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zero inflated beta [was: st: Information request]

From   Maarten buis <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   zero inflated beta [was: st: Information request]
Date   Thu, 13 Aug 2009 08:33:49 +0000 (GMT)

--- On Wed, 12/8/09, Fabio Zona wrote:
> I am in the unfortunate situation of running a regression
> analysis, whereby:
> - my dependent variable is a proportion (percentage of
> bonus on total compensation of top managers of 178
> corporations),
> - the majority (more than 50%) of my managers does not have
> any bonus, so the proportion is exact ZERO, that is, my
> dependent variable has many exact zeros.
> How can I estimate this model? do you know the command I
> should use in Stata?
> I know that I cannot use the fractional logit because I
> have many zeros. I have not found any zero-inflated logistic
> regression for situations whereby y are proportion

A zero inflated fractional logit model is hard to identify. A
zero-inflated beta is probably better, but there is obviously
a price (there is no such thing as a free lunch...), and that
is more restrictive assumptions. 

Below is a quick stab at implementing such a model. I haven't 
done any checking or certification on it, so it is up to you 
to determine whether this is program actually does what it is 
supposed to do. As a first step I would build a simulated 
dataset where you know what the parameters should be and 
check whether this program actually finds those.

Hope this helps,

*----------- begin example ---------------
program drop _all
set more off
input      prop str1 site variety
 0.0005    A       1
 0.0000    A       2
 0.0000    A       3
 0.0010    A       4
 0.0025    A       5
 0.0005    A       6
 0.0050    A       7
 0.0130    A       8
 0.0150    A       9
 0.0150    A       10
 0.0000    B       1
 0.0005    B       2
 0.0005    B       3
 0.0030    B       4
 0.0075    B       5
 0.0030    B       6
 0.0300    B       7
 0.0750    B       8
 0.0100    B       9
 0.1270    B       10
 0.0125    C       1
 0.0125    C       2
 0.0250    C       3
 0.1660    C       4
 0.0250    C       5
 0.0250    C       6
 0.0000    C       7
 0.2000    C       8
 0.3750    C       9
 0.2625    C       10
 0.0250    D       1
 0.0050    D       2
 0.0001    D       3
 0.0300    D       4
 0.0250    D       5
 0.0001    D       6
 0.2500    D       7
 0.5500    D       8
 0.0500    D       9
 0.4000    D       10
 0.0550    E       1
 0.0100    E       2
 0.0600    E       3
 0.0110    E       4
 0.0250    E       5
 0.0800    E       6
 0.1650    E       7
 0.2950    E       8
 0.2000    E       9
 0.4350    E       10
 0.0100    F       1
 0.0500    F       2
 0.0500    F       3
 0.0500    F       4
 0.0500    F       5
 0.0500    F       6
 0.1000    F       7
 0.0500    F       8
 0.5000    F       9
 0.7500    F       10
 0.0500    G       1
 0.0010    G       2
 0.0500    G       3
 0.0500    G       4
 0.5000    G       5
 0.1000    G       6
 0.5000    G       7
 0.2500    G       8
 0.5000    G       9
 0.7500    G       10
 0.0500    H       1
 0.1000    H       2
 0.0500    H       3
 0.0500    H       4
 0.2500    H       5
 0.7500    H       6
 0.5000    H       7
 0.7500    H       8
 0.7500    H       9
 0.7500    H       10
 0.1750    I       1
 0.2500    I       2
 0.4250    I       3
 0.5000    I       4
 0.3750    I       5
 0.9500    I       6
 0.6250    I       7
 0.9500    I       8
 0.9500    I       9
 0.9500    I       10

encode site, gen(sitenum)
gen byte left = sitenum <= 4

program define zibeta_lf
	*! MLB 0.0.1 13 Aug 2009
	version 8.2
	args lnf logitmu lnphi zb
	tempvar zero nonzero mu phi

	quietly gen double `zero' = invlogit(`zb')
	quietly gen double `nonzero' = invlogit(-`zb')
	quietly gen double `mu' = invlogit(`logitmu')
	quietly gen double `phi' = exp(`lnphi')

	quietly replace `lnf' =  ln(`nonzero') +    ///
	                         lngamma(`phi') - ///
                               lngamma(`mu'*`phi') - ///
                               lngamma((1-`mu')*`phi') + ///
                               (`mu'*`phi'-1)*ln($ML_y) + ///
                               ((1-`mu')*`phi'-1)*ln(1-$ML_y) ///
                               if $ML_y > 0

	quietly replace `lnf' =  ln(`zero') if $ML_y == 0
xi i.variety
ml model lf zibeta_lf (logitmu: prop = _I*) /lnphi (zg:left), robust
ml check
ml search
ml maximize

*--------------- end example ----------------------

Maarten L. Buis
Institut fuer Soziologie
Universitaet Tuebingen
Wilhelmstrasse 36
72074 Tuebingen


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