Statalist archive (ordered by date)
(last updated Wed Sep 30 19:50:02 2009)
- st: Why include leads (in a model with lags)?
- st: RE: Finding controls within 5 years of age of a case
- st: re: one-sided p-value using test x1=x2
- Re: st: RE: stcrreg and Harrell's c index
- st: WG: RE: Identify min and max observations
- Re: st: Markov processes and xttrans
- st: mi estimate and xtmixed: reporting of groups
- AW: st: RE: Looping over values of a string variable to create twoways
- Re: st: re: one-sided p-value using test x1=x2
- st: re: one-sided p-value using test x1=x2
- Re: st: one-sided p-value using test x1=x2
- st: re: serial correlation test in fe model
- st: Markov processes and xttrans
- Re: st: RE: Looping over values of a string variable to create twoways
- Re: st: Looping over values of a string variable to create twoways
- Re: st: Looping over values of a string variable to create twoways
- Re: st: current do file if error message
- st: RE: Looping over values of a string variable to create twoways
- st: New package -rtfutil- on SSC
- Re: st: current do file if error message
- Re: st: RE: one-sided p-value using test x1=x2
- Re: st: Set maximum length of string variables
- Re: st: current do file if error message
- st: RE: Looping over values of a string variable to create twoways
- st: current do file if error message
- Fwd: st: Looping over values of a string variable to create twoways
- st: Looping over values of a string variable to create twoways
- st: Finding controls within 5 years of age of a case
- st: RE: one-sided p-value using test x1=x2
- RE: st: Using Rolling Regression with Panel Data
- st: RE: Support for negative time-format (duration)
- st: Support for negative time-format (duration)
- st: one-sided p-value using test x1=x2
- Fw: R: st: odd results after insample
- AW: st: Using Rolling Regression with Panel Data
- Re: st: unix problem
- Re: st: unix problem
- Re: st: Using Rolling Regression with Panel Data
- st: unix problem
- st: RE: robust Hausman test, xtpcse
- st: RE: Panel and IV
- Re: st: STATA to SAS code conversion for scoring SF-12 mental health assessment
- st: STATA to SAS code conversion for scoring SF-12 mental health assessment
- st: xtcsd and xtgls
- st: serial correlation test in fe model
- RE: st: AW: ksmirnov
- RE: st: Trend, Cycles and Seasonality in Time series
- Re: st: Trend, Cycles and Seasonality in Time series
- RE: st: AW: ksmirnov
- Re: st: metandi error: initial values not feasible
- Re: st: AW: ksmirnov
- st: RE: Overlay connected line onto bar graph
- st: Trend, Cycles and Seasonality in Time series
- RE: st: AW: ksmirnov
- Re: st: Need help for chi-square test with survey command
- Re: st: Need help for chi-square test with survey command
- st: Need help for chi-square test with survey command
- Re: AW: st: RE: How to understand the linear prediction after -heckman-?
- Re: st: RE: Treatment of outcome categories in Ologit
- st: Query re -display request(macmane)-
- Re: st: AW: sample size
- Re: st: AW: Why is the adj. R-squared lower with time FE than with time & firm FE?
- Re: st: RE: Exporting xtsum output?
- AW: st: RE: Exporting xtsum output?
- st: Clarification on the Rolling Regression Question
- st: AW: Why is the adj. R-squared lower with time FE than with time & firm FE?
- st: AW: sample size
- st: New version of -bmjcip- on SSC
- st: sample size
- st: Why is the adj. R-squared lower with time FE than with time & firm FE?
- AW: st: RE: How to understand the linear prediction after -heckman-?
- Re: st: Overlay connected line onto bar graph
- Re: st: Overlay connected line onto bar graph
- st: AW: Overlay connected line onto bar graph
- st: robust Hausman test, xtpcse
- st: Overlay connected line onto bar graph
- Re: st: RE: How to understand the linear prediction after -heckman-?
- Re: Re: st: How to deal with the accruacy of storage type?
- st: Using Rolling Regression with Panel Data
- Re: st: Treatment of outcome categories in Ologit
- st: RE: Treatment of outcome categories in Ologit
- st: Treatment of outcome categories in Ologit
- st: metandi error: initial values not feasible
- st: RE: Exporting xtsum output?
- Re: [Possible Spam]: st: matched observations
- st: matched observations
- st: RE: How to understand the linear prediction after -heckman-?
- st: Exporting xtsum output?
- Re: st: How to deal with the accruacy of storage type?
- st: RE: How to deal with the accruacy of storage type?
- st: RE: How to deal with the accruacy of storage type?
- st: How to deal with the accruacy of storage type?
- st: RE: RE: efficiently creating 1/0 variables from existing string y/n variables
- st: How to understand the linear prediction after -heckman-?
- Re: st: Cragg-Donald F statistic - Weak Indentification
- st: Selection bias or endogeneity with continuous treatment?
- Re: st: Cragg-Donald F statistic - Weak Indentification
- st: RE: Cragg-Donald F statistic - Weak Indentification
- st: Cragg-Donald F statistic - Weak Indentification
- st: AW: Local logit
- RE: st: AW: ksmirnov
- AW: st: AW: ksmirnov
- Re: st: Local logit
- st: AW: Local logit
- st: Local logit
- Re: st: RE: AW: ksmirnov
- Re: st: AW: ksmirnov
- st: RE: AW: ksmirnov
- st: AW: ksmirnov
- st: ksmirnov
- st: AW: RE: RE: Identify min and max observations
- AW: st: RE: efficiently creating 1/0 variables from existing string y/n variables
- RE: st: RE: efficiently creating 1/0 variables from existing string y/n variables
- st: RE: RE: Identify min and max observations
- Re: st: RE: efficiently creating 1/0 variables from existing string y/n variables
- RE: st: logic for changing values for grouped variables
- st: RE: RE: efficiently creating 1/0 variables from existing string y/n variables
- Re: st: logic for changing values for grouped variables
- st: Panel and IV
- st: Esther Philip is out of the office.
- AW: st: Using the metan command for continuous data with regression coefficient estimates
- Re: st: Using the metan command for continuous data with regression coefficient estimates
- st: RE: RE: graphs and version control
- Re: st: ST: mfx output
- st: Re:
- Re: st: interaction in linear regression
- st: RE: efficiently creating 1/0 variables from existing string y/n variables
- st: RE: efficiently creating 1/0 variables from existing string y/n variables
- st: RE: efficiently creating 1/0 variables from existing string y/n variables
- st: efficiently creating 1/0 variables from existing string y/n variables
- Re: st: problem with truncreg
- Re: st: problem with truncreg
- Re: st: Q-test??
- Re: st: Variance of Nonlinear combination of estimators and variables
- Re: st: RE:
- Re: st: Using predict to do forecasting
- Re: st: Non-nested clusters
- Re: st: Non-nested clusters
- RE: st: Variance of Nonlinear combination of estimators and variables
- st: New version of -listtex- on SSC
- st: re: 2sls robust or 3sls?
- st: RE:
- st: RE: heckman for ordinal logit
- st: RE: Using the metan command for continuous data with regression coefficient estimates
- st: RE: ST: mfx output
- st: RE: Identify min and max observations
- [no subject]
- st: heckman for ordinal logit
- Re: st: Converting standard error to standard deviation from meta-analysis
- st: RE: Error in using the xtpmg command
- st: renaming path name in 100 do-files
- st: Using predict to do forecasting
- Re: st: 2sls robust or 3sls?
- Re: st: RE: Capture inside a forvalues loop
- st: Variance of Nonlinear combination of estimators and variables
- Re: st: ST: predict vs predcalc
- st: 3sls or 2sls-robust
- st: Error in using the xtpmg command
- st: logic for changing values for grouped variables
- st: 2sls robust or 3sls?
