Dear Listers,
There is indeed a problem with margeff: average partial effects are wrong after oprobit and ologit.
After returning from holiday, I tried to find the bug, and I hope I have managed to fix it.
However, as a side effect, standard errors became too large.
Users who are interested in estimating only the partial effects and are not interested
in standard errors might download a new version of margeff as follows:
net from ""
net install margeff, replace
I will keep working on the problem of incorrect standard errors. When ready,
an announcement will be made.
Tamas Bartus, PhD
Associate Professor, Institute of Sociology and Social Policy
Corvinus University, Budapest
1093 Budapest, Közraktár utca 4-6.
Phone: +36-1-482-7301
Fax: +36-1-482-7348
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