I have been told the earlier post was too vague. These codes
will save a "my_secret_secret" file, which can be used to get the
string names back after -svmat-.
sysuse auto, clear
encode make, gen(make_coded)
keep make make_coded
sort make_coded
save my_secret_secret, replace
* arbitarily mix them
sort price, stable
* do your stuff
mkmat make_coded mpg, mat(results)
mat list results
drop *
svmat results
* this preserves the desired presentation order
gen id=_n
* merge
ren results1 make_coded
sort make_coded
merge make_coded using my_secret_secret
* this restores the desired presentation order
sort id
drop id _merge
Get back to school stuff for them and cashback for you.
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* http://www.stata.com/help.cgi?search
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* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/