- st: problem with truncreg
- st: Q-test??
- st: Set maximum length of string variables
- Re: st: RE: Graphing quadratic relationship
- Re: st: question concerning running double hurdle model
- st: Bivariate probit rho
- st: ST: predict vs predcalc
- st: interaction in linear regression
- Re: st: Identify min and max observations
- Re: st: ST: OLS prediction
- st: ST: mfx output
- st: RE: Graphing quadratic relationship
- st: ST: OLS prediction
- Re: st: Non-nested clusters
- st: Identify min and max observations
- st: Identify min and max observations
- st: Converting standard error to standard deviation from meta-analysis
- st: RE: Different p-values in outreg2 and regression output
- st: RE: Different p-values in outreg2 and regression output
- st: Different p-values in outreg2 and regression output
- st: R: AW: R: AW: R: RE: odd results after insample
- st: Non-nested clusters
- Re: st: AW: Loop over regression estimates
- st: AW: Loop over regression estimates
- st: AW: Loop over regression estimates
- st: AW: Loop over regression estimates
- st: Loop over regression estimates
- Re: st: svyset problem 2: using svy with partially complete surveys
- st: AW: R: AW: R: RE: odd results after insample
- Re: st: multiple imputation in Stata 11
- st: AW: R: AW: R: RE: odd results after insample
- st: R: AW: R: RE: odd results after insample
- R: st: Survival analysis: repeated spells
- st: multiple imputation in Stata 11
- st: AW: R: RE: odd results after insample
- st: AW: R: RE: odd results after insample
- st: AW: R: RE: odd results after insample
- Re: st: Survival analysis: repeated spells
- st: R: RE: odd results after insample
- st: RE: odd results after insample
- st: odd results after insample
- Re: st: re: Rank regression
- st: Using the metan command for continuous data with regression coefficient estimates
- Re: st: re: Rank regression
- st: RE: graphs and version control
- st: re: Rank regression
- Re: st: Rank regression
- Re: st: svyset problem 2: using svy with partially complete surveys
- Re: st: Creating post-stratification weights for use in Stata & other software
- Re: st: Survival analysis: repeated spells
- Re: st: RE: RE: RE: Having multiple data files open in Stata 9
- st: RE: Rank regression
- st: Rank regression
- Re: st: Efficient, foolproof calculation of matrix quadratic form with block-diagonal middle matrix? (Mata)
- st: RE: RE: RE: Having multiple data files open in Stata 9
- st: Survival analysis: repeated spells
- st: RE: graphs and version control
- Re: st: re: Efficient, foolproof calculation of matrix quadratic form with
- st: RE: WG: small problem with 'stack' command
- Re: st: svyset problem 2: using svy with partially complete surveys
- Re: st: svyset problem 2: using svy with partially complete surveys
- Re: st: re: Efficient, foolproof calculation of matrix quadratic form with
- Re: st: mata optimize with d2debug
- Re: st: Efficient, foolproof calculation of matrix quadratic form with block-diagonal middle matrix? (Mata)
- Re: st: mata optimize with d2debug
- Re: st: Efficient, foolproof calculation of matrix quadratic form with block-diagonal middle matrix? (Mata)
- st: estout, problem aligning output when adding a column of values
- st: re: Efficient, foolproof calculation of matrix quadratic form with
- st: AW: MIME-Version: 1.0
- st: MIME-Version: 1.0
- st: Efficient, foolproof calculation of matrix quadratic form with block-diagonal middle matrix? (Mata)
- Re: st: mata optimize with d2debug
- st: re: testing across different sub-samples
- AW: st: AW: Number of observations
- Re: st: AW: Number of observations
- Re: st: renaming path name in 100 do-files
- st: AW: Number of observations
- st: Number of observations
- Re: st: truncated poisson regression
- st: truncated poisson regression
- st: WG: small problem with 'stack' command
- Re: st: problem with destring
- st: AW: Re: testing across different sub-samples
- st: Re: testing across different sub-samples
- st: Re: testing across different sub-samples
- Re: st: testing across different sub-samples
- Re: st: AW: renaming path name in 100 do-files
- st: graphs and version control
- st: AW: renaming path name in 100 do-files
- Re: st: RE: identifying spells in panel data
- Re: st: AW: identifying spells in panel data
- st: Re: Contrasts and repeated measures
- Re: st: testing across different sub-samples
- Re: st: svyset problem 2: using svy with partially complete surveys
- RE: st: testing across different sub-samples
- st: mata optimize with d2debug
- Re: st: testing across different sub-samples
- Re: st: renaming path name in 100 do-files
- st: RE: RE: RE: Having multiple data files open in Stata 9
- Re: st: addplot with sunflower (v10.1)
- Re: st: RE: RE: Having multiple data files open in Stata 9
- st: Re: Stata Heckman and Mills ratio
- Re: st: svyset problem 2: using svy with partially complete surveys
- Re: st: renaming path name in 100 do-files
- st: RE: RE: Having multiple data files open in Stata 9
- st: RE: value labels when using factor variables
- st: RE: Having multiple data files open in Stata 9
- st: Having multiple data files open in Stata 9
- Re: st: svyset problem 2: using svy with partially complete surveys
- st: value labels when using factor variables
- st: RE: Capture inside a forvalues loop
- st: RE: Capture inside a forvalues loop
- st: Postgr3,interactions in models with squared terms
- st: Capture inside a forvalues loop
- st: Re: Stata Heckman and Mills ratio
- st: RE: addplot with sunflower (v10.1)
- Re: st: Creating post-stratification weights for use in Stata & other software
- Re: st: renaming path name in 100 do-files
- RE: st: testing across different sub-samples
- RE: st: testing across different sub-samples
- st: addplot with sunflower (v10.1)
- Re: st: testing across different sub-samples
- RE: st: -word()- with non space separator
- RE: st: testing across different sub-samples
- st: RE: truncreg and discontinous likelihood
- Re: st: testing across different sub-samples
- st: AW: AW: Cannot initialize matrix to store summed coefficient estimates
- Re: st: renaming path name in 100 do-files
- Re: st: renaming path name in 100 do-files
- Re: st: hausman like test to test FE model against a model with unrestricted covariances
- st: RE: identifying spells in panel data
- RE: st: RE: AW: problem with destring
- st: AW: AW: Cannot initialize matrix to store summed coefficient estimates
- st: AW: Cannot initialize matrix to store summed coefficient estimates
- st: RE: AW: Cannot initialize matrix to store summed coefficient estimates
- Re: st: renaming path name in 100 do-files
- st: AW: Cannot initialize matrix to store summed coefficient estimates
- Re: st: RE: RE: using xtile and qreg to find the median income for individuals between certain income percentiles
- st: Cannot initialize matrix to store summed coefficient estimates
- Re: st: Creating post-stratification weights for use in Stata & other software
- st: AW: renaming path name in 100 do-files
- Re: st: renaming path name in 100 do-files
- st: renaming path name in 100 do-files
- st: renaming path name in 100 do-files
- st: RE: RE: using xtile and qreg to find the median income for individuals between certain income percentiles
- Re: st: RE: AW: problem with destring
- st: AW: testing across different sub-samples
- st: Fw: testing across different sub-samples
- st: testing across different sub-samples
- st: AW: identifying spells in panel data
- Re: st: svyset problem 2: using svy with partially complete surveys
- st: AW: identifying spells in panel data
- st: identifying spells in panel data
- st: Re: testing across different sub-samples
- st: hausman like test to test FE model against a model with unrestricted covariances
- st: AW: small problem with 'stack' command !
