest- on SSC
- Re: st: predictive margins not estimable in svy
- Re: st: Problem in factor analysis & Cronbach's alpha
- RE: AW: st: graph -by- option
- RE: st: New Stata 11 version of -parmest- on SSC
- Re: AW: st: graph -by- option
- st: RE: how to change specific string variable into date variable?
- RE: st: Can I apply -treatreg- if the endogenous variable is continuous?
- Re: st: New Stata 11 version of -parmest- on SSC
- st: lorenz coordinate
- st: Problem in factor analysis & Cronbach's alpha
- RE: st: ?Misreported n of observations when using pweights in Stata 10
- st: New package -fvregen- on SSC
- st: how to change specific string variable into date variable?
- st: New Stata 11 version of -parmest- on SSC
- Re: st: no Stata 11 icons in XP
- st: Can I apply -treatreg- if the endogenous variable is continuous?
- st: Can I apply -treatreg- if the endogenous variable is continuous?
- Re: st: using vector notation to simplify coding
- Re: st: sampsi and power
- st: ?Misreported n of observations when using pweights in Stata 10
- Re: st: Reproducing xtlogit with xtmelogit
- Re st: Chernozhukov and Hong (2002)
- Re: st: Factor variables and mim
- Re: st: RE: Reproducing xtlogit with xtmelogit
- st: Artificial correlation, Log transformation and Zeros
- st: Pseudo R-Squared in stcox
- Re: st: Reproducing xtlogit with xtmelogit
- st: weighted paired t-tests
- st: AW: summation
- AW: st: RE: Reproducing xtlogit with xtmelogit
- Re: st: RE: Reproducing xtlogit with xtmelogit
- st: summation
- RE: st: Can ivprobit and ivtobit of stata 10 being applied for the probit or the tobit model with binary end
- st: AW: using vector notation to simplify coding
- st: using vector notation to simplify coding
- RE: st: estimation using gllamm, oprobit model fails to converge
- Re: AW: st: graph -by- option
- st: AW: Can ivprobit and ivtobit of stata 10 being applied for the probit or the tobit model with binary end
- Re: st: graph -by- option
- st: Can ivprobit and ivtobit of stata 10 being applied for the probit or the tobit model with binary end
- st: AW: Re: unstable results with repeating the nearmrg command
- st: Re: unstable results with repeating the nearmrg command
- FW: st: analysis question
- st: AW: analysis question
- st: AW: AW: unstable results with repeating the nearmrg command
- Re: st: unstable results with repeating the nearmrg command
- st: AW: unstable results with repeating the nearmrg command
- st: unstable results with repeating the nearmrg command
- Re: st: Configuring ODBC in Stata (Windows)
- st: analysis question
- AW: st: graph -by- option
- Re: st: graph -by- option
- st: -mi- & Factor Variables
- Re: st: graph -by- option
- Re: st: Principal Components Analysis with count data
- Re: st: estimation using gllamm, oprobit model fails to converge
- RE: st: Principal Components Analysis with count data
- RE: st: estimation using gllamm, oprobit model fails to converge
- RE: st: Principal Components Analysis with count data
- st: Principal Components Analysis with count data
- st: estimation using gllamm, oprobit model fails to converge
- st: graph -by- option
- Re: st: Configuring ODBC in Stata (Windows)
- Re: st: Metan
- st: Metan
- st: Configuring ODBC in Stata (Windows)
- RE: st: sampsi and power
- Re: st: RE: Problem with WMF export in Stata 11.
- Re: st: Problem with WMF export in Stata 11.
- RE: st: Factor variables and mim
- st: RE: Problem with WMF export in Stata 11.
- st: RE: Problem with WMF export in Stata 11.
- st: sampsi and power
- st: RE: Reproducing xtlogit with xtmelogit
- RE: st: Weird Results
- st: Problem with WMF export in Stata 11.
