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st: STATA 10 help
Dear Statalist subscribers,
I am currently trying to make a simple regression model where I include myself as a variable influencing the firms revenue. This is for a small presentation I need to make to a firm for a interview process. I have run a multiple regression, but I am getting peculiar results where some of my coefficient variables are dropped and I don't get any numerical values for the certain columns (see below). I will appreciate if I could get your help as soon as possible. Thank you.
regress Rev GDP7 DJ NK FTSE UE7 OP
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 6
-------------+------------------------------ F( 5, 0) = .
Model | 48697133.3 5 9739426.67 Prob > F = .
Residual | 0 0 . R-squared = 1.0000
-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = .
Total | 48697133.3 5 9739426.67 Root MSE = 0
Rev | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
GDP7 | (dropped)
DJ | 42.9947 . . . . .
NK | 81.30229 . . . . .
FTSE | 287.0798 . . . . .
UE7 | -2196.796 . . . . .
OP | 35.09357 . . . . .
_cons | -27760.23 . . . . .
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