- st: small problem with 'stack' command !
- st: RE: using xtile and qreg to find the median income for individuals between certain income percentiles
- Re: AW: st: AW: programming help---adjust standard error with -cluster- option by two dimensions
- Re: st: svyset problem 2: using svy with partially complete surveys
- Re: st: svyset problem 1
- Re: st: svyset problem 1
- Re: st: -word()- with non space separator
- st: svyset problem 2: using svy with partially complete surveys
- st: svyset problem 1
- st: using xtile and qreg to find the median income for individuals between certain income percentiles
- Re: st: rregfit (Robust Regression)
- st: truncreg and discontinous likelihood
- RE: st: -word()- with non space separator
- RE: st: -word()- with non space separator
- RE: st: -word()- with non space separator
- RE: st: -word()- with non space separator
- Re: AW: st: -word()- with non space separator
- RE: st: -word()- with non space separator
- RE: st: -word()- with non space separator
- RE: st: -word()- with non space separator
- Re: st: -word()- with non space separator
- RE: st: rregfit (Robust Regression)
- st: RE: AW: problem with destring
- st: RE: RE: Correlation of Dummy and Metric Variables?
- RE: st: -word()- with non space separator
- AW: st: -word()- with non space separator
- Re: st: -word()- with non space separator
- Re: st: -word()- with non space separator
- Re: st: -word()- with non space separator
- st: Re: AW: testing across different sub-samples
- st: -word()- with non space separator
- AW: st: rregfit (Robust Regression)
- st: AW: problem with destring
- st: problem with destring
- st: AW: problem with destring
- Re: st: rregfit (Robust Regression)
- st: rregfit (Robust Regression)
- st: About truncreg
- AW: st: Dotplot and bar option
- Re: st: label in -graph bar-
- st: AW: testing across different sub-samples
- st: testing across different sub-samples
- Re: st: Dotplot and bar option
- Re: st: Re: -smcl2ps- page break?
- Re: st: label in -graph bar-
- Re: st: RE: Converting numeric into string using the value labels
- st: RE: Converting numeric into string using the value labels
- st: Re: Converting numeric into string using the value labels
- st: RE: AW: correlation between time-series of panel data
- st: Converting numeric into string using the value labels
- st: AW: correlation between time-series of panel data
- st: correlation between time-series of panel data
- RE: st: Dotplot and bar option
- st: Re: -smcl2ps- page break?
- Re: st: Difference in Difference for Proportions
- Re: st: Dotplot and bar option
- Re: st: label in -graph bar-
- Re: st: label in -graph bar-
- st: label in -graph bar-
- Re: st: Difference in Difference for Proportions
- Re: st: RE: -graph bar- label problem
- RE: st: RE: -graph bar- label problem
- Re: st: RE: -graph bar- label problem
- st: RE: -graph bar- label problem
- st: -graph bar- label problem
- Re: st: Difference in Difference for Proportions
- Re: st: RE: -smcl2ps- page break?
- Re: st: AW: -smcl2ps- page break?
- st: RE: Correlation of Dummy and Metric Variables?
- Re: st: Creating post-stratification weights for use in Stata & other software
- st: RE: -smcl2ps- page break?
- st: AW: -smcl2ps- page break?
- st: -smcl2ps- page break?
- st: AW: Increase max length of string variables
- st: Increase max length of string variables
- Re: st: Creating post-stratification weights for use in Stata & other software
- Re: st: logic for assigning values across an entire group
- st: RE: logic for assigning values across an entire group
- st: RE: logic for assigning values across an entire group
- st: logic for assigning values across an entire group
- st: RE: single line Mata do-while cycle
- st: single line Mata do-while cycle
- st: Overidentification test after cmp command
- st: AW: xtmixed regression lines
- Re: st: AW: why is this graph all over the place?
- st: xtmixed regression lines
- AW: st: AW: why is this graph all over the place?
- Re: st: AW: why is this graph all over the place?
- st: AW: How to import Stata files to MS Access
- st: How to import Stata files to MS Access
- Re: st: Graphing quadratic relationship
- st: RE: AW: Dotplot and bar option
- st: Using the metan command for continuous data with regression coefficient estimates
- RE: st: Graphing quadratic relationship
- AW: st: AW: why is this graph all over the place?
- RE: st: AW: why is this graph all over the place?
- AW: st: AW: why is this graph all over the place?
- RE: st: AW: Correlation of Dummy and Metric Variables?
- RE: st: AW: why is this graph all over the place?
- st: AW: Dotplot and bar option
- st: Dotplot and bar option
- Re: st: AW: why is this graph all over the place?
- Re: st: Creating post-stratification weights for use in Stata & other software
- AW: st: AW: why is this graph all over the place?
- Re: st: AW: why is this graph all over the place?
- AW: st: AW: why is this graph all over the place?
- Re: st: AW: why is this graph all over the place?
- Re: st: AW: How to generate a variable equalling an earliest date of action b y individual?
- AW: st: AW: why is this graph all over the place?
- Re: st: AW: why is this graph all over the place?
- AW: st: AW: why is this graph all over the place?
- Re: st: AW: why is this graph all over the place?
- Re: st: Correlation of Dummy and Metric Variables?
- st: RE: Correlation of Dummy and Metric Variables?
- st: RE: istdtize
- Re: st: Creating post-stratification weights for use in Stata & other software
- st: clogit predict denominator
- st: Creating post-stratification weights for use in Stata & other software
- st: istdtize
- Re: st: Re: HOW to select data with specific criterions from another data set
- st: RE: adjusted counts after xtmepoisson
- st: adjusted counts after xtmepoisson
- Re: st: re: Hansen J with multiple endogenous variables
- AW: st: AW: Correlation of Dummy and Metric Variables?
- st: RE: how do I get a stata matrix into mata?
- st: AW: how do I get a stata matrix into mata?
- Re: st: AW: Correlation of Dummy and Metric Variables?
- st: AW: how do I get a stata matrix into mata?
- st: how do I get a stata matrix into mata?
- st: New version of -addinby- on SSC
- st: re: Hansen J with multiple endogenous variables
- st: AW: Correlation of Dummy and Metric Variables?
- st: Correlation of Dummy and Metric Variables?
- st: Hansen J with multiple endogenous variables
- st: Bug in logit? FALSE ALARM!
- st: AW: Bug in logit?
- st: AW: Bug in logit?
- st: Bug in logit?
- st: heteroskedasticity in system of equations
- Fwd: st: No model significance test result for the 2nd model equation in MLE?
- RE: st: Graphing quadratic relationship
- Re: st: RE: -esttab- runs on Windows but on Unix says "list estimation result do not have e(b) and e(V)"
- st: RE: -esttab- runs on Windows but on Unix says "list estimation result do not have e(b) and e(V)"
- st: -esttab- runs on Windows but on Unix says "list estimation result do not have e(b) and e(V)"
- Re: st: re: How to determine the total effect of two opposed effects?
- Re: st: Fwd: false positives
- st: partial observability biprobit + IV ???
- st: re:
- st: re: How to determine the total effect of two opposed effects?
- st: Fwd: false positives
- st: RE: re: How to determine the total effect of two opposed effects?
- st: re: How to determine the total effect of two opposed effects?
- st: Re: HOW to select data with specific criterions from another data set
- Re: st: AW: Bootstrap and p-values
- Re: st: How to get Odds Ratios rather than Relative Risk Ratios from -mlogit-
- st: How to determine the total effect of two opposed effects?
