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Re: st: Has anyone used STATA 11 on Windows 7 (32bit)?

From   Sergiy Radyakin <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Has anyone used STATA 11 on Windows 7 (32bit)?
Date   Thu, 20 Aug 2009 14:00:24 -0400

Dear Ada,

any computers you might be buying now are definitely not 32-bit. They
are almost surely 64-bit.
So installing a 32-bit OS is underusing the available resources.
32-bit versions of the modern Windows are designed primarily for
compatibility reasons.
And you will almost surely upgrade your software in the future.

1. Do you have any specific software that will not run in the 64-bit
environment? 32-bit programs work in 64-bit XP and Vista, should be
same with Windows 7. This is not true for the 16-bit programs (Win
3.11 and earlier) - they do not run in Windows 64-bit, but work in

2. Is this the IT policy of your organization to use 32-bit OS? In
this case you may try to pursue the "special needs" route and try to
negotiate an exception.

3. If your data sets grow, how fast? How do you process them? Do you
plan to expand the memory in the future? 32-bit OS will underuse it
(anything after 4gb will not be used).

4. Consult the manufacturer/MSFT regarding upgrade of 32-bit OS to
64-bit OS. It could very well be free.

5. Windows 7 comes with a Virtual XP mode: "Windows XP Mode requires
an additional 1 GB of RAM, an additional 15 GB of available hard disk
space, and a processor capable of hardware virtualization with Intel
VT or AMD-V turned on" so you will not be worse off than you have seen
with XP already. Vista often provides more memory to Stata 10 32-bit
(about 1500mb for me) than XP did (about 1000m for me).

Best regards, Sergiy Radyakin

On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 1:32 PM, Jeph Herrin<[email protected]> wrote:
> I've had 64bit XP on a 64bit PC for a couple of years,
> works like a charm. Stata allocates 15gb, no problem.
> hope this helps,
> Jeph
> Ada Ma wrote:
>> Hi Statalisters,
>> I am wondering how much memory I will be able to call upon within
>> STATA 11, given that I will be using a Windows 7 32-bit PC.
>> My experience with Windows XP (32bit) is that the maximum amount of
>> memory I can call for within STATA (v 10) is 1100m, sometimes 1300m,
>> but never anything approaching 2GB.  I have never used STATA 11.
>> I am considering whether it is worthwhile to buy a bunch of new 32bit
>> PCs with 3GB of memory that will be used for the next four years.
>> With the data sets we use growing bigger every day I think, for our
>> purposes, we should buy new PCs should at least allow us to set memory
>> to 2GB.  The Windows OS is the only option we may take, so we won't be
>> able to adopt solutions that involve the use of alternative OSs.
>> I would greatly appreciate any experience you have with STATA 11
>> and/or Windows 7 32-bit you would care to share!
>> Thank you.
>> Regards,
>> Ada
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