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AW: st: Has anyone used STATA 11 on Windows 7 (32bit)?

From   "Martin Weiss" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   AW: st: Has anyone used STATA 11 on Windows 7 (32bit)?
Date   Fri, 28 Aug 2009 18:00:15 +0200



-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von David Cancel
Gesendet: Freitag, 28. August 2009 17:56
An: [email protected]
Betreff: Re: st: Has anyone used STATA 11 on Windows 7 (32bit)?

Can someone tell me how do I go about getting rid of all these emails...



> Diana:
> There shouldn't be any issues with running Stata 11 under Snow Leopard
> (10.6).
> One of the only differences between Leopard & Snow Leopard that will
> affect Stata 11 will be that Snow Leopard has been completely
> transitioned to 64-bit, so this *should* make Stata faster (if only
> because the other programs, system resources, and kernel binaries
> running on the machine will now be in 64-bit) and more stable (it's
> improved argument handling should make it more resilient to any issues
> with Stata crashing...though this hasn't happened very often for me).
> Also, Apple has been touting that, in theory, Snow Leopard could
> recognize 16 EXABYTES (or 16 billion GB)  of physical RAM (versus the
> current 32 GB ram limit); that is, if you had a machine or cluster
> with that level of resources.
> While I'm not going to go out and buy Snow Leopard until Apple has had
> a month or two to send out updates to fix any bugs/issues, I think
> there is a clear advantage in running Stata 11 on 10.6 rather than 10.5.
> Best,
> Eric
> __
> Eric A. Booth
> Public Policy Research Institute
> Texas A&M University
> [email protected]
> Office: +979.845.6754
> On Aug 28, 2009, at 6:41 AM, kornbrot wrote:
>> How about Snow Leopard?
>> Just acquired new version 11 for Mac, new in July 09 ? really hope
>> it can!
>> Best
>> diana
>> On 28/08/2009 11:44, "Ada Ma" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Hi Sergiy,
>>> Thank you so much for your detailed reply.
>>> I am considering buying a couple of PCs to replace older PCs within
>>> my
>>> department, and I was wondering what I needed to get.  Originally I
>>> was pulling my hair out because my university used to charge a £700
>>> per PC on top of hardware and software for looking after a 64 bit
>>> machine.  As we are looking to replace about 6 to 8 PCs it's going to
>>> cost us a considerate amount of money!  I have asked the IT dept
>>> again
>>> about this charge since I wrote the email to Statalist and they said
>>> they have now waived this charge (YAY!!!)
>>> So it looks like the problems are resolving on their own - and
>>> hopefully it will go on that direction.
>>> I have only recently used Windows Vista and I haven't yet tried to
>>> push the Stata memory limit on that platform, so it's good to know
>>> what you have told me.  My university does not support Windows Vista
>>> and we are still using XP - I am guessing that they may skip the
>>> Vista
>>> and directly upgrade from XP to Windows 7.  I have a Vista machine at
>>> home, so I will try what you've said in your email.
>>> Warm regards,
>>> Ada
>>> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 7:00 PM, Sergiy Radyakin<[email protected]
>>> > wrote:
>>> > Dear Ada,
>>> >
>>> > any computers you might be buying now are definitely not 32-bit.
>>> They
>>> > are almost surely 64-bit.
>>> > So installing a 32-bit OS is underusing the available resources.
>>> > 32-bit versions of the modern Windows are designed primarily for
>>> > compatibility reasons.
>>> > And you will almost surely upgrade your software in the future.
>>> >
>>> > 1. Do you have any specific software that will not run in the 64-
>>> bit
>>> > environment? 32-bit programs work in 64-bit XP and Vista, should be
>>> > same with Windows 7. This is not true for the 16-bit programs (Win
>>> > 3.11 and earlier) - they do not run in Windows 64-bit, but work in
>>> > 32-bit.
>>> >
>>> > 2. Is this the IT policy of your organization to use 32-bit OS? In
>>> > this case you may try to pursue the "special needs" route and try
>>> to
>>> > negotiate an exception.
>>> >
>>> > 3. If your data sets grow, how fast? How do you process them? Do
>>> you
>>> > plan to expand the memory in the future? 32-bit OS will underuse it
>>> > (anything after 4gb will not be used).
>>> >
>>> > 4. Consult the manufacturer/MSFT regarding upgrade of 32-bit OS to
>>> > 64-bit OS. It could very well be free.
>>> >
>>> > 5. Windows 7 comes with a Virtual XP mode: "Windows XP Mode
>>> requires
>>> > an additional 1 GB of RAM, an additional 15 GB of available hard
>>> disk
>>> > space, and a processor capable of hardware virtualization with
>>> Intel
>>> > VT or AMD-V turned on" so you will not be worse off than you have
>>> seen
>>> > with XP already. Vista often provides more memory to Stata 10 32-
>>> bit
>>> > (about 1500mb for me) than XP did (about 1000m for me).
>>> >
>>> > Best regards, Sergiy Radyakin
>>> >
>>> > On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 1:32 PM, Jeph Herrin<[email protected]>
>>> wrote:
>>> >> I've had 64bit XP on a 64bit PC for a couple of years,
>>> >> works like a charm. Stata allocates 15gb, no problem.
>>> >>
>>> >> hope this helps,
>>> >> Jeph
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> Ada Ma wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Hi Statalisters,
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I am wondering how much memory I will be able to call upon within
>>> >>> STATA 11, given that I will be using a Windows 7 32-bit PC.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> My experience with Windows XP (32bit) is that the maximum
>>> amount of
>>> >>> memory I can call for within STATA (v 10) is 1100m, sometimes
>>> 1300m,
>>> >>> but never anything approaching 2GB.  I have never used STATA 11.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I am considering whether it is worthwhile to buy a bunch of new
>>> 32bit
>>> >>> PCs with 3GB of memory that will be used for the next four years.
>>> >>> With the data sets we use growing bigger every day I think, for
>>> our
>>> >>> purposes, we should buy new PCs should at least allow us to set
>>> memory
>>> >>> to 2GB.  The Windows OS is the only option we may take, so we
>>> won't be
>>> >>> able to adopt solutions that involve the use of alternative OSs.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I would greatly appreciate any experience you have with STATA 11
>>> >>> and/or Windows 7 32-bit you would care to share!
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Thank you.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Regards,
>>> >>> Ada
>>> >>>
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>>> --
>>> Ada Ma
>>> Research Fellow
>>> Health Economics Research Unit
>>> University of Aberdeen, UK.
>>> Tel: +44 (0) 1224 555189
>>> Fax: +44 (0) 1224 550926
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>> Professor Diana Kornbrot
>> email:  [email protected]
>> web:
>> Work
>> School of Psychology
>>  University of Hertfordshire
>>  College Lane, Hatfield, Hertfordshire AL10 9AB, UK
>>  voice:   +44 (0) 170 728 4626
>>    fax:     +44 (0) 170 728 5073
>> Home
>>  19 Elmhurst Avenue
>>  London N2 0LT, UK
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