- st: HOW to select data with specific criterions from another data set
- st: Ologit - standardized coefficients when you have pweights
- st: AW: Bootstrap and p-values
- st: Re: AW: changing the notebook but keeping "not officials" ado´s
- st: AW: How to generate a variable equalling an earliest date of action b y individual?
- st: AW: How to generate a variable equalling an earliest date of action b y individual?
- st: AW: How to generate a variable equalling an earliest date of action b y individual?
- st: How to generate a variable equalling an earliest date of action b y individual?
- st: Graphs and multiple imputation
- st: Bootstrap and p-values
- Re: st: RE: Simulation: return overidentifying statistics
- RE: st: outreg2 and xtmixed?
- st: RE: Simulation: return overidentifying statistics
- st: Re: Ramsey test interpretation
- st: RE: Simulation: return overidentifying statistics
- Re: AW: st: AW: programming help---adjust standard error with -cluster- option by two dimensions
- st: Simulation: return overidentifying statistics
- Re: st: Graphing quadratic relationship
- RE: st: outreg2 and xtmixed?
- Re: st: How to get Odds Ratios rather than Relative Risk Ratios from -mlogit-
- Re: st: outreg2 and xtmixed?
- Re: st: finite mixture models with the EM algorithm
- RE: st: outreg2 and xtmixed?
- st: multiple imputation
- st: outreg2 and xtmixed?
- Re: st: AW: about the command by
- st: AW: about the command by
- st: AW: about the command by
- st: about the command by
- Re: st: Graphing quadratic relationship
- st: Graphing quadratic relationship
- Re: st: How to get Odds Ratios rather than Relative Risk Ratios from -mlogit-
- Re: st: R: question concerning clustering - second try
- st: R: question concerning clustering - second try
- Re: st: How to get Odds Ratios rather than Relative Risk Ratios from -mlogit-
- Re: st: Difference in Difference for Proportions
- Re: st: ST: Ramsey test interpretation
- st: question concerning clustering - second try
- Re: st: AW: ST: Ramsey test interpretation
- st: Re: -areg- question
- st: AW: ST: Ramsey test interpretation
- Re: st: How to get Odds Ratios rather than Relative Risk Ratios from -mlogit-
- st: ST: Ramsey test interpretation
- st: New version of -addinby- on SSC
- st: package -funnelcompar- available on ssc
- st: How to get Odds Ratios rather than Relative Risk Ratios from -mlogit-
- st: Arellano's Hausman-type Test after -xtivreg-
- Re: st: Interpretation of Variace Estimates (xtmixed)
- st: Looking for command to test the significance of differences between parameter estimates in mlogit
- Re: st: -areg- question
- Re: st: AW: Looking for command to test the significance of differences between parameter estimates in mlogit
- Re: st: AW: Looking for command to test the significance of differences between parameter estimates in mlogit
- Re: st: Multiple graphs in .do file
- st: Generalized Forecast error variance decomposition
- Re: st: AW: RE: AW: Count special characters
- AW: st: AW: why is this graph all over the place?
- st: AW: Looking for command to test the significance of differences between parameter estimates in mlogit
- st: Looking for command to test the significance of differences between parameter estimates in mlogit
- RE: st: finite mixture models with the EM algorithm
- st: question concerning clustering
- Re: st: AW: Storing random intercept estimation? (xtmixed?)
- Re: st: -areg- question
- AW: st: AW: programming help---adjust standard error with -cluster- option by two dimensions
- st: AW: Storing random intercept estimation? (xtmixed?)
- Re: st: AW: -areg- question
- Re: st: Difference in Difference for Proportions
- st: MULTIVARIATE PROBIT: how getting the probability of any combination of ones and zero?
- st: AW: Storing random intercept estimation? (xtmixed?)
- st: Storing random intercept estimation? (xtmixed?)
- Re: st: -areg- question
- Re: st: finite mixture models with the EM algorithm
- st: AW: -areg- question
- Re: st: Difference in Difference for Proportions
- st: Difference in Difference for Proportions
- Re: st: finite mixture models with the EM algorithm
- st: Aweight and Stratification
- Re: st: finite mixture models with the EM algorithm
- Re: st: finite mixture models with the EM algorithm
- st: finite mixture models with the EM algorithm
- Re: st: RE: estout & ivreg2: title for first-stage results
- st: -areg- question
- Re: st: AW: why is this graph all over the place?
- AW: st: AW: why is this graph all over the place?
- Re: st: AW: why is this graph all over the place?
- st: AW: Multiple graphs in .do file
- st: Multiple graphs in .do file
- Re: st: AW: programming help---adjust standard error with -cluster- option by two dimensions
- Re: st: areg vs xi reg vs xtreg vs what else?
- st: RE: AW: Dropping observations
- st: AW: Dropping observations
- st: AW: changing the notebook but keeping "not officials" ado´s
- st: changing the notebook but keeping "not officials" ado´s
- st: RE: Dropping observations
- Re: st: areg vs xi reg vs xtreg vs what else?
- st: AW: Dropping observations
- st: Dropping observations
- st: areg vs xi reg vs xtreg vs what else?
- st: RE: Recode - a cautionary tale
- st: AW: RE: AW: Count special characters
- st: RE: AW: Count special characters
- st: AW: why is this graph all over the place?
- st: why is this graph all over the place?
- st: AW: Count special characters
- st: UK SUG meetings 2009
- st: Count special characters
- st: GEE with weights for MAR dropout
- st: AW: programming help---adjust standard error with -cluster- option by two dimensions
- st: programming help---adjust standard error with -cluster- option by two dimensions
- Re: Re: st: endogeneity doubt about simultaneity and omitted variables
- Re: st: AW: "if" statement
- st: RE: estout & ivreg2: title for first-stage results
- st: estout & ivreg2: title for first-stage results
- st: RE: Advice on multiple imputation in Stata
- AW: st: AW: xtserial and xtcsd do not run
- st: RE: "if" statement
- st: RE: "if" statement
- st: AW: "if" statement
- Re: st: "if" statement
- st: "if" statement
- st: re: xtserial and xtcsd do not run
- Re: st: Advice on multiple imputation in Stata
- Re: st: No model significance test result for the 2nd model equation in MLE?
- Re: AW: st: Different Results for the same estimation
- st: RE: Advice on multiple imputation in Stata
- RE: st: AW: xtserial and xtcsd do not run
- RE: st: AW: xtserial and xtcsd do not run
- RE: st: AW: xtserial and xtcsd do not run
- RE: st: AW: xtserial and xtcsd do not run
- st: Advice on multiple imputation in Stata
- Re: st: AW: xtserial and xtcsd do not run
- st: No model significance test result for the 2nd model equation in MLE?
- st: AW: calculating stdp for interpolation/extrapolation
- st: AW: xtserial and xtcsd do not run
- st: xtserial and xtcsd do not run
- Re: st: how to indicate rho, sigma, and lambda in treatreg using estout
- Re: st: generated regressor and GMM
- Re: st: Average Partial Effects after Margeff
- Re: st: AW: logistic regressions including the bootstraps command and weights
- Re: st: AW: logistic regressions including the bootstraps command and weights
- Re: st: Heckman multinomial logit model
- st: AW: logistic regressions including the bootstraps command and weights
- st: logistic regressions including the bootstraps command and weights
- Re: st: Average Partial Effects after Margeff
- Re: st: mmerge - windows vs mac difference or something silly I am doing?
