In case it might be helpful to report this, I have been getting
sporadic and occasional errors using Stata 11 for the Mac (OSX
10.5.8). I noticed on several occasions that when I used the page up
key when graphs were displaying, the program sometimes reported an
error. Today, Stata told me ": required" twice and once told me a
variable was not found in a program that never called for it. In all
of these occasions rerunning the program resulted in the program
running without an error. I may have been using the page up or down
key while the program was executing, or even putting in the next
command before the program had finished. I did not have these problems
with Stata 10. I do recognize that this might not be a Stata problem,
but thought it might be helpful to report it.
Fred Wolfe
National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases
Wichita, Kansas
NDB Office +1 316 263 2125 Ext 0
Research Office +1 316 686 9195
[email protected]
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