Hi everyone,
I have a question for you....I have executed this code using the same
data, with 9940 observations, several times:
sort decil rincome
gen double rinc_exp= rincome * facexp
egen double totrinc_exp = total (rinc_exp)
gen double parting_exp= rinc_exp / totrinc_exp
gen double acumparting_exp= sum(parting_exp)
The problem is the last command. Each time I execute it,
“acumparting_exp” changes, this means that the running sum of
“parting_exp” varies for each observation each time I run my do-file.
I don´t know why sum() is different every time. I have tried to change
storage type of variables, drop some observations, but always occurs
the same. Could someone help me, please?
Probably, my question is a little silly, but I don’t understand what
it’s happening and also, this has an effect on other commands and a
bootstrap program I wrote. Besides, I executed these commands with
other variables as expenditures and I didn’t have the problem I
mentioned. Just with incomes, commands return something different
every time.
(Note: rincome and facexp are double (storage type of variables); and
database is always the same.)
I appreciate your help.
Kind regards,
Johanna J.