- st: Reproducing xtlogit with xtmelogit
- st: Weird Results
- Re: st: no Stata 11 icons in XP
- Re: st: no Stata 11 icons in XP
- Re: st: Stata 11 crashes after PNG export with a size option
- Re: st: Bug in Stata 11
- Re: st: no Stata 11 icons in XP
- st: AW: local macro dereferencing
- st: local macro dereferencing
- st: no Stata 11 icons in XP
- Re: st: changing the legend in twoway function
- Re: st: Chernozhukov and Hong (2002)
- Re: st: changing the legend in twoway function
- Re: st: AW: AW: changing the legend in twoway function
- RE: st: logit: t-test for odds-ratio vs coefficient
- st: logit: t-test for odds-ratio vs coefficient
- st: AW: AW: changing the legend in twoway function
- st: Average partial effects in gllamm
- Re: st: AW: changing the legend in twoway function
- st: AW: changing the legend in twoway function
- st: changing the legend in twoway function
- Re: st: AW: Stata 11 crashes after PNG export with a size option
- RE: st: AW: Transforming a decimal number into hours and minutes
- Re: st: AW: Stata 11 crashes after PNG export with a size option
- st: AW: Stata 11 crashes after PNG export with a size option
- Re: st: Chernozhukov and Hong (2002)
- RE: st: Margeff with oprobit
- FW: st: centering explanatory variables around zero
- FW: st: Chernozhukov and Hong (2002)
- FW: st: [Fwd: Endogeneity in Bivariate Probit]
- RE: st: Margeff with oprobit
- st: Chernozhukov and Hong (2002)
- Re: st: Margeff with oprobit
- st: Stata 11 crashes after PNG export with a size option
- Re: st: Factor variables and mim
- st: Margeff with oprobit
- Re: st: Stata 11 mi vs SAS procmi
- Re: st: mi in Stata 11
- st: Hausman test for binary dependent variable and binary endogenous variable
- st: RE: How to keep track on observations used in the model
- Re: st: stata 11 mi and user written mim and ice commands
- Re: st: Factor variables and mim
- Re: st: How to keep track on observations used in the model
- st: How to keep track on observations used in the model
- Re: st: centering explanatory variables around zero
- Re: st: centering explanatory variables around zero
- st: centering explanatory variables around zero
- st: Stata 11 mi vs SAS procmi
- st: [Fwd: Endogeneity in Bivariate Probit]
- st: rbounds after attnd
- st: interpret output from mim & xtmixed
- RE: st: Endogeneity in Bivariate Probit
- Re: RE: st: RE: RE: what does _N mean under by varlist in the -egen- and -gen-?
- Re: st: neural networks
- st: Endogeneity in Bivariate Probit
- Re: st: Factor variables and mim
- RE: st: RE: RE: what does _N mean under by varlist in the -egen- and -gen-?
- [no subject]
- Re: st: Factor variables and mim
- Re: st: matrix question
- st: matrix question
- Re: st: neural networks
- Re: st: RE: RE: what does _N mean under by varlist in the -egen- and -gen-?
- st: matrix question
- Re: st: mi in Stata 11
- Re: st: matrix question
- st: matrix question
- Re: st: matrix question
- st: matrix question
- Re: st: matrix question
- Re: st: matrix question
- st: matrix question
- st: RE: RE: what does _N mean under by varlist in the -egen- and -gen-?
- st: stata 11 mi and user written mim and ice commands
- st: RE: what does _N mean under by varlist in the -egen- and -gen-?
- Re: st: RE: saving plot output from estat phtest
- st: RE: saving plot output from estat phtest
- st: RE: what does _N mean under by varlist in the -egen- and -gen-?
- Re: st: locals and programs
- st: marginals and unconditional standard errors
- st: RE: locals and programs
- st: locals and programs
- st: re: factor variables and mim
- st: Factor variables and mim
- st: saving plot output from estat phtest
- st: what does _N mean under by varlist in the -egen- and -gen-?
- Re: st: AW: Simulating stepwise regression
- Re: Re: AW: st: How to use the marco names?