- st: Average Partial Effects after Margeff
- RE: st: truncreg:could not calculate numerical derivatives
- st: AW: writing svy:tabulate confidence intervals to one file for many variables
- st: generated regressor and GMM
- st: truncreg:could not calculate numerical derivatives
- st: AW: AW: generated regressor and GMM
- Re: st: treatreg references
- st: writing svy:tabulate confidence intervals to one file for many variables
- st: AW: generated regressor and GMM
- st: generated regressor and GMM
- AW: st: treatreg references
- Re: st: treatreg references
- st: AW: treatreg references
- Re: st: Marginal effects in Stata 11 (margins vs margeff)
- st: treatreg references
- st: Recode - a cautionary tale
- Re: st: AW: Heckman multinomial logit model
- st: AW: Heckman multinomial logit model
- st: Heckman multinomial logit model
- AW: st: AW: how to indicate rho, sigma, and lambda in treatreg using estout
- Re: st: AW: how to indicate rho, sigma, and lambda in treatreg using estout
- RE: st: RE: sample size estimation for cox model
- st: AW: how to indicate rho, sigma, and lambda in treatreg using estout
- st: mmerge - windows vs mac difference or something silly I am doing?
- st: how to indicate rho, sigma, and lambda in treatreg using estout
- Re: st: RE: sample size estimation for cox model
- st: Marginal effects in Stata 11 (margins vs margeff)
- st: RE: sample size estimation for cox model
- RE: AW: st: Different Results for the same estimation
- RE: AW: st: Different Results for the same estimation
- Re: st: Different Results for the same estimation
- Re: AW: st: Different Results for the same estimation
- st: AW: calculating stdp for interpolation/extrapolation
- Re: AW: st: Different Results for the same estimation
- AW: st: Different Results for the same estimation
- Re: st: Different Results for the same estimation
- st: sample size estimation for cox model
- RE: st: Different Results for the same estimation
- RE: st: Different Results for the same estimation
- Re: st: Different Results for the same estimation
- Re: st: Different Results for the same estimation
- st: Different Results for the same estimation
- [no subject]
- st: AW: calculating stdp for interpolation/extrapolation
- st: calculating stdp for interpolation/extrapolation
- Re: st: Diffrence between sum and tabsum
- st: AW: random effects panel model with heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation
- st: random effects panel model with heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation
- Re: AW: AW: AW: st: AW: Diffrence between sum and tabsum
- AW: AW: AW: st: AW: Diffrence between sum and tabsum
- Re: AW: AW: st: AW: Diffrence between sum and tabsum
- AW: AW: st: AW: Diffrence between sum and tabsum
- Re: AW: st: AW: Diffrence between sum and tabsum
- AW: st: AW: Diffrence between sum and tabsum
- Re: st: AW: Diffrence between sum and tabsum
- Re: st: AW: Diffrence between sum and tabsum
- Re: st: RE: AR(1)- first order autoregressive errors in a mixed model
- st: Stata 10: AR(1)- first order autoregressive errors in a mixed model
- st: AW: Diffrence between sum and tabsum
- Re: st: Longitudinal modelling of a treatment effect
- st: Diffrence between sum and tabsum
- st: Longitudinal modelling of a treatment effect
- AW: st: conditions to use the maximum likelihood function
- Re: st: problems with usersite
- Re: st: conditions to use the maximum likelihood function
- st: Conceptual Question with Permutation Two-Sided vs One-Sided Test
- RE: st: problems with usersite
- AW: st: Grouping markers
- Re: st: Grouping markers
- Re: st: problems with usersite
- st: Grouping markers
- Re: st: ST: Is STATA working?
- st: RE: AR(1)- first order autoregressive errors in a mixed model
- st: AR(1)- first order autoregressive errors in a mixed model
- Re: st: ST: delete duplicate observations
- Re: st: Panel Data dfbeta
- Re: st: conditions to use the maximum likelihood function
- st: Panel Data dfbeta
- st: conditions to use the maximum likelihood function
- st: serial correlation and instrumental variables
- Re: st: Risk tables under the K-M survival curve
- Re: st: Risk tables under the K-M survival curve
- st: AW: Risk tables under the K-M survival curve
- st: AW: marker symbols in dotplot
- st: Reshape question
- st: Risk tables under the K-M survival curve
- st: Forecasting in panel data
- st: marker symbols in dotplot
- Re: st: Reshape question
- st: RE: Reshape question
- st: Reshape question
- Re: st: retain indvar in -regress-
- RE: st: ST: vincenty formula for Africa
- Re: st: ST: vincenty formula for Africa
- Re: st: ST: vincenty formula for Africa
- RE: st: ST: vincenty formula for Africa
- st: RE: Determining dropped variables
- Re: st: AW: How to get rid of duplicate individuals in a dataset?
- Re: st: AW: How to get rid of duplicate individuals in a dataset?
- Re: st: ST: vincenty formula for Africa
- Re: st: ST: vincenty formula for Africa
- RE: st: ST: vincenty formula for Africa
- RE: st: ST: vincenty formula for Africa
- st: ST: vincenty formula for Africa
- st: Determining dropped variables
- st: AW: How to get rid of duplicate individuals in a dataset?
- st: How to get rid of duplicate individuals in a dataset?
- Re: st: ST: Is STATA working?
- Re: st: endogeneity doubt about simultaneity and omitted variables
- Re: st: Reset test
- Re: st: RE: command fro capital letters
- st: RE: command fro capital letters
- st: command fro capital letters
- RE: st: RE: exact command for distance ?
- st: RE: stata graph question
- st: stata graph question
- RE: st: RE: exact command for distance ?
- RE: st: RE: exact command for distance ?
- st: RE: ST: Is STATA working?
- Re: st: combining two variables
- Re: st: combining two variables
- st: RE: ST: delete duplicate observations
- st: RE: ST: Is STATA working?
- st: RE: ST: delete duplicate observations
- st: ST: delete duplicate observations
- st: RE: ST: Is STATA working?
- Re: st: ST: Is STATA working?
- RE: st: RE: exact command for distance ?
- st: ST: Is STATA working?
- st: problems with usersite
- st: endogeneity doubt about simultaneity and omitted variables
- RE: st: Re: St: Re exact command for distance?
- RE: st: RE: exact command for distance ?
- Re: st:merge
- st: AW: ST: create different /distinct identifier for observations
- st: AW: combining two variables
- RE: st: Re: St: Re exact command for distance?
- st: ST: create different /distinct identifier for observations
- Re: st: RE: exact command for distance ?
- Re: st: Difference between times
- Re: st:merge
- st:merge
- Re: st: combining two variables
- Re: st: combining two variables
- Re: st: Help with mathematical operation
- Re: RE: st: Reset test
- Re: st: latex sidewaystable with estout?
- Re: st: latex sidewaystable with estout?
- st: combining two variables
- RE: st: Re: St: Re exact command for distance?
- Re: st: RE: graph export - TIF -
- Re: st: graph export - TIF -
- Re: st: Difference between times
- AW: Rép. : st: RE: Export results after -tabdisp-
- Re: st: RE: Testing for a particular value and replacing in last observation?
- st: AW: Table command limited to 5 Statistics?
- RE: st: RE: exact command for distance ?
- st: RE: Testing for a particular value and replacing in last observation?
- st: RE: stcrreg and Harrell's c index
- Re: st: sheafcoef command
- st: AW: Table command limited to 5 Statistics?
- Re: st: dbetafit does not work
- Re: st: RE: graph export - TIF -
- Re: st: Reset test
- Re: st: latex sidewaystable with estout?
- RE: st: Reset test
- Re: st: Reset test
- Re: st: Re: St: Re exact command for distance?
- st: Re: St: Re exact command for distance?
- st: Reset test
- Re: st: retain indvar in -regress-
- st: Testing for a particular value and replacing in last observation?
- Re: st: RE: exact command for distance ?
- st: Table command limited to 5 Statistics?
