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Re: st: Margeff with oprobit

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: Margeff with oprobit
Date   Sun, 09 Aug 2009 20:51:37 -0500

At 06:32 PM 8/9/2009, Nicolas Herault wrote:
I am trying to estimate the marginal effects after oprobit and it seems that the margeff command is producing the wrong results. My model has quite a few regressors but I have the same problem with a very simple model with 1 or 2 regressors.
Has anyone had this problem before?
I am using Stata 10.1 and I have uploaded the most recent version of margeff.


What makes you think the results are wrong, Nicolas? Remember, by default, margeff handles things differently than mfx does. If you want margeff to behave the same as mfx, type

margeff, at(mean)

If you still think margeff is wrong, some output with an explanation of why you think there is a problem would help. A reproducible example would be even better.

Incidentally, -margeff- is at a couple of locations. I got my copy from SSC. Make sure you really really do have the most current version:

. which margeff
*! Obtain partial effects after estimation
*! Version 2.1.8  (20 April 2008)    (Revision of Stata Journal submission)
*! Author:        Tamas Bartus       (Corvinus University, Budapest)

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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