- st: RE: predictive margins not estimable in svy
- Re: st: predictive margins not estimable in svy
- RE: st: predictive margins not estimable in svy
- Re: st: predictive margins not estimable in svy
- RE: st: RE: Bug in Stata 11
- Re: st: RE: Bug in Stata 11
- Re: st: RE: RE: Graph of sum results
- st: predictive margins not estimable in svy
- st: RE: Bug in Stata 11
- st: RE: RE: Graph of sum results
- st: RE: Graph of sum results
- st: Bug in Stata 11
- st: Graph of sum results
- Re: st: STATA 10 help
- Re: st: STATA 10 help
- st: STATA 10 help
- Re: st: mi in Stata 11
- st: AW: Twoway Plot - Change Symbol
- Re: st: Twoway Plot - Change Symbol
- st: Twoway Plot - Change Symbol
- Re: st: AW: Simulating stepwise regression
- Re: st: AW: Simulating stepwise regression
- st: levpet and mi in stata 11
- Re: st: neural networks
- st: neural networks
- st: AW: mi in Stata 11
- FW: st: Any way to annotate a Stata graph with LaTeX?
- Re: st: fm regression code
- st: mi in Stata 11
- Re: st: Standard normal Depvar
- Re: st: AW: "skipping" missing data
- st: Sample selection in bivariate probit.
- Re: st: Standard normal Depvar
- AW: st: AW: Simulating stepwise regression
- st: AW: Transforming a decimal number into hours and minutes
- st: AW: Keep an observation if the time of the obs. is closest to another time
- RE: st: Is -_ms_parse_parts- here to stay?
- st: AW: Transforming a decimal number into hours and minutes
- st: Stata Journal 9:2
- st: estout after margeff
- Re: st: AW: Simulating stepwise regression
- st: Keep an observation if the time of the obs. is closest to another time
- st: Transforming a decimal number into hours and minutes
- Re: st: estout after margeff
- Re: st: AW: Simulating stepwise regression
- st: AW: estout after margeff
- st: AW: Simulating stepwise regression
- st: AW: Simulating stepwise regression
- st: estout after margeff
- st: Simulating stepwise regression
- Re: Re: st: Panel data regression
- st: AW: Random Number Generation for Monte Carlo Simulation - Panel data
- Re: st: Sample selection and endogeneity (or, combining heckman and ivreg)
- Re: st: Random Number Generation for Monte Carlo Simulation - Panel data
- Re: st: Standard normal Depvar
- st: Random Number Generation for Monte Carlo Simulation - Panel data
- st: Announcing Stat/Transfer 10
- Re: st: Multiple Imputation in Stata 10.0
- st: Multiple Imputation in Stata 10.0
- st: Multiple Imputation in Stata 10.0
- RE: st: How to get the P values of the random effects after running an xtmixed command
- Re: st: Is -_ms_parse_parts- here to stay?
- st: Update to -estout- available from SSC
- st: AW: MEAN and MEDIAN of WTP in double-bounded dichotomous CVM
- Re: st: AW: "skipping" missing data
- st: MEAN and MEDIAN of WTP in double-bounded dichotomous CVM
- Re: st: counts with censorship
- st: Upcoming NetCourses
- RE: st: Sample selection and endogeneity (or, combining heckman and ivreg)
- Re: AW: st: How to use the marco names?
- Re: Re: AW: st: How to use the marco names?
- Re: st: AW: "skipping" missing data
- Re: st: Standard normal Depvar
- Re: st: Panel data regression
- st: RE: Panel data regression
- st: Panel data regression
- Re: st: AW: "skipping" missing data
- Re: st: Standard normal Depvar
- Re: st: counts with censorship
- st: RE: Is xtivreg2 appropriate with a small dynamic panel?
- Re: st: Standard normal Depvar
- Re: st: AW: "skipping" missing data
- Re: st: Sample selection and endogeneity (or, combining heckman and ivreg)
- Re: st: Is xtivreg2 appropriate with a small dynamic panel?
- Re: st: Standard normal Depvar
- st: AW: "skipping" missing data
- Re: st: Standard normal Depvar
- Re: AW: st: How to use the marco names?
- Re: st: "skipping" missing data
- st: AW: "skipping" missing data
- Re: st: counts with censorship
- st: "skipping" missing data
- AW: Re: AW: st: How to use the marco names?
- Re: st: Standard normal Depvar
- Re: Re: AW: st: How to use the marco names?