- RE: st: RE: exact command for distance ?
- st: Bivariate probit system with continous endogenous regressors
- RE: st: RE: exact command for distance ?
- st: R: sheafcoef command
- Re: st: RE: exact command for distance ?
- st: retain indvar in -regress-
- st: sheafcoef command
- Re: st: graph export - TIF -
- Re: st: Selection model with multinomial selection AND endogenous regressor
- st: R: Hazard rates with left truncation?
- Rép. : st: RE: Export results after -tabdisp-
- Re: st: Selection model with multinomial selection AND endogenous regressor
- st: stcrreg and Harrell's c index
- Re: st: RE: exact command for distance ?
- st: RE: Instrumental variables
- st: Re: Contrasts and repeated measures
- Re: st: Help with mathematical operation
- st: Selection model with multinomial selection AND endogenous regressor
- Re: st: Difference between times
- st: RE: exact command for distance ?
- st: Hazard rates with left truncation?
- st: Instrumental variables
- st: RE: Export results after -tabdisp-
- st: Export results after -tabdisp-
- RE: st: RE: Error Message after "cluster" with "xtabond2"
- Re: st: Difference between times
- st: Difference between times
- Re: st: graph export - TIF -
- Re: st: transformations for highly skewed dependent variable
- Re: st: graph export - TIF -
- RE: st: exact command for distance ?
- Re: st: transformations for highly skewed dependent variable
- st: RE: graph export - TIF -
- Re: st: graph export - TIF -
- Re: st: RE: Error Message after "cluster" with "xtabond2"
- st: Re: Help with stata syntax for creating groups (Panel data)
- st: graph export - TIF -
- Re: st: RE: Creating interaction terms of 30 continuous variables
- Re: st: Help with mathematical operation
- st: latex sidewaystable with estout?
- st: exact command for distance ?
- Re: st: L&F's fitstat command, contradictory results
- Re: st: Help with mathematical operation
- Re: st: Help with mathematical operation
- st: L&F's fitstat command, contradictory results
- Re: st: RE: Creating interaction terms of 30 continuous variables
- Re: st: Help with mathematical operation
- Re: st: Help with mathematical operation
- Re: st: Help with mathematical operation
- Re: st: Help with mathematical operation
- st: Help with mathematical operation
- st: RE: Creating interaction terms of 30 continuous variables
- st: Pairwise correlation of non-continuous variables
- Re: st: Marginal effect for Probit model
- [no subject]
- Re: st: RE: graphing results
- RE: st: 3SLS / Three Stage with heteroscedasticity robust errors
- Re: st: 3SLS / Three Stage with heteroscedasticity robust errors
- st: RE: Marginal effect for Probit model
- st: Marginal effect for Probit model
- Re: st: 3SLS / Three Stage with heteroscedasticity robust errors
- st: RE: System dynamic panel data estimation missing results
- Re: st: RE: graphing results
- st: System dynamic panel data estimation missing results
- Re: st: Re: spliting multiple response variable
- Re: st: Re: spliting multiple response variable
- Re: st: Re: spliting multiple response variable
- st: Re: spliting multiple response variable
- Re: st: 3SLS / Three Stage with heteroscedasticity robust errors
- st: Pairwise correlation of non-continuous variables
- Re: st: mfx after xtlogit
- st: AW: mfx after xtlogit
- Re: st: Weighted Euclidean distances with panel data
- AW: st: 3SLS / Three Stage with heteroscedasticity robust errors
- st: R:R: Was( Help)
- Re: st: Weighted Euclidean distances with panel data
- RE: st: 3SLS / Three Stage with heteroscedasticity robust errors
- RE: st: RE: Error Message after "cluster" with "xtabond2"
- Re: st: 3SLS / Three Stage with heteroscedasticity robust errors
- Re: st: 3SLS / Three Stage with heteroscedasticity robust errors
- Re: st: Creating interaction terms of 30 continuous variables
- st: 3SLS / Three Stage with heteroscedasticity robust errors
- Re: st: RE: Error Message after "cluster" with "xtabond2"
- st: Creating interaction terms of 30 continuous variables
- Re: st: Weighted Euclidean distances with panel data
- Re: st: transformations for highly skewed dependent variable
- Re: st: -foreach-, local macro, -split- command
- st: R: was (Help)
- RE: st: RE: Error Message after "cluster" with "xtabond2"
- st: mfx after xtlogit
- RE: st: RE: RE: RE: RE: distribution curve with svy
- st: Obtaining marginal effects and standard errors for a recursive bivariate probit model
- Re: st: RE: Error Message after "cluster" with "xtabond2"
- st: RE: Error Message after "cluster" with "xtabond2"
- st: Error Message after "cluster" with "xtabond2"
- st: Weighted Euclidean distances with panel data
- RE: st: RE: RE: RE: RE: distribution curve with svy
- Re: st: Using stratified samples in STATA / giving weights
- FW: st: RE: RE: RE: RE: distribution curve with svy
- RE: st: RE: RE: RE: RE: distribution curve with svy
- Re: st: RE: graphing results
- st: transformations for highly skewed dependent variable
- st: Test for independent sample proportions
- st: RE: graphing results
- st: Cluster and xtabond2
- st: graphing results
- RE: st: RE: -foreach-, local macro, -split- command
- RE: st: merge by nearest date
- Re: st: Using stratified samples in STATA / giving weights
- Re: st: dbetafit does not work
- st: dbetafit does not work
- Re: st: merge by nearest date
- Re: st: RE: -foreach-, local macro, -split- command
- RE: st: RE: -foreach-, local macro, -split- command
- RE: st: RE: -foreach-, local macro, -split- command
- RE: st: RE: -foreach-, local macro, -split- command
- Re: st: Using stratified samples in STATA / giving weights
- st: RE: interaction term between categorical and continuous variable in survival analysis
- st: Test for independent suvery sample proportions
- st: interaction term between categorical and continuous variable in survival analysis
- Re: st: RE: -foreach-, local macro, -split- command
- RE: st: RE: -foreach-, local macro, -split- command
- RE: st: RE: -foreach-, local macro, -split- command
- Re: st: RE: -foreach-, local macro, -split- command
- st: RE: -foreach-, local macro, -split- command
- st: RE: -foreach-, local macro, -split- command
- st: -foreach-, local macro, -split- command
- Re: st: round values from stata to excel
- st: Seminars on Stata
- st: round values from stata to excel
- Re: st: RE: RE: RE: RE: distribution curve with svy
- Re: st: merge by nearest date
- Re: st: Connection to Stata.com
- Re: st: merge by nearest date
- RE: st: RE: RE: RE: RE: distribution curve with svy
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: distribution curve with svy
- Re: st: RE: RE: RE: RE: distribution curve with svy
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: distribution curve with svy
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: distribution curve with svy
- st: RE: RE: RE: distribution curve with svy
- st: RE: RE: distribution curve with svy
- RE: st: Outreg2 - file cannot be openend
- st: RE: distribution curve with svy
- st: distribution curve with svy
- st: -ml, dots- ?
