Your numlist would have had nearly 200,000 elements. The calculation
would have been very slow anyway!
The answer is yes!
gen mysum = 0
foreach v of local varlist {
replace mysum = mysum + (`v' > 9700 & `v' < . & `v' < 200710)
Also check out -inrange()-.
[email protected]
Mandy fu
When I use the following command to count how many variables in the
varlist is greater than 9700 and less than 200710, I got an error
message that says the numlist has too many elements:
. egen newvar=anycount(varlist), values(9700/200710)
----values() invalid -- invalid numlist has too many elements
I was wondering if there's any alternative way to get the total numebr
of variables in the varlist whose values are in a large range such as
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