- st: counts with censorship
- st: Is -_ms_parse_parts- here to stay?
- st: Statalist FAQ updated
- Re: AW: st: How to use the marco names?
- Re: st: AW: Nested loops
- Re: st: aflogit for clustered data?
- AW: st: AW: Nested loops
- Re: st: Standard normal Depvar
- RE: st: AW: Nested loops
- Re: AW: st: RE: predicting probabilities
- AW: st: RE: predicting probabilities
- st: AW: Nested loops
- Re: st: RE: predicting probabilities
- st: Nested loops
- st: Is xtivreg2 appropriate with a small dynamic panel?
- st: Hal Varian says...
- Re: st: outreg2 stars and dprobit
- st: AW: Stata gives no result for Std. Err, t, P>|t| or Conf. Interval. (Master Thesis - help needed)
- st: Stata gives no result for Std. Err, t, P>|t| or Conf. Interval. (Master Thesis - help needed)
- Re: st: outreg2 stars and dprobit
- st: AW: outreg2 stars and dprobit
- st: outreg2 stars and dprobit
- RE: st: Sample selection and endogeneity (or, combining heckman and ivreg)
- RE: st: Sample selection and endogeneity (or, combining heckman and ivreg)
- RE: st: Sample selection and endogeneity (or, combining heckman and ivreg)
- RE: st: How to get the P values of the random effects after running an xtmixed command
- Re: st: AW: fmlogit command: module fitting a fractional multinomial logit model by quasi maximum likelihood
- Re: st: Standard normal Depvar
- Re: st: PRVALUE with Cubic Splines
- st: Screening for nested data and multilevel modeling
- st: re: fmlogit command: module fitting a fractional multinomial logit model by quasi maximum likelihood
- st: NL estimation loop results are not always returned.
- st: getting pseudo r2 for qreg in a bootstrapping set up
- st: RE: predicting probabilities
- st: predicting probabilities
- st: uvis in Stata 9
- st: AW: Standard normal Depvar
- Re: st: How to get the P values of the random effects after running an xtmixed command
- st: AW: fmlogit command: module fitting a fractional multinomial logit model by quasi maximum likelihood
- st: fmlogit command: module fitting a fractional multinomial logit model by quasi maximum likelihood
- Re: AW: st: Opening Stata datasets from windows explorer in windows vista
- Re: st: -clist- doesn't work in Stata 11
- st: aflogit for clustered data?
- st: How to avoid inflating observation numbers and t-stats?
- st: RE: How to avoid inflating observation numbers and t-stats?
- st: AW: -clist- doesn't work in Stata 11
- st: Standard normal Depvar
- st: -clist- doesn't work in Stata 11
- Re: AW: st: Opening Stata datasets from windows explorer in windows vista
- Re: st: PRVALUE with Cubic Splines
- Re: st: PRVALUE with Cubic Splines
- Re: st: vary marker color by external variable
- Re: st: Sample selection and endogeneity (or, combining heckman and ivreg)
- Re: AW: AW: st: How to use the marco names?
- st: AW: How to get the P values of the random effects after running an xtmixed command
- st: How to get the P values of the random effects after running an xtmixed command
- AW: st: AW: Finding the minimum of a variable
- Re: st: AW: Finding the minimum of a variable
- st: AW: Finding the minimum of a variable
- st: Finding the minimum of a variable
- RE: st: seqlogit consistency
- AW: AW: st: How to use the marco names?
- Re: AW: st: How to use the marco names?
