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st: local containing (all) variables' names in a dataset

From   Augusto Cadenas <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: local containing (all) variables' names in a dataset
Date   Mon, 17 Aug 2009 15:38:03 +0200

Dear statalisters,

I have to collapse a series of datasets and I would appreciate your
help. The issue is that these datasets have different variables, but
always the same variable by which I want to collapse. So I have to run
the following command:

collapse (mean) id (sum) [all other variables here], by(name)

And I would like to embed this in a foreach loop of the type

local datasets `"dataset1 dataset2 dataset3"'
foreach X of local datasets {
     use `X', clear
     collapse (mean) id (sum) [all other variables here], by(name)
     save, replace

The issue for me is how to create a local that contains the names of
all variables in each dataset, except for "name" and "id". Any
suggestions are appreciated!

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