- Re: st: Using stratified samples in STATA / giving weights
- Re: st: AW: AW: Creating a variable taking the value of elasticity
- st: merge by nearest date
- Re: st: AW: AW: Creating a variable taking the value of elasticity
- Re: st: AW: AW: Creating a variable taking the value of elasticity
- AW: AW: st: RE: sort on month
- Re: st: RE: Multicollinearity in cox models
- st: RE: Multicollinearity in cox models
- RE: AW: st: RE: sort on month
- RE: st: AW: Creating a variable taking the value of elasticity
- Re: st: AW: AW: Creating a variable taking the value of elasticity
- Re: st: AW: AW: Creating a variable taking the value of elasticity
- Re: AW: st: RE: sort on month
- Re: st: AW: AW: Creating a variable taking the value of elasticity
- AW: st: AW: AW: Creating a variable taking the value of elasticity
- Re: st: AW: AW: Creating a variable taking the value of elasticity
- RE: st: AW: Creating a variable taking the value of elasticity
- Re: st: AW: AW: Creating a variable taking the value of elasticity
- AW: st: AW: Creating a variable taking the value of elasticity
- AW: st: AW: Creating a variable taking the value of elasticity
- st: AW: AW: Creating a variable taking the value of elasticity
- Re: st: AW: Creating a variable taking the value of elasticity
- st: AW: Creating a variable taking the value of elasticity
- RE: st: RE: assigning dates with mutiple events and data split into 3 months interval
- st: AW: Creating a variable taking the value of elasticity
- AW: st: RE: assigning dates with mutiple events and data split into 3 months interval
- RE: st: RE: assigning dates with mutiple events and data split into 3 months interval
- st: Creating a variable taking the value of elasticity
- AW: st: RE: sort on month
- Re: st: RE: sort on month
- RE: st: RE: sort on month
- st: RE: sort on month
- st: sort on month
- st: RE: Re: Emailing: st RE Cappellari and Jenkins code for MSL estimation of a probit model
- st: AW: assigning dates with mutiple events and data split into 3 months interval
- st: RE: assigning dates with mutiple events and data split into 3 months interval
- st: assigning dates with mutiple events and data split into 3 months interval
- st: Re: Emailing: st RE Cappellari and Jenkins code for MSL estimation of a probit model
- st: RE: Nature of the covariate
- st: AW: Connection to Stata.com
- st: RE: Connection to Stata.com
- st: Nature of the covariate
- st: Connection to Stata.com
- st: RE: RE: about 'forvalues' loop
- st: RE: about 'forvalues' loop
- st: AW: about 'forvalues' loop
- st: about 'forvalues' loop
- st: SSC Archive updates
- st: R: How to avoid uncontrolled confounding in Cox regression analysis
- RE: st: changing line colors in Kaplan-Meier graphs
- st: How to avoid uncontrolled confounding in Coxregression analysis
- st: R: Loss of observations with lagged variables in survival analysis
- st: R: Help
- Re: st: changing line colors in Kaplan-Meier graphs
- RE: st: changing line colors in Kaplan-Meier graphs
- Re: st: changing line colors in Kaplan-Meier graphs
- Re: st: Inverse Mills in clustered (multilevel) cross-sectional panel data
- Re: st: problem with shp2dta file
- st: Help
- st: Loss of observations with lagged variables in survival analysis
- Re: AW: RE: st: regression using dummy variables
- st: Inverse Mills in clustered (multilevel) cross-sectional panel data
- st: AW: problem with shp2dta file
- AW: RE: st: regression using dummy variables
- Re: RE: st: regression using dummy variables
- AW: RE: st: regression using dummy variables
- Re: RE: st: regression using dummy variables
- Re: st: bootstrap within the command
- st: problem with shp2dta file
- st: update propcnsreg available from SSC
- st: Out of office
- st: update sheafcoef available
- RE: st: AW: how to plot two lowss graphs in one figure
- Re: st: AW: how to plot two lowss graphs in one figure
- st: AW: how to plot two lowss graphs in one figure
- st: how to plot two lowss graphs in one figure
- st: Out of office
- st: Update to -estwrite- available from SSC
- Re: st: changing line colors in Kaplan-Meier graphs
- RE: RE: RE: st: random date generator
- st: Older *.dta file format information?
- Re: st: bootstrap within the command
- Re: st: bootstrap within the command
- st: RE: Interpreting interactions in logistic
- st: changing line colors in Kaplan-Meier graphs
- st: kappa references
- st: Interpreting interactions in logistic
- st: bootstrap within the command
- Re: st: RE: kappa command: select raters with complete data
- RE: st: Question about the syntax command
- st: Question about the syntax command
- RE: st: Outreg2 - file cannot be openend
- Re: st: Outreg2 - file cannot be openend
- RE: st: Outreg2 - file cannot be openend
- st: Outreg2 - file cannot be openend
- Re: st: RE: harrell C statistics comparison
- Re: st: Count special characters in a cell
- st: New version of -estparm- on SSC
- Re: st: Count special characters in a cell
- st: New version of -parmest- on SSC
- st: Count special characters in a cell
- st: RE: harrell C statistics comparison
- Re: st: RE: correlated data
- Re: st: re: Heckman with both steps probit
- Re: st: bug in -xtmelogit-?
- st: Update to margeff
- st: re: Heckman with both steps probit
- st: Heckman with both steps probit?
- st: Using stratified samples in STATA / giving weights
- RE: st: RE: sum: collapse vs egen
- RE: st: RE: sum: collapse vs egen
- Re: st: RE: sum: collapse vs egen
- RE: st: RE: kappa command: select raters with complete data
- RE: st: RE: kappa command: select raters with complete data
- st: -njc_stuff- updated on SSC
- RE: st: RE: kappa command: select raters with complete data
- RE: st: type mismatch/format var
- st: RE: sum: collapse vs egen
- st: Using stratified samples in STATA / giving weights
- st: RE: Cappellari and Jenkins code for MSL estimation of a probit model for panel data
- st: Cappellari and Jenkins code for MSL estimation of a probit model for panel data
- RE: st: Bivariate probit model
- st: Re: Bootstrapping with xtabond
- st: Multicollinearity in cox models
- RE: st: Bivariate probit model
- RE: st: Bivariate probit model
- st: sum: collapse vs egen
- Re: st: RE: correlated data
- st: Bivariate probit model
- st: Problems with average marginal effects (margeff)
- RE: st: type mismatch/format var
- st: R: type mismatch/format var
- st: type mismatch/format var
- R: st: Re: Re: Estimating a model where the dependent variale is a ratio - Folllow up
- Re: st: RE: kappa command: select raters with complete data
- st: error using mim
- st: svy: subpop (was: Survey design degrees of freedom help)
- Re: st: Quadratic IV?
- Re: st: bug in -xtmelogit-?
- Re: st: simulate
- st: harrell C statistics comparison
- Re: st: simulate
- Re: st: simulate
- Re: st: Re: booststrapping with xtabond
- Re: st: RE: Re: booststrapping with xtabond
- st: bug in -xtmelogit-?
- st: New version of -fvregen- on SSC
- Re: st: 3D surface plot of joint density
- Re: st: Re: Re: Estimating a model where the dependent variale is a ratio - Folllow up
- st: SSC Archive
- st: New package -creplace- on SSC
- st: RE: kappa command: select raters with complete data
- st: kappa command: select raters with complete data
- st: RE: Re: booststrapping with xtabond
- RE: st: RE: Survey design degrees of freedom help
- st: Re: booststrapping with xtabond
- Re: st: RE: simulate
- st: RE: RE: simulate
- Re: st: RE: Survey design degrees of freedom help
- st: RE: simulate
- RE: st: RE: simulate
- RE: st: simulate
- st: SSC Archive activity, August 2009
- Re: st: RE: simulate
- st: RE: simulate
- Re: Re: st: making sure on the graph
- st: R: RE: R: Estimating a model where the dependent variale is a ratio
- st: simulate
- Re: st: Quadratic IV?