- st: RE: Collapse in Gmm
- Re: st: Sample selection and endogeneity (or, combining heckman and ivreg)
- st: Collapse in Gmm
- Re: AW: st: AW: Displaying labeled values of variables
- AW: st: AW: Displaying labeled values of variables
- Re: st: AW: Displaying labeled values of variables
- AW: AW: st: Fixed effect dummy variable
- Re: AW: st: Fixed effect dummy variable
- st: test of over-identifying restrctions after Heckman model
- AW: st: Fixed effect dummy variable
- Re: st: Fixed effect dummy variable
- Re: st: Sample selection and endogeneity (or, combining heckman and ivreg)
- [no subject]
- RE: st: seqlogit consistency
- Re: st: Fixed effect dummy variable
- RE: st: Sample selection and endogeneity (or, combining heckman and ivreg)
- st: Sample selection and endogeneity (or, combining heckman and ivreg)
- Re: st: Poisson vs. Linear regression for comparing rates
- Re: st: seqlogit consistency
- st: Re: Poisson vs. Linear regression for comparing rates
- Re: st: PRVALUE with Cubic Splines
- st: Poisson vs. Linear regression for comparing rates
- Re: st: vary marker color by external variable
- st: Fixed effect dummy variable
- Re: st: Stata: IMR after biprob
- Re: st: re: how to explain the results of ivendog after -ivreg2-?
- Re: Re: st: how to estout the first-stage results of -ivreg2-?
- Re: st: AW: creating and calling local macros in do-files
- st: AW: vary marker color by external variable
- Re: st: Overlaying Kernel density plots
- st: AW: Overlaying Kernel density plots
- st: IMR and biprob
- st: PRVALUE with Cubic Splines
- st: vary marker color by external variable
- st: Overlaying Kernel density plots
- st: New versions of -dolog- and -dotex- on SSC
- st: PRVALUE with Cubic Splines
- st: re: how to explain the results of ivendog after -ivreg2-?
- st: Collapse in GMM
- RE: st: re: how to explain the results of ivendog after -ivreg2-?
- Re: st: AW: creating and calling local macros in do-files
- Re: st: re: how to explain the results of ivendog after -ivreg2-?
- Re: st: AW: creating and calling local macros in do-files
- st: New version of -haif- downloadable from SSC
- st: AW: creating and calling local macros in do-files
- st: creating and calling local macros in do-files
- Re: st: Regarding using pathreg with svy command
- Re: st: cluster analysis with missing data
- Re: st: Format and Export(Excel) of 3-way table results
- st: Sensitivity test of treatment effect when there the matrix is not (1x1)
- st: AW: Sensitivity test of treatment effect when there the matrix is not (1x1)
- Re: st: How to loop only over the periods in which the commands are feasible, and automatically ignore the others?
- Re: st: help with "joinby"
- Re: st: How to loop only over the periods in which the commands are feasible, and automatically ignore the others?
- Re: st: AW: fm regression code
- st: re: how to explain the results of ivendog after -ivreg2-?
- Re: st: AW: xttab for 2-way tables
- st: how to explain the results of ivendog after -ivreg2-?
- st: How to loop only over the periods in which the commands are feasible, and automatically ignore the others?
- Re: st: how to derive standard error of correlation coefficient
- st: seqlogit consistency
- Re: st: AW: fm regression code
- AW: AW: st: AW: Using svy with by
- Re: AW: st: AW: Using svy with by
- AW: st: AW: Using svy with by
- Re: st: RE: Explanation of endogenous binary IV using "biprobit"
- Re: st: AW: Using svy with by
- Re: st: spearman correlations
- Re: st: AW: fm regression code
- RE: <SPAM>st: No Std. Err, t, P>|t| or Conf. Interval in Regression Result
- st: fm regression code
- st: AW: fm regression code
- st: AW: fm regression code
- st: Regarding using pathreg with svy command
- st: fm regression code
- st: AW: No Std. Err, t, P>|t| or Conf. Interval in Regression Result
- st: AW: Using svy with by
- st: No Std. Err, t, P>|t| or Conf. Interval in Regression Result
- Re: st: how to estout the first-stage results of -ivreg2-?
- st: Using svy with by
- st: how to derive standard error of correlation coefficient
- st: RE: generate a varaible from date
- st: AW: generate a varaible from date
- st: generate a varaible from date
- st: generate a varaible from date
- st: generate a varaible from date
- st: intreg for double bounded CVM for WTP
- SV: st: Merge two datasets by more than one variable
- Re: st: AW: Displaying labeled values of variables
- st: Re: st: RE: how to test with two suspect endogenous variables?
