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Re: st: spatial analysis - DISTANCE
Austin, I've looked over the code you offered and it seems that what
I'm getting is just the xy coordinates rather than what I need.
There's got to be a way, somehow, to have stata return a list of all
the unitids that are within the specified radius. When I run the code
I have, all I get is a return of the unitid on the nearest school to
my 65000 tracts. However, within the rad10 variable, several tracts
have multiple schools within my radius of 10 miles. I need to get all
of these unitids regardless of whether I end up with wide or long
data; I can always reshape later.
Is my question clearer?
Well, any help you or anyone else can give is greatly appreciated. In
the meantime, I'll keep working at it.
David D. Torres
Quoting Austin Nichols <[email protected]>:
David Torres<[email protected]> :
This is in reference to e.g.
I believe.
Note that standard Stata commands like -summarize- and -replace-
inside the loop do all the work of saving characteristics of the
nearest, or k nearest, observations (and whatever else, such as mean
of Z over those with distance less than 10 units). No program like
-vincenty- (on SSC) does that; a -replace- command does it.
-vincenty- does not return "the min, max, mean, or whatever" and it
appears that -globdist- (which I found with -findit-) does only part
of what -vincenty- does (and the -globdist- help file contains the
caveat that "Testing of this program has been limited"). In other
words, add a -replace- to put the result you want in a variable.
Maybe you want something like:
g long rad10=.
g double dist1=.
g id1=""
g xy1=""
merge using univpoints00_0
forv i=1/`np' {
qui vincenty `=latitude[`i']' `=longitude[`i']' sch_lat sch_lon, hav(dis)
g within10=dis<10
su within10, meanonly
qui replace rad10=r(sum) in `i'
su dis, meanonly
qui replace dist1=r(min) in `i'
qui levelsof unitid if dis==dist1[`i'], loc(vs)
foreach v of loc vs {
qui replace id1="`v' "+id1 in `i'
su sch_lat if unitid==`v', meanonly
loc y1=r(mean)
su sch_lon if unitid==`v', meanonly
loc x1=r(mean)
qui replace xy1="(`x1',`y1') "+id1 in `i'
drop dis within10
On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 4:26 PM, David Torres<[email protected]> wrote:
I am trying to calculate multiple distances from one set of xy coordinates
to another
using vincenty. In addition to getting those distances, however, I need to
somehow list
the ids for the xy coordinates used to calculate the distance.
Here is the piece of code I'm working with:
code excerpt:
g long rad10=.
g double dist1=.
g id1=""
merge using univpoints00_0
forv i=1/`np' {
qui vincenty `=latitude[`i']' `=longitude[`i']' sch_lat sch_lon, hav(dis)
g within10=dis<10
su within10, meanonly
qui replace rad10=r(sum) in `i'
su dis, meanonly
qui replace dist1=r(min) in `i'
qui levelsof unitid if dis==dist1[`i'], loc(vs)
foreach v of loc vs {
qui replace id1="`v' "+id1 in `i'
drop dis within10
end excerpt
As you can see, I'm getting a count of all sch_lat and sch_lon coordinates
within a 10
mile radius of the other set of latitude and longitude points. Then I
return only the
minimum distance. Will vincenty allow for returning more than just the min,
max, mean,
or whatever? Or is globdist a better choice for returning multiple
distances and the ids
attached to the point the distance to which is being calculated?
David Torres
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