- RE: st: Pooled Mean Group Estimator
- st: Pooled Mean Group Estimator
- Fwd: st: left censoring, survival analysis
- RE: Re: st: making sure on the graph
- RE: Re: st: making sure on the graph
- Re: st: RE: Survey design degrees of freedom help
- st: RE: R: Estimating a model where the dependent variale is a ratio
- RE: RE: st: random date generator
- R: R: st: R: reporting time dependent covariates in cox regression
- st: Re: booststrapping with xtabond
- st: booststrapping with xtabond
- Re: RE: st: random date generator
- st: AW: rank biserial correlation
- st: RE: rank biserial correlation
- Re: R: st: R: reporting time dependent covariates in cox regression
- R: st: R: reporting time dependent covariates in cox regression
- Re: st: replace
- st: replace
- st: rank biserial correlation
- Re: st: R: reporting time dependent covariates in cox regression
- st: R: Estimating a model where the dependent variale is a ratio
- Re: st: making sure on the graph
- Re: st: making sure on the graph
- Re: st: Pooled Mean Group Estimator
- st: R: reporting time dependent covariates in cox regression
- st: Pooled Mean Group Estimator
- st: making sure on the graph
- Re: st: RE: Survey design degrees of freedom help
- [no subject]
- st: Re: Re: Estimating a model where the dependent variale is a ratio
- st: Quadratic IV?
- [no subject]
- st: Re: Estimating a model where the dependent variale is a ratio
- st: RE: regression using eform
- st: AW: Estimating a model where the dependent variale is a ratio
- st: reporting time dependent covariates in cox regression
- Re: st: autocorrelation and cross-correlation analysis after pooled OLS-regression
- Re: st: autocorrelation and cross-correlation analysis after pooled OLS-regression
- Re: st: regression using eform
- Re: st: RE: Survey design degrees of freedom help
- Re: st: RE: Survey design degrees of freedom help
- RE: st: RE: Survey design degrees of freedom help
- st: Estimating a model where the dependent variale is a ratio
- st: autocorrelation and cross-correlation analysis after pooled OLS-regression
- Re: st: RE: AW: AW: simulate using lroc
- st: Intel core i7
- st: regression using eform
- st: RE: Survey design degrees of freedom help
- Re: st: RE: Survey design degrees of freedom help
- st: [ssc install] Way of Installing
- st: RE: AW: AW: simulate using lroc
- st: AW: AW: simulate using lroc
- st: RE: replace a varlist to missing values for some observations
- st: RE: Using weights in a graph dot
- st: AW: simulate using lroc
- st: R: Adjusted kaplan Meier Curves
- st: AW: simulate using lroc
- RE: st: regression using dummy variables
- st: RE: Follow Up on LTABLE
- RE: error mesage convention [was: Re: st: Importing data with infile: Identifying records with problems]
- st: Using weights in a graph dot
- RE: error mesage convention [was: Re: st: Importing data with infile: Identifying records with problems]
- st: Adjusted kaplan Meier Curves
- st: simulate using lroc
- st: RE: Repeated posts are not advisable
- st: kwallis2 and adjusted p-values
- RE: st: regression using dummy variables
- RE: st: survival analysis
- st: replace a varlist to missing values for some observations
- Re: st: Follow Up on LTABLE
- st: Follow Up on LTABLE
- st: Survey design degrees of freedom help
- RE: error mesage convention [was: Re: st: Importing data with infile: Identifying records with problems]
- RE: st: random date generator
- Re: st: multiple Stata jobs on Windows
- st: RE: Predict Values, Residual Values, Actual Values: How they related to Change(Differentiated) values
- Re: st: SAS code converted to STATA code - LTABLE for groups
- Re: st: SAS code converted to STATA code
- st: IRF after reg3?
- Re: st: random date generator
- Re: st: multiple Stata jobs on Windows
- Re: st: multiple Stata jobs on Windows
- st: Predict Values, Residual Values, Actual Values: How they related to Change(Differentiated) values
- st: SAS code converted to STATA code
- Re: st: regression using dummy variables
- [no subject]
- RE: st: 3D surface plot of joint density
- st: regression using dummy variables
- st: random date generator
- RE: st: Importing data with infile: Identifying records with problems
- RE: error mesage convention [was: Re: st: Importing data with infile: Identifying records with problems]
- st: left censoring, survival analysis
- Re: st: 3D surface plot of joint density
- st: R: Survival analysis for uncensored data
- st: multiple Stata jobs on Windows
- Re: st: Survival analysis for uncensored data
- st: Survival analysis for uncensored data
- Re: st: Importing data with infile: Identifying records with problems
- Re: error mesage convention [was: Re: st: Importing data with infile: Identifying records with problems]
- RE: st: Outreg2 and Stata 11
- error mesage convention [was: Re: st: Importing data with infile: Identifying records with problems]
- Re: st: Importing data with infile: Identifying records with problems
- Re: st: survival analysis
- st: Outreg2 and Stata 11
- st: Importing data with infile: Identifying records with problems
- Re: st: rowshape of a matrix - stata10-
- Re: st: survival analysis
- Re: st: rowshape of a matrix - stata10-
- Re: st: survival analysis
- st: rowshape of a matrix - stata10-
- st: survival analysis
- Re: st: Distinguishing subclasses in Mata
- Re: st: Using outreg2 in combination with ivreg2? (the living dead)
- st: RE: -svyset-, weights, and NLSY
- st: -svyset-, weights, and NLSY
- st: RE: AW: Comparing between variables
- st: AW: Comparing between variables
- Re: st: Repeated posts are not advisable
- st: Distinguishing subclasses in Mata
- Re: st: 3D surface plot of joint density
- st: Repeated posts are not advisable
- Re: st: Interpretation of Variace Estimates (xtmixed)
- RE: st: Interpretation of Variace Estimates (xtmixed)
- RE: st: 3D surface plot of joint density
- Re: st: Interpretation of Variace Estimates (xtmixed)
- Re: st: 3D surface plot of joint density
- Re: st: Graph Box Color
- st: time updated
- st: Comparing between variables
- RE: st: Using outreg2 in combination with ivreg2? (the living dead)
- st: 3D surface plot of joint density
- [no subject]
- st: R: Fw: Negative binomial regression and Incident rate ratio(IRR)
- Re: st: Using outreg2 in combination with ivreg2?
- st: Using outreg2 in combination with ivreg2?
- RE: st: RE: Negative binomial regression and Incident rate ratio(IRR)
- st: Fw: Negative binomial regression and Incident rate ratio(IRR)
- st: left censoring, survival analysis
- Re: st: Negative binomial regression and Incident rate ratio(IRR)
- Re: st: Survival analysis
- st: AW: IV for mlogit
- st: IV for mlogit
- Re: st: Graph Box Color
- st: Double Selection Process
- Re: st: Graph Box Color
- Re: st: Graph Box Color
- Re: st: Graph Box Color
- RE: st: Survival analysis
- Re: st: margins and interactions
- Re: st: Survival analysis
- Re: st: margins and interactions
- Re: st: Survival analysis
- st: margins and interactions
- Re: st: Survival analysis
- RE: st: Survival analysis
- Re: st: RE: correlated data
- RE: st: correlated data
- Re: st: correlated data
- st: Graph Box Color
- Re: st: xtmixed with vce robust or cluster robust
- st: RE: correlated data
- Re: st: How to choose consistent starting values
- Re: st: How to choose consistent starting values
- Re: st: How to choose consistent starting values
- Re: st: How to choose consistent starting values
- st: RE: correlated data
- st: RE: Negative binomial regression and Incident rate ratio(IRR)
- st: time updated covariates
- st: Negative binomial regression and Incident rate ratio(IRR)
- Re: st: Interpretation of Variace Estimates (xtmixed)
- Re: st: Interpretation of Variace Estimates (xtmixed)
- Re: st: DEA in Stata - where is the package?
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