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Re: st: changing the legend in twoway function

From   Miranda Kim <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: changing the legend in twoway function
Date   Mon, 10 Aug 2009 15:11:36 +0100

Thanks a lot!

Maarten buis wrote:
--- On Mon, 10/8/09, Miranda Kim wrote:
Can anyone help me with this?
I am trying to write a program that plots the functions a +
bx + cx2 (on the same graph), where a, b and c are stored
variables. I want to label the legend with the set of values
a, b and c for each graph.
For example if I have:
a   b   c
1   3   4
2   5   8
then I want to have "a=1, b=3, c=4" and "a=2, b=5, c=8"
assigned to the relevant graph in the legend. How can I do
this? Also , how complicated would it be to control the
colours or line types of the graphs?

Below is how I would do that.
Hope this helps,


inp byte(a   b   c)
1   3   4
2   5   8

program define polysameplot, sortpreserve
   syntax varlist(min=3 max=3 numeric) [if] [in], ///
   [                                              ///
   range(numlist min=2 max=2 ascending)           ///
   LPattern(string)                               ///
   LWidth(string)                                 ///
   LColor(string)                                 ///
* /// ]
   // get a, b, and c
   tokenize `varlist'
   args a b c

   // parse lpattern() option
   local kp : word count `lpattern'
   tokenize `lpattern'
   forvalues i = 1/`kp' {
      local opt`i' "lpattern(``i'')"

   // parse lwidth() option
   local kw : word count `lwidth'
   tokenize `lwidth'
   forvalues i = 1/`kw' {
      local opt`i' "`opt`i'' lwidth(``i'')"

   // parse lcolor() option
   local kc : word count `lcolor'
   tokenize `lcolor'
   forvalues i = 1/`kc' {
      local opt`i' "`opt`i'' lcolor(``i'')"

   // finding which obs to loop over
   marksample touse
   tempvar sort
   qui count if `touse'
   local k = r(N)

   gen byte `sort' = !`touse'
   sort `sort'

   // parse range() option
   if "`range'" == "" {
      local range "-5 5"

   // create the graph command
   local j = 1
   forvalues i = 1/`k' {
       local gr "`gr' function y=`a'[`i']+`b'[`i']*x+`c'[`i']*x^2, range(`range') `opt`i'' ||"
       local leg `"`leg' `j' "`a'=`=`a'[`i']', `b'=`=`b'[`i']', `c'=`=`c'[`i']'" "'
       local j = `j' + 1
   local leg `"legend(order(`leg'))"'

// graph (the local options collects all the other options // as captured by "*" in -syntax-)
   twoway `gr', `leg' `options'


polysameplot a b c in 1/2, lpattern(dash dot)  ///
                           lcolor(red blue)    ///
                           lwidth(vthin thick) ///
                           range(-4 3)         ///
                           xline(0)            ///

Maarten L. Buis
Institut fuer Soziologie
Universitaet Tuebingen
Wilhelmstrasse 36
72074 Tuebingen

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