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RE: st: RE: survival data analysis- recode survival time variable

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: RE: survival data analysis- recode survival time variable
Date   Tue, 25 Aug 2009 15:04:38 +0100

The month is in these terms 

mod(SURV, 100) 

A one-liner is thus 

gen time_in_months = 12 * int(SURV/100) + mod(SURV, 100) 

-floor()- is an alternative to -int()-. 

There is more on -mod(,)- at

SJ-7-1  pr0031  . Stata tip 43: Remainders, selections, sequences,
        . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  N.
J. Cox
        Q1/07   SJ 7(1):143--145                                 (no
        tip for uses of the modulus

A major omission in that Tip is that it doesn't mention rotations. E.g.
if you rotate 180 degrees clockwise you end up at mod(vector + 180,

[email protected] 

Villa Lora, Juan Miguel

gen year = int(SURV/100)
tostring SURV, replace
gen month = substr(SURV,-2,.)
Replace month = SURV if month == ""

gen time_in_months = year*12 + real(month) 

From: Johannes Schoder [mailto:[email protected]]

Hi Juan,
Thank you very much for your help thats a great idea!!
However, when I run the command Stata always tells "type mismatch".
what I did:

gen year=substr(SURV, 1, 2)
**I guess this command is generating the year variable by just taking
the first to digits. And I guess here lies the problem because if the
survival time is e.g 1 year my spread sheet looks like this: 100 and not
0100. But I am totally not sure if this is the problem.

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