You don't _need_ to put them in one (big) macro. You could just put them
in several. Here is a sketch.
use firstdata
foreach v in var * {
local l_`v' "`: var label `v''"
use seconddata
foreach v in var * {
label var `v' "`l_`v''"
[email protected]
[email protected]
Martin, thank you for your quick reply.
I just take a simply example in my previous posting. In fact, I want to
store the labels for certain variables in one dta into a localname and
then feed them to other variables in the other dta. However, the labels
for certain variables have space, which make things troublesome.
From: Martin Weiss <[email protected]>
If you really do want -_all- variables, then your -word count- is a
roundabout and hazardous way to get the # of variables. Why not just
di in red "# of vars in the dataset: " c(k)
[email protected]
I generate a localname to stand for the var labels of certain variables.
However, there are spaces in the labels of certain variables.
How to let stata treat each label as a complete unit?
For example,
input x y
1 2
3 9
la var x "the first"
la var y "the second"
foreach i of varlist _all {
loc labels "`labels' `: var l `i''"
di "`labels'"
the first the second
di "`: word count `labels''"
In fact my purpose is to generate a localname including two labels, and
word count
of it is 2.
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