Hi Stata users,
I am using uvis to do multiple imputation on a panel data
set (in long form). I am imputing values for employment. I am not using the current version of Stata that has inbuilt features for imputation. This is the code that I am using:
forv i = 1(1)5 {;
uvis regress lognoofemployees logsalariesandwages
gen(lognoofemployees_imp`i') seed(123695`i');
replace lognoofemployees = lognoofemployees_imp`i';
save imp`i',
forv i = 1(1)5 {;
use imp`i', clear;
miset using imp
mifit, indiv: logsales lognoofemployees_imp
mifit: xtreg lognoofemployees_imp exportdummy
The first reg command gives me the error message :
combining estimates is not possible: fitted model differs
across datasets
whereas the second command works fine, i.e., shows the
overall estimates .
Is there a flaw with the way things are working out due to the form of the data. Any suggestions to resolve this error? Thanks in advance.
P.S. : I sent in an earlier mail that did not go thro...I am sorry if I am sending in a repeat mail.
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