- st: AW: Displaying labeled values of variables
- st: AW: Displaying labeled values of variables
- st: Displaying labeled values of variables
- Re: st: System Macros
- Re: st: spearman correlations
- Re: st: spearman correlations
- st: spearman correlations
- Re: st: Checking collinearity when using SVY Command
- Re: AW: st: Opening Stata datasets from windows explorer in windows vista
- AW: st: Opening Stata datasets from windows explorer in windows vista
- Re: st: Opening Stata datasets from windows explorer in windows vista
- st: RE: Explanation of endogenous binary IV using "biprobit"
- Re: st: Checking collinearity when using SVY Command
- st: RE: Opening Stata datasets from windows explorer in windows vista
- st: RE: Checking collinearity when using SVY Command
- st: Opening Stata datasets from windows explorer in windows vista
- st: Checking collinearity when using SVY Command
- st: Explanation of endogenous binary IV using "biprobit"
- Re: AW: st: How to use the marco names?
- st: AW: Documentation for the SMCL -findalias- command
- Re: st: AW: how to estout the first-stage results of -ivreg2-?
- Re: st: clear and clear all
- st: Documentation for the SMCL -findalias- command
- Re: AW: AW: st: logit with interaction and transformation
- st: AW: Explanation of endogenous binary IV using "biprobit"
- st: Explanation of endogenous binary IV using "biprobit"
- Re: st: Uninstalling Stata
- AW: st: How to use the marco names?
- RE: st: Factor models in panel data (was: Factor models)
- AW: st: AW: xttab for 2-way tables
- [no subject]
- Re: st: How to use the marco names?
- Re: st: AW: xttab for 2-way tables
- st: AW: xttab for 2-way tables
- st: xttab for 2-way tables
- st: AW: how to estout the first-stage results of -ivreg2-?
- st: AW: WTP by Double bounded CVM
- st: WTP by Double bounded CVM
- [no subject]
- st: how to estout the first-stage results of -ivreg2-?
- AW: AW: st: logit with interaction and transformation
- Re: st: AW: subvarname and list
- Re: st: subvarname and list
- st: AW: subvarname and list
- Re: AW: st: logit with interaction and transformation
- st: -nlogit-
- st: subvarname and list
- Re: st: Analysis of pilot drug RCT with small samples and continuous DVs
- st: New version of -dologx- on SSC
- Re: st: Conditional logit - how to account for within-subject correlation
- AW: st: logit with interaction and transformation
- RE: st: Cluster-robust estimate of the VCE, GMM, Mata
- RE: st: Cluster-robust estimate of the VCE, GMM, Mata
- st: Analysis of pilot drug RCT with small samples and continuous DVs
- Re: st: Cluster-robust estimate of the VCE, GMM, Mata
- Re: st: reporting beta coefficients in GEE
- Re: st: Re: sum() returns different results every time, why?
- Re: st: Uninstalling Stata
- st: reporting beta coefficients in GEE
- st: RE: interpreting xtmixed results
- st: interpreting xtmixed results
- Re: st: fuzzy matching using first and last name
- st: RE: Bug in Stata11 Editor
- st: Bug in Stata11 Editor
- Re: st: Uninstalling Stata
- st: FGLS
- Re: st: clear and clear all
- Re: st: Uninstalling Stata
- st: SSC Archive activity, July 2009
- st: Re: How to generate "total" observation?
- st: Re: sum() returns different results every time, why?
- Re: st: Uninstalling Stata
- Re: st: Uninstalling Stata
- Re: st: AW: Second-differencing in -xtabond2-
- st: clear and clear all
- RE: st: RE: How to generate "total" observation?
- Re: st: sum() returns different results every time, why?
- Re: st: RE: How to generate "total" observation?
- st: RE: How to generate "total" observation?
- [no subject]
- st: How to use the marco names?
- st: How to generate "total" observation?
- RE: st: sum() returns different results every time, why?
- Re: st: sum() returns different results every time, why?
- Re: st: StataMP will not utilize multiple processors (Windows XP)
- Re: st: sum() returns different results every time, why?
- st: sum() returns different results every time, why?
- Re: st: Factor models in panel data (was: Factor models)
- st: RE: Equality of two lorenz curves
- st: Uninstalling Stata
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