Sergiy Radyakin wrote:
>there seems to be a problem with the export to WMF in Stata 11, which
>causes incorrect positioning of labels.
Sergiy has discovered that the alignment of text behaves strangely when
graphs are exported to WMF format under Stata 11 for Windows. We will work
to get this resolved as soon as possible.
EMF, the default clipboard format for graphs under Windows (and Windows'
newer replacement for WMF), does not have this problem. Unless you change
the clipboard format under Stata's graph preferences, or use graph export
to create a WMF file, you will not encounter this behavior.
In Windows, EMF or EPS formats are the preferred graph export formats,
because they use vector graphics thus giving better (scalable) results.
WMF is also vectorized, but is only provided for backwards compatibility
with older applications that cannot handle the newer EMF format.
-- James Hassell
StataCorp LP
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