I would like to simulate the below. Note, I am no fan of stepwise--I
just want to demonstrate it evils
However, I do not know
1. what to put in the place of "??"--that is, I want the program to
capture only the variables that were selected in the model as being
2. how to simulate the r-square.
3. how to extend the simulation (a new program) such that I simulate
from n = 50 to n=1000 (in increments of 50), crossed with independent
variables ranging from x1 to x100.
Here is the program:
set seed 123456
capture program drop sim
version 10.1
program define sim, eclass
drop _all
set obs 100
gen y = invnorm(uniform())
gen x1 = invnorm(uniform())
gen x2 = invnorm(uniform())
gen x3 = invnorm(uniform())
gen x4 = invnorm(uniform())
gen x5 = invnorm(uniform())
stepwise, pr(.2): regress y x1-x5
simulate ??? , reps(20) seed (123) : sim,
foreach v in ?? {
gen t_`v' = /*
gen p_`v' =/*
*/ 2*(1-normal(abs(t_`v')))
Prof. John Antonakis
Associate Dean Faculty of Business and Economics
University of Lausanne
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