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st: Standardizing values

From   JIBONAYAN RAYCHAUDHURI <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Standardizing values
Date   Mon, 24 Aug 2009 11:39:10 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Stata Users,

I am trying to calculate total factor productivity (TFP) for a panel of firms. I have these firms classified by industry. I have a measure of TFP (tfplevpet_imp, which contains imputed values) that I am trying to standarize at 2-digit industrial classification (called nic2 that ranges from 15 to 35 with some gaps) . I am using the following code to do so: 

gen logtfplevpet_mean_imp=.;
gen logtfplevpet_sd_imp=.;
gsort +nic2 +newyear; 
foreach num of numlist 15 17 19 21 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 
31 32 35 {; 
by nic2 : egen logtfplevpet_mean_imp`num' = mean(logtfplevpet_imp) if nic2==`num';
by nic2 : egen logtfplevpet_sd_imp`num' = sd(logtfplevpet_imp) if nic2==`num';
foreach num of numlist 15 17 19 21 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 
31 32 35 {;
replace logtfplevpet_mean_imp=logtfplevpet_mean_imp`num' if nic2==`num';
replace  logtfplevpet_sd_imp=logtfplevpet_sd_imp`num' if nic2==`num';

gsort +compname +newyear;
gen logtfplevpet_stand_imp= logtfplevpet_imp-logtfplevpet_mean_imp/logtfplevpet_sd_imp;

The correlation between the standarized and the non-standarized values is very low about 0.25. Also, the mean of this measure is .54. This measure of TFP is using a semi-parametric estimation technique. In another measure of TFP, which I get as the OLS residual in a simple regression, if I use the exact same code the correlation between std. and non std. values is 0.99!!! Also, instead of standarizing at 2-digit nic if I do a standardization over  the entire sample, i..e., std. values are now computed from the overall mean and variance of all firms in all industries, the TFP measure shows a mean of nearly 0 and an sd of 1, but the correlation with the non-std. measure is still low 0.71. As a sidenote, when I impute values I am using only those nic observations that are used in the standarization. I am very puzzled as to why the correlation is so low between standard and nonstandard values, when it should always be close to 1. Any comments suggestion will
 be highly appreciated.


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