Hi all,
It would be great if you could give me some suggestion on the
following question about matrix operation for a survey data set.
The data set includes respondents of male (2517 obs)and female(2480
obs).First I run earnings function for male and female separately.
Then I want to do a t test for comparing the group mean of (sum of
Bmale*X'female) and (sum of Bfemale*X'female). The former means the
earnings of a female when she is treated the same as a male with
identical endowment in labor market. The latter means the predicted
value of how much a female earns.,
where Bmale: the coefficients get for a regression for each male
Bfemale: the coefficients get for a regression for each female
Xmale: the original values of independent variables for each male
Xfemale: the original values of independent variables for each female